Create Immune Resilience with Thymus as the HUB

Eden Energy Medicine                                  January 6, 2017

Create Immune Resilience with Thymus as the HUB

by Karen L. Semmelman, EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                At the beginning of the New Year, it seemed appropriate to focus on our immune system, especially after the holidays, when we can “get back to normal”, but many of us are dragging. It is a great time to begin thumping the picture-of-thymusthymus to boost immune health. Did you know that the tiny Thymus Gland, although part of the endocrine systems, is a major player in our immune system function, health and interconnectedness to other systems? The thymus serves a vital role in the training and development of T-lymphocytes or T cells, an extremely important type of white blood cell. Located behind your sternum and between your lungs, the Thymus gland produces the hormone Thymosin, which stimulates the development of disease-fighting T cells.

The immune system protects the body from foreign substances, cells, tissues, (such as viruses, bacteria, parasites) by producing an immune response to surround, attack, attach and eliminate pathogens or to prevent their growth. Thymus, spleen and lymph nodes are key players. Thymus is crucial since it provides the environment where T cells are developed and trained to locate different antigens. The T cells obtain a specific molecule in the thymus allowing them to find the antigens, bond to and kill them, and then remove them from the body.donna-thumping-thymus

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Over the next few weeks, there will be discussion of thumping the thymus while connecting to other locations or systems, including the spleen, the electrical system, the “gut” via the navel and the hippocampus (part of the limbic system). By making these connections, the entire body is building resiliency to dis-ease and boosting the immune function. These connections will be reviewed enabling you to understand and use all of them quickly and efficiently to optimize your health! Credit for creating the concept of these connections goes to Melanie Smith, an EEM practitioner, who just taught a course on Immunology and energy medicine!


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is Create Immune Resilience with Thymus Hub to Electrics”

Figure 8’s Around Eyes to Release Trauma

Eden Energy Medicine                                  December 30, 2016

Figure 8’s Around Eyes to Release Trauma

by Karen L. Semmelman, EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                Earlier this month we explored the benefits of using Figure 8’s around the eyes to address PTSD issues for veterans, enabling their energies to cross. The technique today will defuse traumatic residue by desensitization using eye pattern release. As we know, it is hard to will yourself to change an emotional response that is locked into the body’s physique from trauma. Many tools are popular in recent years to release trauma: tapping; energy psychology; EFT; the concept of neuroplasticity and more.  This tool, taking about 2 minutes, focuses on bringing awareness to the position of the eyes when a traumatic memory is triggered. Here is how it works:trauma-definition-pic

  1. Think of a stressful memory. Rate is on a 1 to 10 , with 10 being the most charged. Make a “4 finger notch” with thumb, index, middle and ring finger touching. Hold fingers 6 to 12 inched in front of the bridge of the nose.
  2. Maintain head position facing straight in front of the body, while always keeping the fingers in the field of vision.
  3. Begin making sideways figure 8’s, moving the fingers upward and to the right as high and as wide as possible. Continue around the outside of the eye (closest to ear), above eyebrows, back to the bridge of nose, to the left as high and wide as possible, around the outside of eye (by ear) and above the eyebrows. Repeat until the memory’s trigger abates.
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  5. Pay ATTENTION: if finding the stressor memory is greater with eyes in a certain direction; stop and place your eyes-looking-upother hand with palm against the forehead over the main Neurovascular points (these points have significant influence over our emotions and are directly tied into the nervous system messaging the body to find calm and relax). Maintain this hold for 20 seconds (so you will have 1 hand 6 -12 inches from the body with fingers clustered together, eyes on these fingers and the other hand’s palm is on the forehead). As the charge is diminished for the memory, remove the hand from the forehead and continue making 8s. Repeat the same way if another direction is more charged. Continue until the charge on the memory is significantly reduced, say a 3 or less.

