Safeguarding Breast Health- Flush Circulation X Meridian

Eden Energy Medicine                        July 15, 2016


Safeguarding Breast Health- Flush Cir-X Meridian

              by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)


During the last 2 columns techniques were learned to enhance breast self-care by pressing/buzzing Neurolymphatic Reflex Points and by flushing meridians. Remember that flushing a meridian means the using your electromagnetic hand, with palm against the body, to pull energy along the defined meridian pathway thereby promoting movement and health. Last week flushing stomach meridian was discussed. This week, learn to flush the circulation sex meridian, which begins directly beside the nipple and continues down the arm to the middle finger. We want to flush the meridian to unclog the trapped stale energy that so easily forms.

To flush the Circulation Sex meridian, proceed: breasts, rose in front pink shirt

Step 1. The description of tracing the meridian as set forth is tracing it forward in its natural pathway. Flushing means starting at the end of the meridian and tracing it backwards. Read step 2 first and then begin with step 3.

Step 2. Circulation-Sex Meridian Tracing Description (also referred to as “nip to tip”). Place the fingers of one hand on the opposite side of the body directly adjacent to the nipple. Move hand with palm down, up over the shoulder and then down the inside of the arm (the underside) and sweep the energy off the middle finger on the inside palm side of the hand. Switch and do the other side.

Step 3. Flushing the Meridian. Start at the middle finger and trace backwards 1 time. Trace the meridian forward 3 times per the description above.

The more you flush these meridians, the happier and healthier your breast will be!


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is Safeguarding Your Breasts-Chakra Clearing

Safeguarding Your Breasts- Part 1

In our culture, essentially we are reactive to caring for our breasts. Women are taught to check for lumps when showering or have a mammogram or do thermography (my personal preference). For men, there is little suggested to protect their breasts yet breast cancer is increasing for both sexes exponentially. With knowledge of our anatomy and the impact of moving energy through our systems we can learn proactive methods to create and maintain healthy breasts. With regular self-care, you can help prevent problems before they advance.

As learned from prior articles, our body does not have a pump to move the lymph through our system so we are reliant on motion to move the toxins from our lymph system; thus the Neurolymphatic massage and spinal flush tools. Many women don’t realize that wearing tight bras or bras with plastic or wire underwire clog the lymphatic’s under the breasts creating an energetic blockage. In fact, research has shown that many women with breast cancer have worn underwire bras. A list of wireless bras may be found on Donna Eden’s website- The techniques addressed below will aide energy flowing into your breasts. This applies to both sexes.

The diagram of the lymphatic reflex points are in the prior article on Neurolymphatic points. Use one or more of the following tools, found in Energy Medicine, pages 278-279.

Tool 1. Under the right breast are liver points and under the left breast are the stomach reflex points. They are shaped as a half moon, following the contours of the underwire of a bra. Make a fist and use your knuckles to rub along these points after removing your bra or as part of the 5 Minute Routine. If sore, you know your body needs the rub. Spend 15 to 20 seconds rubbing. Several times a day is beneficial if you wear an underwire or tight bra.

Tool 2. To access the circulation-sex reflex points under both breasts, place the thumbs under the breast and lift the breast until the thumb is behind your nipples. Remember that if sore, you are assisting your body by removing the toxins from these points. Rub for 15 – 20 seconds

Tool 3. Along both sides of the body are 2 more important Neurolymphatic Reflex Points. Beside the breast, make a fist and use the knuckles to rub from the side of your breasts down to about 3 inches above the waist—this moves toxins from the spleen points. At the same time on the same side use the other hand to rub the large intestine points running from the top of the outside edge of the leg to above the knee. Use vigorous motion to rub in circles as you move down both areas for at least 45 seconds.

Yeah, you have now been very proactive in providing healing energy and the removal of stuck toxins from your body to enhance your breast health! Learn more next week….

Have fun with your energy! Send me your questions. Next week’s topic is “Safeguarding Your Breasts-Part 2”

* If you have a question for Karen, email her at Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.

Safeguarding Your Breasts- Chakra Clearing

During the last 2 columns techniques were learned to enhance breast self-care by rubbing Neurolymphatic Reflex Points and by flushing meridians. Remember that flushing a meridian means that you use your electromagnetic hand, with palm against the body, to pull energy along the defined meridian pathway thereby promoting movement and health. Last week flushing stomach meridian was discussed. This week you will learn to flush the circulation sex meridian, which begins directly beside the nipple and continues down the arm to the middle finger. We want to flush the meridian to unclog the trapped stale energy that so easily forms. Additionally you will learn to “chakra-clear’ your breasts to pull stale energies from them. At the conclusion of today’s Column, you will have 3 more tools in your tool chest to maintain healthy breasts and or to increase their health.

