Dry Skin, Mouth, Eyes, Nasal Passages? Rub Large Intestine Points

Eden Energy Medicine                                  August 28, 2015

Dry Skin, Mouth, Eyes, Nasal Passages? Rub Large Intestine Points!

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEMCLP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                If you know someone who has a tendency toward dry skin, or they just can’t seem to “quench the thirst” and the mouth is always dry; or they are continually carrying eye drops with them for the dryness in the eyes; or perhaps have an ongoing issue with constipation; or maybe the continual need to use an ointment for the nasal passages— think large intestine! Why? Large intestine is associated with one of the 5 Rhythms –the Metal Rhythm. The Metal Rhythm also contains the Lung meridian. Those 20% of the population that have a primary Rhythm of metal can expect to have issues associated with dryness, skin, irritated or swollen eyes, sinus congestion, stuffy nose, swollen glands.. See a pattern with these conditions? They are all about holding onto something and not letting go—that is a characteristic of a person with a Metal Rhythm!Dry mouth pic art

An easy solution to ease these conditions is to rub the Large Intestine 4 Acupoint (a major point on the LI meridian), which is located on the top of the hand in the webbing between the thumb and index finger. Place the index finger and thumb of the other hand over this web and begin gently circling the area, which is likely feeling quite fibrous, continuing until the density of the area dissipates. It is likely very tender and may take days to enable the area to soften. This creates an environment where moisture can then penetrate the body, making space and thus reducing the ongoing dryness.

Another Acupoint on the LI meridian that will bring relief to congestion and dryness is LI 20, the last point on the meridian. Since the meridians run on both side of the body, rub with gradually increasing pressure on each side of the nostril where the nostril connects to the cheek area.

As you learn to go to these 2 points regularly, expect to see relief from the dryness, plus they also soothe the digestive system, alleviating gas, diarrhea and constipation. This will not happen overnight, but by incorporating it into your routine, expect to see shifts!!!

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Digestive Problems? Learn how to Overcome Stomach Upset”