Colds with Dry Cough and Fever—let EEM Help-Part 2!

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM, JD, AAML(03-12)

Last week’s Column addressed colds with runny nose and sneezes. This week we will address dry coughing and fevers related to colds PLUS an added bonus of what to do in the bath tub if you feel a cold coming on. Intriguing ,aye? What is better than a warm bath, especially with candles, a good book and a glass of wine…. the answer is EEM to beat a potential cold!

Remember the benefits on working with the Neurolymphatic reflex points, discussed in previous columns? Because the lymph system has no pump there is no way to get the toxins moving from the body unless we move vigorously, but the best way is to rub these points(part of the 5 Minute Routine). Many of the points you will learn to rub today are accessing the lymph system to move out the toxins and you will recognize some of the points right away! It feels nice to become familiar with some of the lingo and the location of these points doesn’t it?

When your cold sniffles have turned a dry cough and fever, our approach is a bit different. So follow the steps below to feel better quickly!

Step 1. Rub or thump the K 27 points for 1 minute while breathing deeply. K 27 are located about one inch below the inside edge of the collar bone and are the first set of points we do as part of the 5 Minute Routine. If uncertain as to the exact location, use the knuckles and rub the entire area. This starts to get all the meridians in the body flowing forward; begins activating all 9 energetic systems and jump starts the body’s systems.

Step 2. Bend your head back slightly to find the edge of your skull. Locate the middle “divot” and then move out about 2 inches on each side. Press or circle these points on both side of the head for 1 minute.

Step 3. Bend your elbow and observe where the skin changes from a darker color to the soft under-skin on the inside of the arm. On the darker skin, more on the top of the arm, press or circle this point with the opposite hand for 1 minute. This is on the large intestine meridian. Repeat on other side.

Step 4. Repeat steps 1-3 .

Step 5. Press or circle the entire outside of the thighs from the hips to the knees. I use my knuckles and press hard moving from the top to the knees—this muscle is governed by Large Intestine!

That is it….. you should begin feeling better. Now for the BONUS! If you feel that cold coming on, while in the bath tub, let your knees fall apart so they are resting on the tub. Cross your arms and push the elbows into the middle of the inside of your thighs and push your thumbs into the biceps. This helps the congestion drain from your lungs (thumb is the beginning of the lung meridian). Enjoy…

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is Sniffles, colds, dry cough—let EEM help- Part 2!” Send questions to Karen at . Prior articles may be found at her blog or through Island Sun. Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions

Sniffles, Colds, Dry Cough—let EEM Help!

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM, JD, AAML(03-12)

Tired of that runny nose, sore throat, continual cough especially during the transition of seasons? I can honestly say that I have not had a full blown cold or cough for at least 5 years. To what is this attributed? Not only do I do my energy routines daily, but I also use homeopathic remedies to stave off any beginnings of colds, flus or coughs. Especially during flying, it is so easy to be susceptible to all the germs being recycled through the air system of the plane. So pay attention and if you feel the beginning sniffles try one of these techniques to help!

If your symptoms are more stiffly and sneezy then a dry cough and fever, then working with the large intestine points and bladder points with start to make huge shifts in the symptoms. Why is this? Remember from the large intestine meridian column, that it begins at the index finger and continues to the nostril at our nose, just where we want to influence the sniffles! Bladder is the longest meridian in the body and it governs the nervous system so we want to reset the information being sent throughout the body to STOP the symptoms. Do the following 3 times each day for maximum relief and continue until the symptoms are gone.

Step 1. Hold the web between your thumb and index finger by placing the middle finger in this area on the back of you hand. When you touch this area you will likely find that it is dense and firm as you begin. With reduction of congestion, this area will be more palatable. Hold on the right hand and then the left for 1 minute each. It is beneficial to rub the area with your index finger and thumb to loosen it either before or after you hold it.

Step 2. Place your middle fingers on each side of your nostrils where the touch the flat part of your face. Hold this position for 1 minute

Step 3. Place your middle fingers on each side of the upper edges of the eye sockets right at the bridge of the nose. It is important to note that this is the beginning of the Bladder meridian and to obtain the maximum benefit, curl your finger under the eye ridge so the end of the finger is touching the eyelid gently.

That’s it! You should begin to see relief the same day you begin this technique. Feel better!

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is Sniffles, colds, dry cough—let EEM help- Part 2!” Send questions to Karen at . Prior articles may be found at her blog or through Island Sun. Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.