Reduce Temper Tantrums; Calm Stressed Body

Eden Energy Medicine                        July 29, 2016


Reduce Temper Tantrums; Calm Stressed Body

              by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)


This exercise is almost intuitive; in fact you have probably placed your hands over the low back and leaned back and stretched to reduce tension.  When we are stressed or have a little one that is having a temper tantrum, it is clear the stress is a bit “out of control” to say the least.  Learning this simple exercise brings balance to many parts of the body, especially the brain, abdomen and adrenals.

Place the palms of both hands on your mid back so the fingers of each hand are pointing toward each other while at the same time pointing toward the ground, and the upper part of the palms are resting right below the rib cage (hands are now resting over the kidneys and adrenal area). Thumbs are wrapping around the waist landing on the side of the body (which is directly on the spleen meridian).hands on back w thumbs side

Close the eyes, stretch and take several deep breaths as you sink into the position and begin to feel the tension in the body release. For a child, see if you can get him/her to do this posture and if not, try placing your hands over the child‘s back in this area to reduce the upset. Placing the hands on the forehead helps too since it brings blood back into the forebrain where rationale thinking can be activated again.  As one or both of these positions is held, the flight and fight response is calmed allowing the stressor to dissipate.  I find I do this exercise a lot throughout the day, especially if on my feet for extended periods.  Feel better and now try that half smile!



Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is Reduce Pain with Main Neurovascular Points

Exhaustion? Back Ache? Press Adrenal Points for Relief

Eden Energy Medicine                                  September 11, 2015


Exhaustion? Back Ache? Press Adrenals Points for Relief!

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEMCLP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                Feel like crawling out of bed in the morning, taking a nap numerous times during the day or feel depleted with no energy to do anything? Welcome to the world of adrenal exhaustion, the stress syndrome of our century as we juggle way too many tasks and responsibilities. If back ache is experienced as well, suspect the adrenals, 2 walnut sized glands that sit on the top of the kidneys right behind the ribs on each of the back sides of the body.   When stressed, what hormone is created? Adrenaline by the adrenal glands. Since the kidney meridian’s job, just like the kidney, is purification and if there is congestion, one will feel “off”. So, if one is sluggish, the back is tight or energy is stuck below the waist, think kidney and adrenals.exhaustion cartoon man at desk at work

So, how do we intervene to find more energy, to get our energies moving again and feel refreshed…? One way is to press or buzz your adrenal points 2 or 3 minutes per day. They are easily found by locating your navel, moving up about 1 inch and out on each side about 1 inch. Press or buzz vigorously on both sides at the same time. I have found it helpful to take my thumbs, push in on these points as I make fists and place the back of my hands against the wall. By leaning against the wall into the weight of my hands, it is possible to deeply access these points. A word of caution however, if these points are very tender (which is highly likely), go slow at first until you build up tolerance in handling the tenderness. We can also work with the kidney, so look for future articles on this topic.

Not only have you now relieved stress, boosted your overall energy and reduced or relieved the back ache, but you have increased your mental clarity and boosted your libido! So enjoy a romantic evening…. Imagine what happens if you suggest your significant other press/buzz these points too.


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Recharge Your Battery with Joy-Juice” Send questions to Karen at . Prior articles may be found on her website or through Island Sun. Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions