Cancer, Repatterning our Energetic Anatomy – Part 3

   The last 2 weeks have been dedicated to learning tools to assist with Cancer, with the Holy Grail for cancer being to strengthen spleen and then to sedate triple warmer, since together these two meridians govern the immune system. Not only are SP and TW meridians, but they are also Radiant Circuits—meaning they have an innate intelligence that enables them to go to any part of our being that needs assistance. It also means that when the body is fighting a dis—ease of the body like cancer, their energy levels may be very stressed. This means that TW will start drawing energy from other organs to provide it with energy to keep you moving and in survival mode. Protecting you under all circumstances is TW’s job and to do so, it will rely on habits that have worked for your survival for many years, even if these habits aren’t necessarily beneficial for you. For example today in our EEM exercise class, one of the students was having a hard time crossing her right hand to her left side of the body— and why? Because TW’s habit field was comfortable with having her in an uncrossed, or homolateral condition. So to change habits we need to get TW on board and calm, so TW stops pulling so much energy from spleen, which then is very exhausted and unable to do its job of metabolizing all that enters the body, both physically, emotionally and spiritually.

   Over the last 2 weeks you have learned how to sedate TW, strengthen SP and a number of exercises. Today, you will learn several additional tools to help deal with the dis—-ease of the body when it is struggling to find balance amidst the cancer cells being created. Because this is a complex subject, the tools will be suggested, with locations of resources you may review to assist in obtaining more in depth information.

  1. Trace Spleen Meridian. See Karen’s blog of prior Columns or EEM book for specifics.
  2. Trace Triple Warmer Backwards. See Karen’s blog of prior Columns or EEM book for specifics
  3. Activate Radiant Circuits. Hold the end of the spleen meridian (about 4 inches under the armpit on the side—see book for detail) with one hand and with the other hand put the thumb, index and middle fingers together and then place them against the middle of the sternum between the breasts. Hold until you feel an energetic shift.
  4. Cover the Eyes Exercise. See Karen’s blog of prior Columns or EEM book for specifics. This activates Radiant circuits, calms TW and strengthens Spleen.
  5. Often Stomach Meridian is involved with breast cancer since it runs right through the breasts. Try tracing backwards and see if it feels good. If not try tracing forward and see how it feels.
  6. Free the Diaphragm Exercise. Another of Donna’s favorites that brings fresh oxygen into each cell of the body, and improves circulation.
  7. Step 1. Place the left hand under the center of your rib cage with the right hand placed directly on top of the left. Pull the elbows close against the body.
  8. Step 2. Inhale deeply and push your upper belly toward the hands while holding the hands firmly against the pressure of your upper belly. Hold the breadth while maintaining the pressure between body and hands. The longer the breadth is held and the more pressure exerted from the body being pushed out to meet the hands the better.Step 3. When you release the breath, ease the hands. REPEAT this process 3 times
  9. Be Positive, find the golden nugget and believe that if you show your body the healing pathway, it will follow. Remember that each thought we put out has an immediate physiological impact. Do the nine heart exercise if you are feeling sad or stressed to activate that joy juice of your being. Cancer is like any other imbalance of the body and with the right approach, mindset and shift of habit fields; you can find the homeostasis needed to heal.

   Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Flying—use EEM routine to avoid jetlag!

* Send questions to Karen at Prior articles may be found at her blog or through Island Sun. Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.

Cancer, Repatterning our Energetic Anatomy – Part 2


   Last week we learned that cancer, like any other imbalance of the body creating dis–ease, has managed to bypass the biochemical gateways in our body that remove damaged DNA cells before they get to our immune system. Our immune system is governed by Triple Warmer and Spleen, which inevitably with cancer, will need rebalanced. Generally TW needs sedated and Spleen needs strengthened. You learned how to strengthen Spleen last week. This week the tools to sedate Triple Warmer will be reviewed.

   The sedating and strengthening points are acupressure points along the each meridian. These points, along with many others, are used in acupuncture to release clogged or sluggish energy. We use the same points in EEM. By holding these points with your fingers, you are able to energetically begin to shift the flow of energy into the organ and systems involved. Because TW controls energetically all of the organs of the body, by “sedating it”, you are literally pulling energy from this meridian, to enable the body to calm and rebalance. TW is governed by and governs the hypothalamus, in the primal part of our brain, which operates automatically and is based on the fight, flight and freeze response. By calming TW, we are enabling our body to shift into a much less stressful mode, so that we may enhance the shifting of our ingrained habits. Whether we like it or not, we can’t change these habits with our minds by merely thinking we want to change, because these habits have been set into the subconscious primitive part of our primal anatomy. So, by sedating TW, we enable the habit field to begin to be changed so our being is in a much more relaxed state. Not only is sedating TW beneficial for use with cancer, but it is helpful in any stressful situation—it is deeply relaxing! Try it and see for yourself. I have seen people time and again just relax into a position of comfort and calm by using these points. As with any energy tool, however, be mindful of how it impacts you and if it doesn’t feel good, don’t do it!

   To sedate Triple Warmer, look at the diagram below and hold the 1st pair of points 3 to 5 minutes minimum on 1 side of the body and then the other side. Hold them longer if need be. I have held points on clients for up to 20 minutes and sometimes more. If you hold until the pulses are equal on both points this is the perfect amount of time. Then hold the second set of points on the 1 side and then the other side for ½ the time as the first. Do this as daily or more if your body is feeling under attack. With cancer, it is best to hold spleen strengthening point’s right after TW sedating points. Using these paired points is extremely helpful if undergoing chemotherapy or radiation since it enables the body to stay calmer with the infusion of foreign chemicals into the body—which is viewed by TW as an attack on its troops (all the organs it governs energetically).

   If you do chemo and experience nausea or acid reflux, place your thumb and the middle finger on Stomach 1 point (right below the pupil of the eye on the bony surround of the eye) while you place your other hand on your stomach. Or trace Stomach meridian backwards (see EEM book of Karen’s blog of prior columns for meridian tracing).

   One more tip for today for cancer is the Triple Warmer/Spleen hug. It is easy, quick and you can do it anywhere comfortably. It is one of Donna’s favorites. Wrap the left hand around right arm right above the elbow. Wrap right arm around left side of body underneath breast. Hold 3 breaths or more and then switch sides.

   Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Cancer, Repatterning our Energetic Anatomy-Part 3.”

* Send questions to Karen at Prior articles may be found at her blog or through Island Sun. Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.

Cancer, Finding the Energetic Balance-Part 1


   Cancer, let’s shift our perspective and view cancer as an imbalance of the body’s cells, just like diabetes, fibromyalgia or Parkinson’s. Our body is continually seeking the balance in our energetic anatomy and if we can help it find that balance, healing at a deeply profound level begins. I have been asked about dealing with cancer quite frequently, so thought it appropriate to provide some basic tools.

   Michael Douglas had the right idea when he said “Cancer didn’t bring me to my knees; it brought me to my feet!” So, if we have or know someone who has cancer, how do we get to our feet? That is the topic for today. Cancer is like any other dis—ease of the body—it is a loud warning to us that our bodies are out of balance and we need to act to bring harmony back. Of course acting is not always easy and with cancer, it is necessary to shift long entrenched habit fields. Cancer didn’t happen overnight, it is a gradual process. Cancer cells have damaged DNA, which cells have by-passed detection by many biochemical gateways in our body designed to detect and eliminate damaged DNA cells. Once our gateway of the immune system fails to detect the damaged DNA, the DNA is enabled to transform genes into cancer causing or cancer suppressing genes. A single cell starts the process of cancer if it sneaks through our natural built in defenses.

   Cancer is an abnormal growth that has the ability to invade other tissue. From an energy standpoint, the best approach is prevention, but if Cancer is a reality in your life or that of someone close to you, what can be done to help? The suggestions below are generic. Working with a skilled EEM practitioner will offer many other techniques and tools to assist. And of course, you want to explore all of your options and follow the advice of you allopathic doctor if that is the route that is being followed.

   Under Traditional Chinese Medicine tenets, our immune system is governed by Triple Warmer and Spleen. As explained previously, TW governs all of the organs in the body and is able to take energy from any other organ to do its job of seeing that we survive. However, the first place from which TW takes its energy is Spleen (which metabolizes everything passing through our body). Under stress, when the body is being bombarded with cancer cells, TW is in overdrive pulling energy from spleen. Thus, we can expect that spleen will be extremely depleted and TW will be in overdrive. Since we can’t just change our energetic habitual patterns with our thoughts, we need to change the habit fields that helped create the present condition. The first line of defense is generally to strengthen Spleen and sedate Triple Warmer, which you will learn below.

   To strengthen spleen, look at the diagram below and hold the 1st pair of points (holding removes energy from the TW meridian) 3 to 5 minutes minimum on 1 side of the body and then the other side. Hold for longer if it feels good! Hold the second pair of points (holding stabilizes the shifts you made with the first pair) on the 1 side and then the other side for ½ the time as the first. Do this several times a day. At a seminar I just did last week at The Community House, as attendees were holding these points, they were yawning (this means energy is moving) and feeling much better!

Next week we will learn to sedate Triple Warmer and additional tools to aid with Repatterning our energetic anatomy!

   Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Cancer, Repatterning our Energetic Anatomy.

* Send questions to Karen at Prior articles may be found at her blog or through Island Sun. Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.