Ever watch Bill Clinton shake hands with someone? He has it right—he extends his right hand, places his left hand on the other’s shoulder (let’s say it is Henry) and looks Henry straight in the eye. An expert in energy taught him well. By placing the hand on Henry’s shoulder, he created a circuit so his energy was not dissipated and given away; rather Bill Clinton’s energy flowed right back to him. Obama does the same–check out the picture.
So you ask, what about the Henry’s energy? Ahhh, the story is different. Henry didn’t create a circuit so his energy was freely given away (remember that we have 6 energetic pathways called meridians that begin or end on the hand, each of which controls an organ. On the hands, the meridians are heart, small intestine, triple warmer, pericardium, large intestine and lung). Now who has the most energetic power? Certainly not Henry– Henry got duped. The solution for Henry would have been easy. He could have placed his other hand over top of Clinton’s and then Henry would also create a closed loop, maintaining his energetic balance and integrity. Follow a bit further, if Henry was shaking hands at a political fundraiser, he would be exhausted at the end of the event from continually, time after time, just giving away his energy. Using energy to one’s advantage has been a tool for thousands of years.
For example, in Eastern martial arts, at the beginning of a bout competitors traditionally ‘raised’ their own Central meridian, (boosting their self-confidence and feelings of capability and success) by passing their open hand up over their Central meridian (running from the pelvic floor to the mouth); while at the same time, they would use their other hand to ‘zip down’ the Central meridian of their opponent, to leave them feeling vulnerable and weak. Now you have the tools to not be unzipped by shaking someone’s hand without creating that circuit and thus maintaining all of your own energy!
Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Tools to Negate Jet Lag”. Send questions to Karen at ksemmelmanenergy@gmail.com . Prior articles may be found on her website or through Island Sun. Learn more at www.semmelmanenergy.com. EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.