Figure 8’s Around Eyes to Release Trauma

Eden Energy Medicine                                  December 30, 2016

Figure 8’s Around Eyes to Release Trauma

by Karen L. Semmelman, EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                Earlier this month we explored the benefits of using Figure 8’s around the eyes to address PTSD issues for veterans, enabling their energies to cross. The technique today will defuse traumatic residue by desensitization using eye pattern release. As we know, it is hard to will yourself to change an emotional response that is locked into the body’s physique from trauma. Many tools are popular in recent years to release trauma: tapping; energy psychology; EFT; the concept of neuroplasticity and more.  This tool, taking about 2 minutes, focuses on bringing awareness to the position of the eyes when a traumatic memory is triggered. Here is how it works:trauma-definition-pic

  1. Think of a stressful memory. Rate is on a 1 to 10 , with 10 being the most charged. Make a “4 finger notch” with thumb, index, middle and ring finger touching. Hold fingers 6 to 12 inched in front of the bridge of the nose.
  2. Maintain head position facing straight in front of the body, while always keeping the fingers in the field of vision.
  3. Begin making sideways figure 8’s, moving the fingers upward and to the right as high and as wide as possible. Continue around the outside of the eye (closest to ear), above eyebrows, back to the bridge of nose, to the left as high and wide as possible, around the outside of eye (by ear) and above the eyebrows. Repeat until the memory’s trigger abates.
  4. Pay ATTENTION: if finding the stressor memory is greater with eyes in a certain direction; stop and place your eyes-looking-upother hand with palm against the forehead over the main Neurovascular points (these points have significant influence over our emotions and are directly tied into the nervous system messaging the body to find calm and relax). Maintain this hold for 20 seconds (so you will have 1 hand 6 -12 inches from the body with fingers clustered together, eyes on these fingers and the other hand’s palm is on the forehead). As the charge is diminished for the memory, remove the hand from the forehead and continue making 8s. Repeat the same way if another direction is more charged. Continue until the charge on the memory is significantly reduced, say a 3 or less.

This is a great tool to show skeptics of the benefits of using your own energy to heal, because one always feels better after releasing emotional baggage! Perhaps a great New Year’s Resolution, to change your attitude by changing your energy since matter (including thoughts) follows energy!


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is Create Immune Resilience with Thymus as the HUB- Part I”

Heart to Mouth Exercise Gives Woman Her Voice—Reader’s Share

Eden Energy Medicine                                  December 23, 2016


Heart to Mouth Exercise Gives Woman Her Voice—Reader’s Share

by Karen L. Semmelman, EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                This week’s column is reflective of the power of our individual intention and its impact on our health. During an EEM session with a woman who was having trouble “getting her words out properly” following a diagnosis of heart heart-in-mouth-cartoonand insulin issues, I asked her to make sure she regularly made a connection between her heart and a point on her groin area. However, when I saw her the following week to review how she did with her homework, she reported that as soon as she placed her hand over her heart and other hand over her mouth, she immediately was able to speak. She placed her hands in this position each time she was experiencing a sense of being unable to speak or when her words would not come forth or they were scrambled. Reporting that each time this happened, She made her energetic connection, finding it made a huge difference and she was able to speak accurately and appropriately!

As she told me her story, I just laughed and she asked what was so funny.  I told her this was such a wonderful new exercise that she intuitively created, and I would pass it along. Her own heart life force sent energy right to where she needed it, enabling her to speak coherently.  The morale of the story is to set your intention in this New Year, realizing that matter does follow energy and can change your life in profound ways—sometimes so completely unexpected. As Donna Eden says “Your illness is NOT your fault, but your healing IS your responsibility. heart-w-mouth-inside-it

Make those resolutions with positivity, intention and a sense of wonder at your own power to change you and thus the world!


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is Figure 8’s Around Eyes to Release Trauma”

Veteran PTSD reduced with Figure 8’s Around the Eyes

Eden Energy Medicine                                  December 9, 2016

Veteran PTSD reduced with Figure 8’s Around the Eyes

by Karen L. Semmelman, EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                Holidays especially are a time to be thankful for all of our soldiers, who bravely protect the freedoms we so enjoy in this country.  Many veterans return home suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) resulting from horrors or brutality experienced or observed. This is not to say PTSD is limited to veterans, since anyone suffering from this condition may benefit. David Feinstein, Donna Eden’s husband, renown internationally recognized PhD veteran-in-front-flag-ptsdpsychologist, has testified before the Senate on the benefits of Energy Psychology to treat veteran PTSD with amazing results. This approach is beyond the scope of this article, but is an approach worth exploring for those with PTSD.

The technique in this article was developed by Laurel Camden, whose son was in the military and as a result she became familiar with the plight of so many soldiers, seeking ways to help them integrate back into normal daily lives. We do know that it is imperative to have the energy from the hemispheres of the brain cross to the other side of the body, i.e. the right hemisphere controls the left side of the body and the left hemisphere controls the right. During stress, the body’s energies, in an effort to protect and allow the body to deal with the trauma, will enter into a state known as homolateral, meaning the energies are no longer crossing from the hemispheres to the opposite of the body, but rather they are running vertically up and down the body. The effect of a homolateral condition appears in many ways— for example: loss of balance and coordination; pain on one side of the body and not the other; inability to heal and process as quickly as expected; of feeling disconnected and “off”.

What Laurel found, was that the traditional way of crossing energies, part of the DER, to do the “Cross-Crawl”, created more trauma for the soldiers since is reminded them of marching. So, she began having the veteran make slow figure eights around their eyes. At first, it was hard to do, but she found with repetition and with the eyes open, the crossing began to occur again. So, one can begin at either eye, but for purposes of the concept:figure-8s-around-eyes

  1. Begin at the Bridge of the nose with your left hand. Move the hand with all fingers held together under the left eye, around the outside of the eye(closest to the ear) around the eyebrow, back to nose, around the right eyebrow, outside of eye, under right eye and back to bridge.
  2. Repeat this pattern for at least 5 times with your eyes open. Reverse directions, beginning the 8s around the right eye first at least 5 times.
  3. Now use both hands to create the 8’s around the eyes with eyes open. Do at least 5 times.
  4. If it is too much when you begin, close the eyes and do 1 or 2 and gradually build up.
  5. As you feel better, increase the amount and frequency!

Experience the expansion of your being as you “double your energies” from being crossed!


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is Heart to Heart Exercise is Great for Grounding”

Align Family Energies by Laying on Floor & Swishing Your Legs

Eden Energy Medicine                                  February 5, 2016

Align Family Energies by Laying on Floor & Swishing Your Legs

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEMCLP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                Need to create some cohesiveness, togetherness and lightness within your family or among your friends? Want to get those teens to feel more receptive to your suggestions? Try this fun exercise that aligns all the family energies together in the same room. After all, it is just fun to do an exercise that enhances energetic balance and at the same time gets everyone giggling a little bit. Not only does it create harmony with others; it calms the entire bodscissoring legs, young girl on bellyy and your nervous system; it brings balance between the right and left sides of the body (assisting in getting you out of a homolateral condition where your energies are running straight up and down the body rather than crossing over from the right side to the left side); and it promotes crossing of the energies between the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Lastly, it improves your ability to focus, take in new information and to retain what you just read!  Whew, pretty impressive exercise isn’t it?baby sleeping w crossed legs

The Scissors exercise Donna created has the following steps:

  1. Lay on your belly on the floor or if you want, you can do it on a bed or padded surface. Place your elbows on the floor in front of you while resting the face in your hands.
  2. Bend your knees so your feet and lower legs are now in the air. Move your knees a comfortable distance from one another, adjusting the distance after you begin the motion
  3. Let the feet fall toward the middle of your body so the feet are moving toward the other foot and then crossing over the other leg. Then open the legs and let them fall apart and out to the sides. The motion reminds one of opening and closing scissors while cutting
  4. Bring the legs back to the middle again so they cross and then fall open.
  5. Alternate each open and close so that one time the left ankle is on top and the next crossing the right ankle is on top.
  6. Repeat at least 6 times, but continue until you find yourself or others, smiling and giggling.

