Find Clarity, Concentration and Focus with Wayne Cook Posture

Is there a time of day when you feel “droopy” or unfocused, but you really need to be alert and mentally present? Although tapping your K 27 points helps get the meridians moving forward providing increased stamina, there are times when the meridian energy is chaotic and literally scrambled. This is the time to use the Wayne Cook Posture (part of the 5 Minute Routine), which dissipates the feeling of being overwhelmed or hysterical; provides clarity if you need to concentrate, confront someone or find balance after a confrontation by someone. Clues that your energy is scrambled include not recalling what you were doing; losing your words when talking; confusing right and left; reversing letters or numbers; or you keep reading the same paragraph over and over.

Originally developed by Wayne Cook to address stuttering and dyslexia, this technique has proven so effective in connecting the energy circuitry between the forebrain and the reptilian back brain, that it is now used to harmonize the energy throughout the body. Energies may be scrambled due to prolonged stress preventing the nervous system from getting rest to begin rebuilding or from a defense mechanism forcing you to stop and regroup. Whatever the reason, the result is the same—an inability to assimilate and store new information due to the energy disconnect between the brain and the body’s energies. The technique is easy:

Step 1. Sit with your spine straight. Place the left foot over the right knee. Hold the left ankle with the right hand the ant bottom of your left foot with your left hand.

Step 2. Breathe in slowly through the nose while stretching your leg in toward you. Exhale through the mouth while relaxing the body. Repeat at least 4 times.

Step 3. Switch by placing your right foot over the left knee, etc. and repeat the process.

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Step 4. Uncross the legs and place all fingertips and thumbs of both hands together creating a ”steeple”, resting the thumbs above the bridge of the nose. Breathe slowing in through nose and out through mouth 3 times. On the exhale, place fingers in middle of forehead, push in and pull fingers to the temples. Return hands to original position (this posture harmonizes energy between head & body).

Upon completion of the exercise, you will feel calm; be able to change your focus to see another perspective; think more clearly and learn more efficiently. Use it before doing any presentation or activity requiring intense focus: as a teacher, musician, artist, CEO, lawyer, doctor or long distance truck driver—it works!

Have fun with your energy! Send me your questions. Next week’s topic is “Find Inspiration and Sharpen Memory with The Crown Pull!”

* If you have a question for Karen, email her at Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.

Taking on Other’s “Stuff”? – Let’s “ZIP-UP”!

Have you walked into a party, train, plane, seminar, family reunion or other event and immediately felt the energy of others? While talking with a person who is angry or upset, do you feel their negative attitude deflating you and begin to feel vulnerable and sad? If you have had these experiences, your Central Meridian needs to be closed. Central Meridian begins at the pubic bone and ends behind the bottom lip. It is one of 2 meridians that surround your core and keep you strong energetically. The Governing meridian begins at the base of your tail bone, runs up the back, over the head and ends behind the top lip.

Because the Central Meridian is strongly affected by your own thoughts and feelings, it is very responsive to self-hypnosis or hypnosis. Thus when Zipping-Up, it is the perfect time to use positive affirmations. The power of closing this meridian and its impact is profound. At an ABWA presentation I did recently, I asked for 2 women volunteers who absorbed others’ energies and “stuff”. When the audience was asked to direct positive thoughts to the women, their Central meridian tested strong. When the audience was asked to direct negative thoughts, the meridian tested weak. It is that responsive! By teaching the women to mentally Zip-up (without using their hands at all), they stayed energetically strong even when the audience directed negative thoughts.

Zipping-up is part of the 5 Minute Routine, but can be done anytime. Use it if you are feeling vulnerable to the energy from others; need a boost of confidence; or need to think more clearly.

Learning to Zip-up is easy.

Step 1. Place a hand at the bottom of Central meridian—at the pubic bone.

Step 2. As you take a deep breath, move your hands slowly and with deliberate intention, up the center of your body to briefly touch your lower lip.

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Step 3. Continue moving your hands past your lower lip and exuberantly raising them toward the sky, then circling your arms back down to the pelvis.

Step 4. Repeat 3 times or Zip-up as many times as it feels good.

Step 5. On the final time, “turn the imaginary key” at the lower lip to “lock in” the Zip-up!

Here are some bonus suggestions. As you are doing the exercise, state an affirmation like “I am clear, centered and secure.” Trace the meridian mentally without using your hands. Protect your back from others’ energy by using a hand starting at the base of the sacrum, up the center of your back, over the head and ending at the top lip. Lock the energy in at the top lip with the imaginary key. Now the entire core is strong and less vulnerable to undue influences.

