Activate all 9 Energy Systems in 5 Minutes

You are no doubt asking—what’s with these 5 minutes again? The answer is simple, you have learned the 5 Minute Routine over the last several months and realize the benefits of each exercise individually. However, it is imperative to emphasize that by daily completing the 5 Minute Routine, you are activating each of the 9 energetic systems that form the basis of Eden Energy Medicine (EEM). None of these systems stand alone, but are integrally connected providing invaluable support to your health and well-being. This interconnectedness is what enables a person to reduce pain, feel invigorated, find balance, diminish achy joints and enhance well-being. Thus, the next 2 Columns will briefly introduce the 9 systems and define each. As the months go buy, more information will be provided about each.

Meridians—defined energetic pathways serving as the body’s bloodstream. The 14 meridians are each associated with a named organ. Access to the energy of organs is provided on the surface of the skin as well as deep channels feeding energy to organs, muscles and cells.

Chakras—located from the pelvic floor to the top of the head, these 7 swirling balls of energy bathe and fuel the organs within close proximity. Governing the endocrine system, they encode and process physical, emotional, spiritual and mental experiences. Each has 7 layers, existing deep in our bodies and reaching out to touch our auric field.

Aura—like the chakras, there are 7 layers to our aura, the first very close to the body and the others reaching out into the world. These layers act as antenna pulling into our systems beneficial energy that we need to exist, while at the same time protecting and filtering toxic and disruptive energies from the environment. While enveloping the body, the aura processes nutrients like sunlight for your well-being and integrates the magnetic field of the Earth to your own energy.

Radiant Circuits—believed to be the precursor to meridians; they have circuits which can be activated to create the “joy juice” of being, thus creating positive feelings. These subtle energies support all other systems, moving instantly to where they may be needed for healing within the body or in the field. I think of them as twinkly little stars that sprinkle joy wherever they are called to assist.

Triple Warmer—serves in dual roles: as a meridian and as a Radiant Circuit. It is the warrior of our body, governing the immune system; our fight/flight/freeze response; and our survival mechanism. Acting as a meridian, we may access its energy through its defined pathway just like the other meridians. As a Radiant Circuit, TW is very powerful, taking energy from all other meridians (except heart) if their energy is necessary to maintain the body’s habits. Frequently these habits aren’t healthy, i.e. a person has cancer or heart disease and operates in a physically improper way; which necessitates activating the person’s habit fields to shift them from the harmful automatic response that has developed.

Next week we will review the remaining 4 energetic systems.

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Activate all 9 Energy Systems-Part 2!”

* If you have a question for Karen, email her at Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.

Posted in 5 Minute Routine.