This is a great tool to show skeptics of the benefits of using your own energy to heal, because one always feels better after releasing emotional baggage! Perhaps a great New Year’s Resolution, to change your attitude by changing your energy since matter (including thoughts) follows energy!


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is Create Immune Resilience with Thymus as the HUB- Part I”

Heart to Mouth Exercise Gives Woman Her Voice—Reader’s Share

Eden Energy Medicine                                  December 23, 2016


Heart to Mouth Exercise Gives Woman Her Voice—Reader’s Share

by Karen L. Semmelman, EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                This week’s column is reflective of the power of our individual intention and its impact on our health. During an EEM session with a woman who was having trouble “getting her words out properly” following a diagnosis of heart heart-in-mouth-cartoonand insulin issues, I asked her to make sure she regularly made a connection between her heart and a point on her groin area. However, when I saw her the following week to review how she did with her homework, she reported that as soon as she placed her hand over her heart and other hand over her mouth, she immediately was able to speak. She placed her hands in this position each time she was experiencing a sense of being unable to speak or when her words would not come forth or they were scrambled. Reporting that each time this happened, She made her energetic connection, finding it made a huge difference and she was able to speak accurately and appropriately!

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Make those resolutions with positivity, intention and a sense of wonder at your own power to change you and thus the world!


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is Figure 8’s Around Eyes to Release Trauma”

Heart to Heart Exercise is Great for Grounding!

Eden Energy Medicine                                  December 16, 2016


Heart to Heart Exercise is Great for Grounding!

by Karen L. Semmelman, EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                The holidays are a wonderful time to express our love to friends and family. Often time, though, we may find ourselves feeling adrift from all the holiday stress of responsibilities and having everything just right. As we become more stressed, we can often lose our grounding. Since we are electromagnetic beings, we pull energy from the Earth through the Kidney 1 acupressure point on the bottom of our foot. We need this Earth energy to feel connected to ourselves, the Earth and to others. So if you feel disconnected in anyway, think Grounding and cominpineal-gland-interface-w-heart-bodyg home to oneself.

The exercise is easy. 1. Place the index and middle finger together with the thumb, letting this “3 finger notch” posture rest on the top of the head ( at the baby soft spot).

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  1. Place the other hand directly over the heart chakra, located between your breasts.
  2. Take a deep breath or 2 or 3 and allow yourself to experience the connection between these 2 points, as you experience your intimate connection to the Earth.

Do these as often as you need it to assist in being connected to YOU and to others again.  So, you ask, why does this work? The Heart Chaka, as all Chakras do, interfaces with the Aura around our body. The Aura, among many other tasks, connects us between the heavens and the Earth. By placing your hand on the Heart Chakra, you come home to your center and to your unique way of being you. The soft spot on the top of the head sits right over the Pineal Gland, directly connected to the heart and an integral part of the Endocrine system. The Endocrine system is controlled by Triple Warmer, so the body is being flooded with wonderful hormones and chemicals to help you shift your stressors to calm.   Of course, don’t forget about the heart to heart hugs, which create Oxytocin, our love hormone. Get 12 hugs a day and you will be smiling all day!


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is Heart to Mouth Exercise Gives Woman Her Voice—Reader’s Share”

Veteran PTSD reduced with Figure 8’s Around the Eyes

Eden Energy Medicine                                  December 9, 2016

Veteran PTSD reduced with Figure 8’s Around the Eyes

by Karen L. Semmelman, EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                Holidays especially are a time to be thankful for all of our soldiers, who bravely protect the freedoms we so enjoy in this country.  Many veterans return home suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) resulting from horrors or brutality experienced or observed. This is not to say PTSD is limited to veterans, since anyone suffering from this condition may benefit. David Feinstein, Donna Eden’s husband, renown internationally recognized PhD veteran-in-front-flag-ptsdpsychologist, has testified before the Senate on the benefits of Energy Psychology to treat veteran PTSD with amazing results. This approach is beyond the scope of this article, but is an approach worth exploring for those with PTSD.

