Activate all 9 Energy Systems in 5 Minutes-Part 2

Last week we reviewed 5 of the 9 Energy Systems recognized by Eden Energy Medicine (EEM). Today’s Column will review the remaining 4. All these systems are interconnected in a complex multi-layered structure. Many of the systems will be new to you. Some, like meridians (which are used with acupuncture) are more widely known. Each however has its own healing properties, which when combined with the other systems, create an intricate web of subtle movement that is dynamic and powerful. Last week Meridians, Radiant Circuits, the Aura, Chakras and Triple Warmer were addressed.

Celtic Weave—think of this system as a web that crisscrosses throughout and around your body, from your DNA (a double helix—figure 8) to the auric field. It is the container of your body’s energies enabling a complex method of communicating between all systems. Weaving figure 8’s is one of the most powerful techniques to stabilize any energetic shifts you have made. If in pain, figure 8 the area and bingo, healing starts.

The Five Rhythms—based on Chinese medicine, these pulses correspond with the rhythmic movement of life influencing all of life and its cycles. There are 5 Rhythms, each closely associated with the vibration of two or more meridians. Also referenced as elements, they are known as Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal. If one or more Rhythms are disconnected, there will be dis-ease. By assessing a person’s rhythms with energy testing, physical health, emotional and behavioral challenges may be shifted. For example, if you have heart palpitations, there may be a disconnect between Fire (which contains the heart meridian) and Water rhythm. By repairing the connection, the palpitations diminish.

The Electrics—directly affected by the nervous system and heart. This system runs through all the others since electrical impulses exist from a molecular/cellular structure from deep in our bodies out into our auric field. Access to this system is made by holding designated points on the body to shift the subtle electrical flows. A deep electrics session may be done after surgery or trauma to reset the system.

The Basic Grid—the foundation of all the energy systems which supports the bones and provides the framework to support all the body’s energy systems, holding them together. It is our chassis, and reminds me of a mesh screen. If there is a tear in the screen the entire screen is weakened and will continue to unravel, allowing insects to enter. If there is a “tear” in the Basic Grid, a person can’t completely heal either physically or emotionally.

Now that you are familiar with the concepts of the 9 systems, we will explore how they impact us and how we may shift our patterns to enhance and optimize our vitality and health.

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Clear Etheric Sludge-Connect Heaven &Earth!”

* If you have a question for Karen, email her at Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.

Posted in 5 Minute Routine.