Boost Thyroid Resilience with a “Thyroid Smoothie”
by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEMCLP, JD, AAML(03-12)
How many people do you know with a thyroid disorder? Part of our endocrine system, our thyroid plays a vital role in regulating hormones and chemicals in our body to keep our body’s homeostasis balanced; yet STRESS is the primary culprit for thyroid imbalance. A recent article in the New Yorker by Atul Gawande, MD, “Overkill”, lamented 25- 42% of Medicare patients receive useless tests and treatments! He comments that finding micro-carcinoma lumps in a thyroid biopsy, which a 3rd of the population has, is not cause for surgical removal, but rather expert guidelines recommend no further treatment; yet the majority of patients receive surgical removal—and often of the entire thyroid. Cause for pause? Perhaps uses of complementary modalities, like EEM, are worth exploration.
So if you have concerns about your thyroid, or just want to help balance your systems, try the EEM thyroid booster (of course proper sleep, exercise and balanced nutrition help too):
- Place both palms on the jaw line while resting all fingers on the temples and thumb in front of ear opening. Hold for 3 breathes, in through nose and out through mouth
- Place a middle finger above Adam’s apple and other middle finger below. Stretch apart. Move fingers about 1 inch out on either side of apple and stretch apart. Now place fingers on both sides and stretch diagonally and then stretch diagonally the other way. Lastly stretch horizontally.
- With a 3 finger notch ( thumb, index finger and middle finger clustered together), place one notch on hollow below Adam’s apple and the other notch on one temple for 4 breaths. Repeat by holding the other side.
Why does this work? Because Triple Warmer (the system that controls all of the Energetic Anatomy) , which governs the endocrine system of which the thyroid is part, calms down as you hold the points at the throat and the temples. These points, called neurovascular reflex points, control emotions and assist in the regulation of hormones and chemical production.
Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Dowsing the Fire—Hot flash & Thyroid Relief”. Send questions to Karen at . Prior articles may be found on her website or through Island Sun. Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions