Eden Energy Medicine March 4, 2016
Acid Reflux? EEM to the Rescue-Part 2
by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)
Last week we learned that when the lower bundle of sphincter muscles where the esophagus ends and the stomach begins does not completely shut, heart burn or acid reflux is experienced. A number of options were suggested and you learned to Free the Diaphragm and trace around the ears to the neck and sternum. Today, by tracing the stomach meridian backwards, the entire digestive system is calmed since stomach controls, with triple warmer, the digestive process.
Stomach receives the food we ingest, decides what nutrients to keep and then transports this energy to Spleen, who converts it to energy (chi) and blood, to nourish the entire system. So, if ST is imbalanced due to the lower sphincter not closing completely, one can’t assimilate nutrients properly—resulting in dis—ease. Stomach imbalances might also include bloating, gastrointestinal pain, nausea, acid reflux, allergies, bags under the eyes; breast issues, digestive issues, fallopian tube issues; hunger frequently, laryngitis; lumps, mouth & lip sores, neck pain, nervous tension, ovary issues, sinus issues, stomach aches, ulcers or weight issues.
be shown to find relief for acid reflux. Tracing backwards calms the meridian by taking energy out of it; thus allowing the entire digestive process to rebalance. The insert depicts the proper way to trace the meridian, which is described below. To trace backwards, you will begin at the 2nd toe and end on the face. If you feel better then trace it backwards 2 more times.
Pathway of Meridian. Do both sides at the same time. Place both hands underneath your eyes, trace down to your jawbone and then circle the outside of your face up to your forehead; bring your hands directly over the middle of your eyes to the collarbone; follow the collarbone outward several inches; now go straight down over your breasts; jog in at the bottom of the ribs straight down to the waist; flair out at the hips and then straight down the front of your legs and off the second toe.
Next week learn the last 2 suggestions from EEM for acid reflux!
Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Acid Reflux an Issue? EEM to the Rescue-Part 3