Have fun with your energy! Send me your questions. Next week’s topic is “Unscramble your energies with the Wayne Cook Posture”

* If you have a question for Karen, email her at Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.

Feeling Disconnected or Faint?—Let’s Hook-up!

Are there times when you feel disconnected from yourself or others; feel spacey, dizzy or faint; have a feeling of “losing it”; have a need for calmness; just experienced a sudden shock or change in your system; or perhaps feel un-coordinated? If so, try the exercise “Hook-up”! It is part of the 5 Minute Routine. There are 2 meridians (defined energetic pathways) that circle our core, one called the Central Meridian, which begins at the pelvic area, runs up the front of the body ending deep in the throat at the level of the bottom lip; and the second called Governing Meridian, which begins at the base of your tailbone, runs up the spine, over the head, ending deep in the back of your throat in line with the top lip. These 2 meridians act as an “energetic casing” bridging the energies between front and back, head and torso, and send energy to all the other energetic systems of the body. Thus, when you connect the 2, you are literally creating an immediate neurological boost and “centering” yourself. Central and Governing meridians have dual roles, also serving as Radiant Circuits (an energetic system with very subtle energy flows that enhance all other energy systems; are highly responsive to our thoughts; and serve as our “joy juice” of life. By activating this system, feelings of joy, gratitude and peace are increased).

As you begin working with your energies, some techniques will have greater impact than others, but in combination, the energy fields will be strengthened and balanced resulting in greater stamina, vitality and overall health. There is no limit to the amount of times to do an exercise, so do it as often as a need it felt!

Learning the “Hook-up” technique is easy. Place the middle finger of one hand on the “third eye” (between the eyebrows and bridge of the nose) and the middle finger of the other hand in your navel. Press both middle fingers into the skin and gently pull upwards, holding up to 30 seconds (or longer if it feels good). If you experience a yawn, sigh and take a deep breath you know your energies just CONNECTED! Another method to “Hook-up” which helps to balance hormones (a quick remedy when you are feeling overwhelmed) is to hold the “third eye” point and the power point at the base of your skull (bend your neck back slightly, place your middle finger in the recessed space at the center base of the skull). Hold up to 30 seconds.

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Have fun with your energy! Send me your questions. Next week’s topic is “Taking on Others’ “Stuff”?—Let’s “Zip-up”!

* If you have a question for Karen, email her at Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.

Sore, Achy Joints, or Arthritis?—Try this Connection

Have you wondered what creates the dis—ease in your joints making it so very uncomfortable to bend or move them? A fundamental principle of energy medicine is that if energy is not able to move, is stuck and thus not dynamic or is just like sludge; then an energetic blockage has been created resulting in dis—ease! Since most of us collect too much energy, which needs to be expelled, performing an exercise that releases the energy will provide immediate relief. Connecting Heaven and Earth, part of the 5 Minute Routine is just that exercise. It is a powerful stretch bringing fresh oxygen to the cells while at the same time releasing that clogged energy. By stretching the torso, the Spleen meridian is activated, which plays a vital role in our immune functioning and overall vitality. Use this exercise to clear stale energy, making space for fresh new energy to enter.

When is it especially beneficial to do the Connecting Heaven and Earth exercise? Of course you should do this daily as part of the Routine, but use it more if feeling achy or sore in your joints; feeling disconnected; feeling as if you have taken on other people’s energies; have a sense of a cold or flu taking hold; feeling sad or in need of emotional bolstering; or if a conflict between your heart and mind exists.

Connecting Heaven and Earth Technique:

• Step 1. Place your hands on the thighs, fingers spread. Envision pulling energy from the Earth into your thighs to meet your hands.

• Step 2. Inhale through the nose while bringing your arms in a circle to meet at your heart center in prayer position. Exhale through the mouth.

• Step 3. Inhaling through the nose, stretch one arm up and the other arm down with palms facing the heavens and the Earth. Stretch fully on the side with the arm that is above, feeling the stretch along the entire side of the body. Exhale through the mouth and return the hands to prayer position. Switch arms and repeat. Do this two more times for each arm.

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• Step 4. Return your arms to your sides, bend at the waist, bend the knees slightly and figure 8 your feet while taking 2 deep breaths.

• Step 5. As you rise from the bent position, roll the energy up your body with your hands, starting at the feet and rolling it all the way over your head. Bring your arms back to your thighs.

You have now opened meridians, expelled toxic energies, stimulated fresh energies to move into your joints and feel better!