The technique in this article was developed by Laurel Camden, whose son was in the military and as a result she became familiar with the plight of so many soldiers, seeking ways to help them integrate back into normal daily lives. We do know that it is imperative to have the energy from the hemispheres of the brain cross to the other side of the body, i.e. the right hemisphere controls the left side of the body and the left hemisphere controls the right. During stress, the body’s energies, in an effort to protect and allow the body to deal with the trauma, will enter into a state known as homolateral, meaning the energies are no longer crossing from the hemispheres to the opposite of the body, but rather they are running vertically up and down the body. The effect of a homolateral condition appears in many ways— for example: loss of balance and coordination; pain on one side of the body and not the other; inability to heal and process as quickly as expected; of feeling disconnected and “off”.

What Laurel found, was that the traditional way of crossing energies, part of the DER, to do the “Cross-Crawl”, created more trauma for the soldiers since is reminded them of marching. So, she began having the veteran make slow figure eights around their eyes. At first, it was hard to do, but she found with repetition and with the eyes open, the crossing began to occur again. So, one can begin at either eye, but for purposes of the concept:figure-8s-around-eyes

  1. Begin at the Bridge of the nose with your left hand. Move the hand with all fingers held together under the left eye, around the outside of the eye(closest to the ear) around the eyebrow, back to nose, around the right eyebrow, outside of eye, under right eye and back to bridge.
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  3. Repeat this pattern for at least 5 times with your eyes open. Reverse directions, beginning the 8s around the right eye first at least 5 times.
  4. Now use both hands to create the 8’s around the eyes with eyes open. Do at least 5 times.
  5. If it is too much when you begin, close the eyes and do 1 or 2 and gradually build up.
  6. As you feel better, increase the amount and frequency!

Experience the expansion of your being as you “double your energies” from being crossed!


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is Heart to Heart Exercise is Great for Grounding”

Knee Issues—What Needs are Not Being Met?

Eden Energy Medicine                                  December 2, 2016



Knee Issues—What Needs are Not Being Met?

 by Karen L. Semmelman, EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                Holidays are coming and you feel pushed to get preparations for festivities, gifts, meals, entertaining, decorating underway! The list goes on and on. This is just one example of directing attention to others and away from caring for yourself.  Or do you feel you are taking care of others though you are receiving little in return? Do your knees throb at the end of the day, are they sore to the touch, is it painful to walk, do they feel as if there is a knife cutting into them?  If so, consider if you are finding time for taking care of yourself or letting others help you… Why? Because when you have knee issues, it is directly reflective, energetically, of a sense of not having your basic needs met.

EEM to the rescue with a number of quick suggestions that may help the knee discomfort:
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  1. Under Chinese Medicine, from the ground to the knee, the energy is associated with the Earth. So grounding becomes paramount. Earth energy needs to be pulled in from the Earth through those K 1 Points. Break out the spoon, making Figure 8s on the bottom of the feet. Then take the spoon and make figure 8s with it around the area on the knees that are giving your pause.
  2. Take a flash light and shine the light around the areas of your knees needing attention. You can actually shine the light directly on that area, making space and giving relief
  3. On the back of the knees are Neurovascular points, associated with the emotion of frustration, anger and not getting needs met. You can do one knee at a time or both at the same time, depending on your dexterity. Place the back of your palm against the back of your knee. Hold for several seconds. Flip your hands over and place the palm of your hand against the back of the knee for several seconds. Continue flipping back and forth until you begin to experience relief. This action helps shift the polarity of these points on the back of the knees.
  4. Make figure 8s’ over the area of the knees that are troubling
  5. Place 1 hand , palm down, above the area that creates discomfort and the other palm below and just sit with hands in that position until relief begins. This approach gets the energy moving through the area.

While doing all or any of the above as often as needed, reflect on how to change the habits in your life that will enable you to feel cared for. And then enjoy the holidays, thinking of that special someone who can’t wait to spin you on the dance floor and whisper in your ear!

