Clear Etheric Sludge—Connect Heaven and Earth

Feel a cold or flu coming on? Have sore or achy joints? Taking on the energies of others? Feel you have taken on too much and are ready to explode? Feel emotionally un-nourished? In transition between work or moving or just dealing with family? If any of these apply, than it is time to open the meridians, throw the toxins out of your system and pull in fresh energy to all your joints!

Of course you are thinking “get real”, what exercise can accomplish this? The exercise is Connecting Heaven and Earth. It is one of Donna Eden’s favorites since it is so powerful. By encouraging our buddy Triple Warmer (remember that warrior of our body who protects our habit fields for survival and monitors our flight/fight/ freeze response) to act as a Radiant Circuit (that energy system that is our joy-juice), we are literally pulling energy in from above through our head (Heaven) and from below through our feet at Kidney 1 meridian (Earth). After we pull the energy to us, our joints are replenished helping to prevent arthritis; boosts the immune system by stretching the torso and activating the Spleen meridian; and stimulates the removal of all that stale etheric sludge in our systems.

Although in Energy Medicine Donna comments she thought she created the exercise, her research disclosed this exercise or variations of it have existed for centuries in other countries including Egypt, China and India (page 266). So, doing this exercise releases all those excessive accumulated energies seeking to be expelled and makes space for new fresh subtle energy to enter so you can smile!

The technique for Connecting Heaven and Earth follows:

Step 1. Rub your hands together, shake them off and place them on thighs with fingers spread.

Step 2. While inhaling through the nose, move your hands in a circle out from your sides and up over your head, bringing them to a prayer position in front of your heart. Exhale through the mouth

Step 3. While inhaling through the nose, stretch one hand up over your head with wrist bent so the palm is facing to the sky and stretch the other hand downward with wrist bent so the palm is facing the earth. Push with both palms creating a strong stretch along the side while looking up at the heavens. Hold your breath during this stretch. When ready to release the breath, exhale through the mouth and return your hands to prayer position.

Step 4. Switch arms and repeat with this side. After this set, do 2 or more sets.

Step 5. Bend at the waist to fold toward the floor, with bent knees if necessary, and hang there for 2 breaths.

Step 6. Slowly bring your body upright while you roll the energy to you with your hands from the feet to the head. I like to sprinkle that new fresh energy over my head and place my renewed energized hands wherever I feel I need a boost, perhaps my back or shoulder. Smile, do a little wiggle and start the day!

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Clear Physical Sludge-Reset Ileocecal/Houston Valves!”

* If you have a question for Karen, email her at Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.