Have fun with your energy! Send me your questions. Next week’s topic is “Feeling Disconnected or Faint?—Let’s Hook-up!

* If you have a question for Karen, email her at Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.

Thumping Spleen Activates Lymph System

Spleen thumping is the 3rd thump in the 5 Minute Routine. In prior columns, the other 2 thumps-Thymus and K-27 thump, were discussed. Together these 3 thumps jump start your energetic systems to maximize vitality. Stimulating the spleen points activates your lymph system which is essential to the body’s ability to metabolize energies, substances and even thoughts. The spleen meridian supports health and immune functioning; and it governs inflammation, infection and blood flow. Actually, there are 2 sets of points that may be thumped: the 1st set of spleen Neurolymphatic points are located under the nipples in the indent that is one rib below the “bra line” (rubbing these points removes toxins from the lymph directly associated with the spleen meridian- and since the lymph system has no “pump”, briskly rubbing is extremely beneficial); and the 2nd set are the endpoints of the spleen meridian, found at the side of the ribcage at the base of the ribs and about 4 inches down from the armpits. By thumping either set of points, which are frequently tender, the energy level is lifted; blood sugar is balanced and the immune system is boosted.

When is it especially beneficial to thump Spleen? There are many indications that the spleen energy needs a boost e.g.: feeling confused, emotionally upset or irritable; feeling dizzy or faint; nauseated from hunger; suffering from diabetes or hypoglycemia (i.e. blood chemistry imbalance); have a fever; suffer from chronic fatigue or other illness; going through PMS; or suffering from an autoimmune disease.

The Spleen Thump technique is easy. Tap, thump or rub either set of points on both sides of the body at the same time for 15 – 20 seconds while breathing deeply in through your nose and out through your mouth. As you are tapping, a big sigh or yawn frequently follows as the energy of spleen is boosted, leaving an immediate feeling of enhanced energy. Tap or thump to music and it becomes even more fun—swing those hips to the beat!!!

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Have fun with your energy! Send me your questions. Next week’s topic is “Sore, Achy Joints, or Arthritis?–Try this Connection.

* If you have a question for Karen, email her at Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.

Kidney 27— Thump to Jump

Last week we reviewed Thymus Thump, one of the 3 daily thumps that are part of the 5 Minute Energy Routine. Today’s topic, Kidney 27(K-27) Thump to Jump, assists in creating strength and vitality for all 9 energetic systems. Some of the energetic systems you may have heard referenced are:

The Meridians: energy pathways serving the “blood stream” of our energetic system. Each meridian runs on the surface of the skin, but also deep inside the body bringing energy to the organ for which it is named, impacting us physically and emotionally.

The 5 Rhythms: reflect the rhythmic pulse of life—providing a framework to view chronic health issues, personality characteristics and emotional patterns.

Chakras: spiraling disks that store and process the body’s energies, providing fuel for all organs and systems of the body. Together with meridians, they govern the endocrine system.

Aura: surrounds the body with 7 nested fields and 7 concentric bands connecting us to and protecting us from the environment. They act as our antenna.


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 The K-27 acupressure point is the end point on your Kidney meridian (the beginning point is on the bottom of your foot in the soft spot behind the ball of your foot). In Chinese Medicine, the Kidney meridian is believed to conduct the vital energy from the earth through the meridian for distribution to other meridians. To locate the K-27 points, place your fingers on the collarbone, move them inward toward the U-shaped notch on top of the breastbone, and slide your fingers down about an inch to locate the points. Insert picture here-it is attached in email.

What benefit is received from Thumping K-27? Because the K-27 points interact with all of the nine energy systems and our hands are electromagnetically activated, all energetic systems are literally “jump started” by tapping these points.

The Thump to Jump Technique is easy. Use several fingers or knuckles to tap or thump the K-27 points vigorously for 15 -20 seconds on both sides of the body (at the location as shown in the picture). Do this daily as part of the 5 Minute Routine or whenever you need an energetic boost!

Have fun with your energy! Send me your questions. Next week’s topic will be Thumping Spleen Activates Lymph System.

* If you have a question for Karen, email her at Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.

Energy Medicine: Thump Thymus to Boost Your Immune System

Objective: Learn Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) simple techniques to enhance your vitality.