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is Veteran PTSD reduced with Figure 8’s Around the Eyes”

The Meridians-our Energetic Pathfinders

Eden Energy Medicine                                  November 25, 2016

 The Meridians-our Energetic Pathfinders

by Karen L. Semmelman, EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)


WHEW!  We have spent the last several months learning how to trace our meridians, all 14 of them, to enable an energetic continuous flow to assist in balancing our beings, to optimize our health. Once you start to practice the tracing, it really does take less than 1 minute each day to trace all of them.

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The meridians, just like all components of our body, do not stand alone in isolation. They are interconnected. They serve as one of 4 “Gatekeepers” of our health. The first gatekeeper is the energy we take in through energy inherited from our mother; from the food and drink we ingest; from the love we experience in relationships through our heart; & lastly from the air we breathe—-all these sources together are referred to as wei chi, an extremely powerful form of vital energy. The next level is our meridians, which traverse the entire being at every level. The third level is ruled by our blood that courses throughout.  Lastly, is the gatekeeper of our organs, who are the royal elite guards standing ready to protect the heart and soul of our beings. Together these 4 levels are referred to in Chinese medicine as “The Pattern of Four Stages”.

Although each meridian has a definable pathway, the path of energy continues to the next meridian, to the next — until all are assessed. Each meridian is impacted by and impacts upon the rest of the nine energy systems of the body. This is why you begin to feel differently as soon as you work with any of the nine systems—because of this interconnectedness.all-meridians-on-body Although this concept is much different that we are taught from a Western medicine perspective, it truly does make sense that all pieces of this wonderfully complex system we know as our body are inter-dependent on each other, working together as an amazing skilled team that can transcend time and space.  Like a person who has a multiple personality and is able to drink orange juice in one moment, but in a mega-second be allergic to that same orange juice,– this power of our being is accessible to each of us at any moment if we train ourselves to be sensitive to its very existence. It is called morphic resonance. It exists, it is real and by learning to attune to your own energy, you can shift long entrenched habits, to make shifts and changes that are healthy and empowering.  Welcome to the magical world of your own energy.

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is Knee Issues—What Needs are Not Being Met?”

Diabetes, fibroids or cysts?-Trace Spleen Meridian

Eden Energy Medicine                                  November 18, 2016


 Diabetes, fibroids or cysts?-Trace Spleen Meridian

by Karen L. Semmelman, EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)


From a Western view, spleen functions as a reservoir for blood with a large number of red blood cells. It removes unwanted substances from the blood, including waste.  Chinese medicine views Spleen’s primary function as transforming nutrients into vital energy (chi) and blood, equally distributing this energy to the body, mind and spirit. diabetes-for-dummies-cartoonTogether with Stomach, Spleen oversees the “Earth” rhythm of our beings, assisting with the transitions of life, at whatever level. Spleen is the great metabolizer, so that everything that enters, including emotions, thoughts and food, all run through spleen. It has a major role in keeping us healthy. The role is HUGE! Spleen keeps the blood in its proper channels, so if its energy is depleted, expect to see nosebleeds, blood in stools, menstrual issues, swollen abdomen, allergies, broken capillaries, carpal tunnel, diabetes, cysts, eating disorders, edema, fever, fibroids, hypoglycemia, infections, low body temperature, low energy, lymph swelling, metabolic disorders, pregnancy issues, sore throats, thighs that are achy or painful, varicose veins, weak muscles or weight issues. Spleen is also a major player in hormonal issues. See below.

As a Reminder, view the August 9 and 16th Columns, since the basics of tracing are set forth.

