Clear Physical Sludge—Reset Ileocecal/Houston Valves

Since last week we cleared Etheric sludge, it seemed apropos to clear our physical sludge too. So, if you are prone to diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn’s disease, have digestive issues, or feel you are holding onto unwanted waste or behavior or ideas, this exercise will help.

The Ileocecal valve is located between the small and large intestines on the right side of the body. Governed by the kidney meridian, its function is to open and close in order to process wastes from food, chemicals and hormones that flow through your bloodstream. If not working properly, then waste backs up into your system, which can result in digestive issues, toxic overload in the kidneys, bronchitis or many other illnesses that may diminish or disappear after clearing these valves. So, if you have a chronic condition that just does not want to heal, this is a worthwhile exercise to consider. The Houston valve is not a real valve, but serves a similar role to the Ileocecal valve. It is located between the descending colon of the large intestine and the rectum inside the left hipbone.

To make certain your body releases unnecessary material for evacuation; Reset the Ileocecal and Houston valves as follows:

Step 1. Place the right hand on right hip bone and left hand on left hip bone with little fingers at the inside edge of the hip bones. Under right hand is on the Ileocecal valve and left hand over the Houston valve. Correcting both together creates symmetry between them

Step 2. As you begin a deep inhalation, push in with pressure through your fingers as you slowly drag the fingers of each hand up 6 to 7 inches ending at your hip bones.

Step 3. Shake the hands to remove the energy

Step 4. Start at position in Step 1 and repeat at least 4 times.

Step 5. Return to original position, but this time drag the thumbs down from the waist to the hipbones.

You are done. Not only have you reset these 2 valves, but since they are linked with all the other valves in the body, you have effectively reset those valves as well. If after doing this exercise, you find you still have constipation or diarrhea, for example, then lay down. Push the fingers from both hands into the Ileocecal valve while lifting your right knew slowly toward the trunk of your body to a 90 degree angle. Continue holding the pressure with your fingers while straightening the leg. You now have changed the sludge of energy in this sluggish valve.

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Seeking Inspiration? Let Heaven Rush In.”

* If you have a question for Karen, email her at Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.