General Questions which benefit many readers: Email Karen at


The 5 Minute Routine is the foundation of Eden Energy Medicine that develops a strong energetic core, leaving one feeling invigorated. One exercise in the 5 Minute Routine is called “The Three Thumps”. Engaging the body’s energies by thumping at 3 different locations gets energies moving forward; boosts and restores energetic balances; increases strength and vitality; and strengthens the immune system by stimulating the energy in your thymus gland (directly linked to your Immune System and the production of T-cells), your spleen meridian (metabolizes everything that goes through your body) and your Kidney 27 acupressure point (the end point on your Kidney Meridian). Today we will learn the Thymus thump.

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What benefit is received by thumping the thymus? The thymus gland, located behind the center of your sternum, makes T-cells, which are part of the immune system. The gland helps protect you when you are under stress and it seeks to eliminate the hormonal residue that is created by stress. Do you remember the guerilla in the Tarzan movie (and of course Tarzan himself) as he thumped his chest? That behavior is used by mammals to intuitively strengthen their immune system and the harder the thump the more benefit and boost the immune system receives. So we are borrowing this innate behavior observed in guerillas to benefit ourselves.

Technique: THUMPING THYMUS is Easy: Use your fingers or knuckles and vigorously thump the center of your sternum for 15 -20 seconds. Enjoy the boost! Play some music, dance and move to the thumping. If there is concern with auto-immune disease, heart issues or reluctance to thump on the body directly, then thump in your field directly in front of the sternum and receive positive benefit this way. Do it daily, but thump more if you are feeling low on energy, feel tired, want to relieve stress, or just feel the need for strength and vitality. I remind clients to thump their thymus regularly and frequently (you can never thump too much) when they feel a cold or illness coming on. Thumping is especially helpful when flying in airplanes since it activates your immune system. Thumping at airports has resulted in comical situations. While going through security in San Diego, a guard asked me what I was doing. When I explained I was making sure my energy was crossed and thumping to boost my immune system, she asked if I could show her—so I did! My colleague was laughing when she saw me doing the Cross Crawl and thumping with security guards in the middle of the Airport—it just shows that energy work is FUN, UNIVERSAL AND BENEFICIAL!

Have Fun with your energy! Send me your questions. Next week’s Topic will be THE SPLEEN THUM AND THE K27 THUMP.

Caveat: EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.

Energy Medicine: Alleviate a Chronic Headache

Objective: Learn Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) simple techniques to enhance your vitality.

General Questions which benefit many readers: Email Karen at


Headache is defined in WordNet English dictionary as a noun that is: “1. Pain in the head caused by dilation of cerebral arteries or muscle contractions or a reaction[to] drugs 2. Something or someone that causes anxiety; a source of unhappiness..“

From an Energy Medicine perspective, energy wants to move and needs space. If compressed or pressed (i.e. dilation of arteries or muscle contraction), energy surrounding the arteries or muscles can’t dynamically flow. Remember the soft spot on a baby’s head and the sutures that must knit together to provide solid bone structure for protection of the brain? These same sutures remain present in our skull as adults. It is noted in “In adult life the main function of sutures is to distribute impact force evenly around the skull. The collagen present in the interfacial layer coupled with the jagged interlocking joints distributes impact force evenly across the entire length of the sutures and connecting bone…….”

Thus, trapped energy is moved out of the head at the suture points since they are not solid bone, but are interlocking joints. Using the structure of the body enables it to heal itself through simple technique. The following EM exercise works for chronic headaches and takes about 2 minutes to complete:


Step 1. As you tilt your head to the right, place your right palm against the right side of your head, over the suture line. While taking a deep breath and holding it, push you head and your hand against each other.

Step 2. As you slowly release your breath, remove your hand and stretch your head toward your right shoulder. Repeat Step 1 and 2 two times

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Step 3. Switch to your left side and follow Steps 1 and 2 for 3 turns.

Step 4. With your head positioned straight over your spine, place the pads of all eight fingers on the boney structure at the back of your head right at the base of the skull. As you take a deep breath, push your fingers and head toward each other.

Step 5. As you slowly release your breath open your jaw as you drop your hands to your lap. Take a deep breath in through your mouth; jut your bottom jaw forward while pulling it to meet your upper jaw. Release the breath, open your mouth and let the jaw relax

Step 6. Repeat Step 5, but as you release the breath, let your head fall forward toward your chest.

Step 7. On an in breath, place your palms against your forehead as you push them into the forehead in an upward motion, while you push your head down toward your chest. On an out breath, release palms while head continues to drop farther toward chest. Do 2 more times. On the 3rd round, on the out breath, lock your fingers behind your head and use your elbows to slowly gently pull your head downward.

Feel better already? This is one exercise for a chronic headache. Other techniques to address allergy headaches or tension headaches, or sinus headaches are available.