                Meridian Flow Wheel Time of day. SP meridian’s high tide is 9AM-11 AM. We always begin and end by tracing Central and Governing meridians before starting to trace the other meridians. If you begin tracing your meridians at 9 30 AM, then begin with SP.
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Reasons to Trace Alone in Addition to Tracing All Meridians. Although it is best to trace all your meridians as one continuous flow, you may want to trace spleen alone if hormonal issues are present, which could include an autoimmune disorder, cold hands or feet, dizziness, endometriosis, enlarged waist, fatigue, infertility, inflammation, low progesterone, PMS, sexual dysfunction, sugar imbalances, swollen belly , thyroid issues, or mood swings.

Affirmation for this Meridian is “I nourish myself with love”. Remembering that matter follows energy, stating a positive thought shifts the energy just by the intention-this is the metaphysical fabric of life! We are all part of that pure fabric of existence so reap its benefits.                                                spleen-meridian-tracing

Pathway of Meridian. Do both sides at the same time. Start at the outside bottom corners of each big toe nail, bull your hands straight up the inside of your legs, flaring out at the hips; continuing up the side of the rib cage to right below the arm pit; and then travel down from the arm pit about 4 inches. See the insert.  That’s it. You just traced Spleen meridian!

Flushing or Tracing the Meridian Backwards. IT IS RARE THAT YOU WILL TRACE SPLEEN BACKWARDS SINCE IT GENERALLY NEEDS ENERGY WITH SO MANY RESPONSIBILITIES. But there are exceptions. If you feel you want to trace it backwards, see if that makes you feel better. If experiencing pain or dis-ease in the area of a meridian, it is likely that removing the energy from the meridian will provide relief.  If it does, then trace it backwards 3 times, but NEVER TRACE HEART BACKWARDS. If it seems there is not enough energy in your meridian then trace it forward 3 times. If you feel better, this is what was needed. Experience the impact of the energetic shifts. To flush a meridian, as if you are de-clogging a pipe, trace the meridian once backwards to loosen the sludge and then trace the meridian forward 3 times. Flushing really helps reset the meridian’s balance.

You are set. Keep this Column as a reminder of how to trace Spleen meridian. You have learned all 14 meridians. After you trace the last meridian, retrace central and governing to be set for the day.

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is The Meridians- our Energetic Pathfinders. “

Meet the “Sea of Nutrients”-Trace Stomach Meridian

Eden Energy Medicine            Bloating, Indigestion, Nausea?-Trace Stomach Meridian

by Karen L. Semmelman, EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

Stomach (Yang) receives the food we ingest, decides what nutrients to keep and then transports this energy to Spleen (Yin), who converts it to energy (chi) and blood, to nourish the entire system. This digestive process is pretty important, aye? So, if ST is imbalanced, one can’t assimilate nutrients needed to strengthen the body, mind &spirit—resulting in a weak energy level. The importance of nutrition is imperative!  One may experience bloating, bloating-cartoon-woman-floating-awaygastrointestinal pain, nausea, acid reflux, allergies, bags under the eyes; breast issues, digestive issues, fallopian tube issues;  hunger frequently, laryngitis; lumps, mouth & lip sores, neck pain, nervous tension, ovary issues, sinus issues, stomach aches, ulcers  or weight issues.

As a Reminder, view the August 5 and 12th Columns, since the basics of tracing are set forth.

                Meridian Flow Wheel Time of day. ST meridian’s high tide is 7 AM-9 AM. We always begin and end by tracing Central and Governing meridians before starting to trace the other meridians. If you begin tracing your meridians at 7 30 AM, then begin with ST.

Reasons to Trace Alone in Addition to Tracing All Meridians. Although it is best to trace all your meridians as one continuous flow, you may want to trace ST if you have some of the symptoms listed in the opening paragraph or if one is meddlesome, has sugar cravings, shows obsessive worry or is co-dependent.

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Pathway of Meridian. Do both sides at the same time. Place both hands underneath your eyes, trace down to your jawbone and then circle the outside of your face up to your forehead; bring your hands directly over the middle of your stomach-meridian-tracing-from-eem-bookeyes to the collarbone; follow the collarbone outward several inches; now go straight down over your breasts; jog in at the bottom of the ribs straight down to the waist; flair out at the hips and then straight down the front of your legs and off the second toe. That’s it. You just traced Stomach meridian!! See the insert.

