Create Immune Resilience with Thymus HUB to Navel

Eden Energy Medicine                                  January 27, 2017

Create Immune Resilience with Thymus HUB to Navel

by Karen L. Semmelman, EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

The thymus gland is intimately involved in our immune system, production of T Cells to fight off invading microorganisms. You have learned the benefits of thumping thymus to boost the immune system. Connecting thymus to other locations or systems, including the spleen, the electrical system, the “gut” via the navel and the hippocampus (part of the limbic system) is critical to building resiliency to dis-ease and boosting the immune function. We have learned the connection to the main heart electric point, spleen 21 points. Today will learn the benefits of the connection to the navel.

all-disease-begins-in-gut-by-hippocrates-sayingThe gut has the largest number of immune cells in the body. The navel is like an energetic gate to the second brain—the gut. Over 100 million neurons in the gut link directly to the brain, which is why one experiences that “gut feeling” or butterflies in your stomach when nervous or excited. The intestines contain 60% of the body’s blood and also produces 90% of the body’s serotonin (the ability to feel happiness) and 50% of its dopamine, which helps us experience pleasure and drive. Stagnant blood and energy in the gut blocks the health of these functions, leading to any number of negative health effects. By stimulating the navel, energetic tension is released in the entire abdominal cavity as well as many energetic and nerve connections to all the organs. PLUS, the navel is the hub of the Central Meridian, is directly connected to Chakra energy, is a Radiant Circuit and has energetic tentacles to all parts of our being!

So, the big news is that placing your INDEX finger in your navel acts as a reset button because just below it lays 90% body’s serotonin; 50% body’s dopamine; extensive network fascial tissue connecting organs; ½ blood in body, enteric nervous system, digestive system and lymph nodes. Wow—lots of boost to the immune system’s resilience!index-finger-in-navel

The third connection is between Thymus gland and the Navel to increase immune function. Here is the technique:

  1. Begin by thumping the thymus with either hand. Or if it feels better to merely place the palm of the hand on the gland, that is fine too (especially if you are sensitive to the thumping motion).
  2. Thump Thymus and hold Heart Electric Point, the main electrical point of the body (Previous column). Thump Thymus with Spleen 21 points (both sides)
  3. Thump Thymus while placing other hand’s middle finger in the navel and gently pull up.
  4. Hold this connection for 2 to 4 minutes or until you fill a shift in your energy—perhaps a deep breath or deep sigh. Gentle rocking may be soothing.

You learned the1st, 2nd and 3rd connections. Next week the Thymus to Hippocampus connection will be addressed. Enjoy your health!

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is Create Immune Resilience with Thymus HUB to Hippocampus”

Create Immune Resilience with Thymus Hub to Spleen

Eden Energy Medicine                                  January 20, 2017

Create Immune Resilience with Thymus HUB to Spleen

by Karen L. Semmelman, EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

Over the last several weeks, we learned the thymus gland is intimately involved in our immune system, production of T Cells to fight off invading microorganisms; and the benefits of thumping thymus to boost the immune system. Connecting thymus to other locations or systems, including the spleen, the electrical system, the “gut” via the navel and the hippocampus (part of the limbic system) is critical to building resiliency to dis-ease and boosting the immune function. We have learned the connection to the main heart electric point and today will learn the benefits of the connection to Spleen 21 points, the end of the spleen meridian.spleen-happy-cartoon

Chinese medicine views Spleen’s primary function as transforming nutrients into vital energy (chi) and blood, equally distributing this energy to the body, mind and spirit. Together with Stomach, Spleen oversees the “Earth” rhythm of our beings, assisting with the transitions of life, at whatever level. Spleen is the great metabolizer, so that everything that enters, including emotions, thoughts and food, all run through spleen. It influences digestions, is involved with the lymph, thymus, tonsils, lymph nodes, bone marrow and over sees production of antibodies, blood supply, and maintaining homeostasis.  It has a major role in keeping us healthy. It has 21 points along its meridian and the end point is the point that is tapped for one of the “4 Thumps” which is part of the Daily Energy Routine. When the body is under stress, the first place that Triple Warmer (Commander of all energies of the Body) takes energy from is the spleen meridian, depleting the immune system reserves and creating digestive difficulties.

The second connection is between Thymus gland and Spleen 21 point, a powerful union of 2 major players in our spleen-thumping-pic-of-woman-from-yoga-journalimmune health. Here is the technique:

  1. Begin by thumping the thymus with either hand. Or if it feels better to merely place the palm of the hand on the gland, that is fine too (especially if you are sensitive to the thumping motion).
  2. Thump Thymus and hold Heart Electric Point, the main electrical point of the body (Previous column).
  3. Thump Thymus while thumping Spleen 21 point. Located approximately 6 finger widths below center of the armpit on the side of the body. Reaching across the body with your arm to thump spleen while resting the wrist under the breast maximizes connection to the spleen (left side) and liver (right side). Do the other side.
  4. Hold this connection for 2 to 4 minutes or until you fill a shift in your energy—perhaps a deep breath or deep sigh. Gentle rocking may be soothing.

You learned the1st and 2nd connections. Next week the Thymus to Navel connection will be addressed. Enjoy your health!

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is Create Immune Resilience with Thymus HUB to Navel”

Meet the “Sea of Nutrients”-Trace Stomach Meridian

Eden Energy Medicine            Bloating, Indigestion, Nausea?-Trace Stomach Meridian

by Karen L. Semmelman, EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

Stomach (Yang) receives the food we ingest, decides what nutrients to keep and then transports this energy to Spleen (Yin), who converts it to energy (chi) and blood, to nourish the entire system. This digestive process is pretty important, aye? So, if ST is imbalanced, one can’t assimilate nutrients needed to strengthen the body, mind &spirit—resulting in a weak energy level. The importance of nutrition is imperative!  One may experience bloating, bloating-cartoon-woman-floating-awaygastrointestinal pain, nausea, acid reflux, allergies, bags under the eyes; breast issues, digestive issues, fallopian tube issues;  hunger frequently, laryngitis; lumps, mouth & lip sores, neck pain, nervous tension, ovary issues, sinus issues, stomach aches, ulcers  or weight issues.

As a Reminder, view the August 5 and 12th Columns, since the basics of tracing are set forth.

                Meridian Flow Wheel Time of day. ST meridian’s high tide is 7 AM-9 AM. We always begin and end by tracing Central and Governing meridians before starting to trace the other meridians. If you begin tracing your meridians at 7 30 AM, then begin with ST.

Reasons to Trace Alone in Addition to Tracing All Meridians. Although it is best to trace all your meridians as one continuous flow, you may want to trace ST if you have some of the symptoms listed in the opening paragraph or if one is meddlesome, has sugar cravings, shows obsessive worry or is co-dependent.

Affirmation for this Meridian is “I trust the mystery of life”. Remembering that matter follows energy, stating a positive thought shifts the energy just by the intention-this is the metaphysical fabric of life! We are all part of that pure fabric of existence so reap its benefits.

Pathway of Meridian. Do both sides at the same time. Place both hands underneath your eyes, trace down to your jawbone and then circle the outside of your face up to your forehead; bring your hands directly over the middle of your stomach-meridian-tracing-from-eem-bookeyes to the collarbone; follow the collarbone outward several inches; now go straight down over your breasts; jog in at the bottom of the ribs straight down to the waist; flair out at the hips and then straight down the front of your legs and off the second toe. That’s it. You just traced Stomach meridian!! See the insert.

Flushing or Tracing the Meridian Backwards. Remember that if there is too much energy in a meridian, you may want to trace it backwards and see if that makes you feel better. If experiencing pain or dis-ease in the area of a meridian, it is likely that removing the energy from the meridian will provide relief. If it does, then trace it backwards 3 times, but NEVER TRACE HEART BACKWARDS. If it seems there is not enough energy in your meridian then trace it forward 3 times. If you feel better, this is what was needed. Experience the impact of the energetic shifts. To flush a meridian, as if you are de-clogging a pipe, trace the meridian once backwards to loosen the sludge and then trace the meridian forward 3 times. Flushing really helps reset the meridian’s balance.

You are set. Keep this Column as a reminder of how to trace Stomach while you learn the last meridian next week!

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is Diabetes, fibroids or cysts?-Trace Spleen Meridian”