Have Fun with your energy! Send me your questions. Next week’s Topic is BOOSTING YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM!

Caveat: EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.

Eden Energy Medicine: Double Your Energy Instantly

Objective: Learn Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) simple techniques to enhance your vitality.

General Questions which benefit many readers: Email Karen at


Did you ever wonder why a baby learns so much more quickly after he/she begins to crawl? The answer is simple: because their energies begin to cross over. Since the right side of your brain controls the left side of your body and vice versa, the motion of crawling creates a cross over pattern intended to stay with us throughout our lives. Why? If energy is not crossing, than energy is flowing vertically, a condition in EEM known as homolateral —resulting in access to only 50% of your energetic flow. By crossing energies, you regain 100% of your energy!

As humans evolved the majority of time was spent outside in nature, enabling electromagnetic forces from the earth to enter our bodies through a point on the bottom of our foot known as Kidney 1 point, the beginning of our Kidney meridian; thus resulting in energy flowing across our bodies. As cultures evolved, close proximity to nature diminished reflected in our environment today— shoes with synthetic soles blocking the K 1 point; living in high rise buildings surrounded by electromagnetic frequencies; holding cell-phones; using computers and microwaves and being isolated from nature all of which caused our energy to flow vertically. For example, experiencing pain on one side and not the other is usually an indication of homolateral patterning.

The exercise of CROSS CRAWL (part of the 5 Minute Routine) restores crossing the body’s energy and only takes 1 minute a day. Learn the exercise quickly as follows:

1. Assume Homolateral. We assume a homolateral energy pattern since each of you can’t be checked.

Step One: Stand and begin marching in place, lifting the right arm with the right leg and then the left arm with the left leg while breathing deeply. Do 12 times

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Step Two: While standing, swing the right arm to touch the left leg simultaneously and then swing your left arm to touch the right leg simultaneously while breathing deeply. Do 12 times

Step Three: Do Step One again followed by Step Two again. Repeat this pattern a total of three times.

Step Four: After the 3 sets of homolateral followed by cross-over patterning do an additional 24 to 36 Cross over patterns (The Step Two protocol).


If you do the cross over patterning each day for 1 minute, your energy should stay crossed and you will feel much better!

2. Adaptation if you can’t stand and march. You may adapt this exercise to sitting or lying. If sitting, just touch the same sides of your body with your hand and leg, lifting your leg off the floor is possible, then followed by crossing your right arm to left leg etc. If lying down, the same applies.

Have Fun with your energy. Send me your questions. Next week’s Topic will be CHRONIC HEADACHES.

Caveat: EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.

The Principles of Eden Energy Medicine (EEM)

Objective: Learn Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) simple techniques to enhance your vitality.

General Questions which benefit many readers: Email Karen at

What is Energy Medicine (EEM)? EEM is the process of balancing our body’s 9 energy systems for health and healing by working with our energy as a vital living force that forms the foundation of well-being. By activating and restoring natural healing energies within these 9 systems that may be weak, blocked, disturbed or out of balance, the body heals. You become the healer and the movement of energy is the medicine. This process combines ancient practices with contemporary scientific understanding, enabling application to physical or emotional issues; thus promoting joyful living and wellness.

Information in these columns is based on Donna Eden’s first book Energy Medicine now available in 20 languages. It is recognized as a book of the year by US. Book News, in the self-help category. Donna comments on energy medicine “We are required today to live in a conscious partnership with our body’s energy systems if we are to thrive. And it is easier than you might imagine to learn how to mobilize inner forces that enhance your health, empower your mind, and brighten your spirit.

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Our subtle energy systems have defined pathways, just like our nervous system or our circulation system. The experiences of pain, fatigue, congestion, headaches, arthritis, insomnia or imbalance reflects stale energy. By learning to move energy, space is created and relief from symptoms begins. Energy crosses over in our bodies in figure 8 patterns (just like your DNA-a double helix); it requires space to move; it is dynamic and ever changing; it is electromagnetic (the magnetic pull of the earth keeps us grounded on earth); each cell has its own north south polarity (if polarity becomes irregular one will likely experience discomfort, pain or illness); and energy wants the body to heal and be in optimum balance (it is self-regulating). If given the correct road map, healing and vitality begins to be restored.

The foundation of EEM is a set of exercises that activates the 9 systems. This set of exercises is the 5 Minute Routine, which assists the body in achieving a state of wellness that is in balance with our energetic systems. One of these exercises is known as the Cross-Crawl which you will learn about NEXT WEEK!

Caveat: EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions