From previous Columns, you have learned that EEM recognizes 9 energetic systems. The exercise addressed today reinforces The Celtic Weave energy system. Our bodies’ energies spin, spiral, crisscross (remember that the right hemisphere of the brain controls the left side of the body and the left hemisphere controls the right side) and weave our subtle energies into invisible interconnected threads that literally weave all other energy systems together to function as a whole integrated unit.
Perhaps you have heard reference to Tibetan Rings (from The East) or noticed that in our own culture, the caduceus depicts 2 serpents on a staff intertwined 7 times to symbolize medicine. The caduceus is generally displayed in your doctor’s office. Crossing 7 times is associated with another of our systems – the 7 basic Chakras. This recognition in many cultures of the crossing of energy, including the double helix of our DNA, reflects the fundamental knowledge that these crisscrossing energies permeate our body to serve as the connective tissue of our energy system. Thus, The Celtic Weave system weaves your subtle force fields together creating harmony with all systems. During the article on the Cross Crawl exercise, you learned more about the benefit of keeping the energies crossed.
The Celtic Weave exercise, part of the 5 Minute Routine, will enable you to strengthen your auric field (the field that has 7 layers and surrounds the body, acting as an antenna to filter information); weaves all systems together and enhances your inner strength to create a network of communication between systems.
Use this exercise if you feel vulnerable to others’ energies; or feel too extended or as if you invisible; or feel disoriented from the environment itself (too many electro-magnetic frequencies); or find it difficult to communicate. The exercise works since it “fluffs” your energies, enabling protection.
Step 1: Stand straight with hands on the thighs. Imagine energy being pulled through the feet to meet the hands as you breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth throughout the exercise.
Step 2: Rub the hands together vigorously, shake them off, and place your palms close together as you feel the energy between them. Rub and shake the hands again, taking the palms and bringing them close to the ears. Take a deep breath. Visualize bringing in fresh energy to your head.
Step 3: While inhaling, bring your elbows together. Exhale, cross your arms and swing them out to the side. Visualize that you are clearing stale energy from your field. I like to make a “whoosh” sound.
Step 4: Cross and swing them out again. Bend forward, repeat at the waist, at the knees and again at the ankles. Stay bent forward.
Step 5: Bring the hands behind you with palms parallel to the floor, cup the hands and scoop the energy from the earth all the way to your head as you stand. Then sprinkle the energy over you.
You will now feel invigorated, more balanced and your energetic systems all integrated!
Have fun with your energy! Send me your questions. Next week’s topic is “The 5 Minute Routine-Your Recipe for Health”
* If you have a question for Karen, email her at Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.