To flush the Circulation Sex meridian, proceed:

Step 1. The description of tracing the meridian as set forth is tracing it forward in its natural pathway. Flushing means starting at the end of the meridian and tracing it backwards

Step 2. Circulation-Sex Meridian Tracing Description (also referred to as “nip to tip”). Place the fingers of one hand on the opposite side of the body directly adjacent to the nipple. Move hand with palm down, up over the shoulder and then down the inside of the arm (the underside) and sweep the energy off the middle finger on the inside palm side of the hand. Switch and do the other side.

Step 3. Flushing the Meridian. Start at the middle finger and trace backwards 1 time. Trace the meridian forward 3 times per the description above.

Donna Eden sees chakras over each breast. Chakras are swirling balls of energy that bath the area of the body with which they associated with healing energy. By using your hands, which are vortexes themselves, to clear the energy from the breasts, energy blockages are shattered, energy is encouraged to spin in the same flow and direction leaving you feeling more centered and grounded. The technique is simple:

Step 1. Use your left hand to make counterclockwise circles over your left breast with hand about 6 inches from the body. Move slowly in circles that are about 12 inches in diameter. Clear for about 3 minutes. Shake hands off. This motion removes stale energy like a rotor-router.

Step 2. Use the right hand to make clockwise circles over the left breast with distances as referenced above. The right hand stabilizes the energy removed from the body. Circle for ½ time used in Step 1. Shake hands off.

Step 3. Repeat Steps 1 and 2 with the right breast.

Feel better? Now go do a little jig and know you made your lovely breasts happy for the day!

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Weak if Facing North-Close that Leak!”

* If you have a question for Karen, email her at Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.

Safeguarding Your Breasts – De-clog Meridians

Last week you learned how to move toxins from specific Neurolymphatic reflex points that impact your breasts. The liver and stomach points are directly under the underwire of bras, so good rubbing releases the toxins that are trapped. Rubbing along the sides of the body releases toxins from the spleen and large intestine points and circling under the breast points below the nipples moves clogged energy from the circulation- sex points. By now you should feel less sore and know that you are helping to prevent dis-ease and potential cancer from taking hold in the cells impacting your breasts! Each of these reflex points is directly associated with a meridian, defined energetic pathways.

By accessing these meridians we are able to enhance our systems to flow freely and more smoothly. Each of the 14 meridians may be accessed at any time for a variety of reasons. One of the techniques discussed today flushes the stomach meridian, since this meridian’s pathway flows directly through the middle of each breast. Likewise, flushing the circulation-sex meridian, which begins on the outside edge of the breast near the armpit directly adjacent to the nipple, results in removing stale energy from the entire meridian and replacing it with vibrant new energy.

What does flushing a meridian mean? It means tracing the entire meridian backwards 1 time and then tracing it forward 3 times. More information about meridians will be provided over the next several months. However, for now, suffice it to say that this tool acts like de-clogging a drain in your sink only we are de-clogging your energetic pathways. Our hands carry electromagnetic and subtle energies enabling you to influence the meridian’s circuitry.

To flush either the stomach meridian, diagram below, proceed as follows using both hands on both sides of the body at the same time (it is best to place palms against the body in a wide path to enable more coverage of the flows):

Step 1. The description of tracing each meridian as set forth is tracing it forward in its natural pathway. Flushing means starting at the end of the meridian and tracing it backwards.

Step 2. Stomach Meridian Tracing Description. Place both hands underneath your eyes and draw your hands down to your jawbone. Circle up the outside edge of your face to the forehead to directly above the center of the eyes. Pull the hands down over the front of the eyes to the collarbone. Move the hands laterally along the collarbone until you reach the outside edge of the breasts. Pull hands down over breasts toward inside of waist. At waist, move hands toward hips and then move hands straight down the front of the legs and off the 2nd toe.

Step 3. Stomach Flushing Technique. At each big toe, begin by tracing the meridian backwards one time. Now trace the meridian forward 3 times (see Step 2 above). Once you learn to trace this meridian, it will take less than one minute to complete—really! Flush the Stomach periodically but daily if there are breast issues! Learn to flush circulation-sex meridian next week and how to “chakra clear” your breasts.

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Safeguarding Your Breasts-Chakra Clearing”

* If you have a question for Karen, email her at Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.