Flushing or Tracing the Meridian Backwards. Remember that if there is too much energy in a meridian, you may want to trace it backwards and see if that makes you feel better. If experiencing pain or dis-ease in the area of a meridian, it is likely that removing the energy from the meridian will provide relief. If it does, then trace it backwards 3 times, but NEVER TRACE HEART BACKWARDS. If it seems there is not enough energy in your meridian then trace it forward 3 times. If you feel better, this is what was needed. Experience the impact of the energetic shifts. To flush a meridian, as if you are de-clogging a pipe, trace the meridian once backwards to loosen the sludge and then trace the meridian forward 3 times. Flushing really helps reset the meridian’s balance.

You are set. Keep this Column as a reminder of how to trace Stomach while you learn the last meridian next week!

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is Diabetes, fibroids or cysts?-Trace Spleen Meridian”

Skin or Hair issues? -Trace Large Intestine Meridian

Eden Energy Medicine                                  November 4, 2016

Skin or Hair issues? -Trace Large Intestine Meridian

by Karen L. Semmelman, EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                From a Chinese View, the Large Intestine (LI)- 5 ½ feet long, makes the distinction between what substances the body benefits from keeping and what is harmful, requiring it be dispelled from the system, enabling all systems to work efficiently. A breakdown in balance leads to congestion or overcrowding, which manifest as abdominal pain, cramping, constipation or diarrhea, colic, colon disorders, gum disease, hemorrhoids, herpes, hip issues, side leg pains, itchy-skin-picslow back pain, mineral deficiencies, or toothaches.  LI and LU together control the emotion of grief and not letting go.

As a Reminder, view the August 5 and 12th Columns, since the basics of tracing are set forth.

                Meridian Flow Wheel Time of day. LI meridian’s high tide is 5 AM- 7 AM. We always begin and end by tracing Central and Governing meridians before starting to trace the other meridians. If you begin tracing your meridians at 5 30 AM, then begin with LI.

Reasons to Trace Alone in Addition to Tracing All Meridians. Although it is best to trace all your meridians as one continuous flow, you may want to trace LI if you have some of the symptoms listed in the opening paragraph or if one is highly judgmental; is unable to “let go”; has chronic sadness or is intolerant of opposing views.
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Affirmation for this Meridian is “I let go of fear, guilt, anger & shame…and live life fully in the NOW”. large-intestine-cartoonRemembering that matter follows energy, stating a positive thought shifts the energy just by the intention-this is the metaphysical fabric of life! We are all part of that pure fabric of existence so reap its benefits.

Pathway of Meridian. Place the open fingers of one hand at the end of the index finger, tracing up the back of the side of the arm where the dark skin meets the lighter underside of skin, over the shoulder, across the neck to the bottom of the nostril and then around the side of the nose to the top outside edge of the nostril. Do the other side.  That’s it. You just traced Large Intestine meridian!!

Flushing or Tracing the Meridian Backwards. Remember that if there is too much energy in a meridian, you may want to trace it backwards and see if that makes you feel better. If experiencing pain or dis-ease in the area of a meridian, it is likely that removing the energy from the meridian will provide relief. If it does, then trace it backwards 3 times, but NEVER TRACE HEART BACKWARDS. If it seems there is not enough energy in your meridian then trace it forward 3 large-intestine-meridiantimes. If you feel better, this is what was needed. Experience the impact of the energetic shifts. To flush a meridian, as if you are de-clogging a pipe, trace the meridian once backwards to loosen the sludge and then trace the meridian forward 3 times. Flushing really helps reset the meridian’s balance.

You are set. Keep this Column as a reminder of how to trace Large Intestine while you learn the last 2 meridians this month!

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is Meet the “Sea of Nutrients”-Trace Stomach Meridian for bloating, gas or nausea”