To end the exercise, try getting up and giving and receiving big hugs to create the love hormone of oxytocin!!!1


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Figure 8’s on Pregnant Woman’s Belly Harmonize

Energy with Baby”.

Disconnected, Dizzy, Feeling Ungrounded? BE an Elephant

Eden Energy Medicine                                  November 6, 2015

Disconnected, Dizzy, Feeling Ungrounded? BE an Elephant

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)


Be an Elephant? Thinking she has really lost it??? An elephant is a huge animal that is very solid and grounded to the earth, right? And grounding is imperative to our survival as humans, correct? If we aren’t pulling the electromagnetic energy from the Earth through the only Acupoint on the bottom of our foot (Kidney meridian Elephants running and stompingbeginning point), our entire body will go haywire since each single cell of our body needs to be polarized, recognizing its north and south pole. If it doesn’t get fed its electromagnetic fix, be prepared for more and more dis-ease to develop, popping up everywhere. This is so essential to our well-being…. Yes you have read about it before, how to be grounded. Let’s just review some of the tools you already know: spoon the bottom of your feet with a stainless steel spoon; open the gaits of your feet; walk barefoot in the sand or the grass; hug a tree; pinch and stretch the body of the feet etc.

Today you will learn 2 more. While with Donna in San Diego last month, she demonstrated how effective and fun these 2 tools can be. The first: stomp your feet as if you are a big huge elephant. Pick up each foot and bring it to the Earth with as much intention and force as you can muster. Continue for several minutes until you take a nice deep breath. Wouldn’t this be a great fun tool to use with kids or grand-kids to help them ground.   Living in high rise buildings, wearing insulated shoes made of synthetic materials, holding cell phones to our ear or carrying them in pockets, being absorbed by the computer or video games for hours at a time, using the microwave to literally zap all the energy from our food (making it a pile of glob) and zapping our own energy when we are near it, flying in airplanes—the list goes on and on. We are interfering with being grounded ALL the time.

The second tool from Donna, who sees this shift energetically and  immediately begins connecting to Earth energy. Place both hands on sides of body at the pelvis; with firm pressure begin squeezing your hands as you slide the hands down the legs. If you feel the need for more, do it again but this time move your hands so they are squeezing another section of the leg (side, front, back, inside) Then hug yourself for a great job!

Have fun with your energy!

Next week’s topic is “Insomnia?- Close Your 3rd Eye!”

Heart Ache?-Shift the Chakra Energy in Minutes

Eden Energy Medicine                                  October 30, 2015

Heart Ache?-Shift the Chakra Energy in Minutes

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                Does your heart hurt or does your friend, child have deep heart ache? Going through a divorce, losing a loved one in death, finding out a parent has cancer, hearing your best friend lost a limb in a car accidHeartache teddy bear with bandaid on heart picent, just being diagnoses with diabetes, or your neighbor had a stroke? All these events create instant pain right into your heart—that vital organ providing inspiration for all our highly developed mental functions: perception, intuition, awareness, spiritual desires and our ability to communicate our thoughts and emotions. Sometimes when these pieces of news are experienced, one must bend over cradling the chest as the intensity impacts the body.

While is San Diego last month with Donna Eden, at an advanced chakra course, she demonstrated the following technique to assist in moving that deep profoundly painful ache from the heart charka center to a lower chakra that is better able to handle it…. There are 7 major chakras, from the perineum to the top of the head; all bathing the organs and systems in their area. The heart chakra is located in the middle of the chest between the breasts and the solar plexus chakra (dealing with our ego and our identity in the world) is located between the sternum and the navel. The womb/sacral chakra is between the navel and the pelvis and the root chakra is below the pelvis area.

  Technique to shift the heart ache: Place both hands over one another, with both palms facing the floor. Gently move the hands above the heart chakra (to the top of the breasts). Sink into the painful event as you close your eyes holding your hands in this position. Gently begin pushing both hands down through the heart chakra to the solar plexus. Energy should release. If the energy does not release, continue slowly and with intention, moving your hands down the front of the body until you get to the root chakra. Stop and finish at whatever area the pain has released. It works because one of the other chakras can handle the issue when the heart couldn’t. Try it whenever your heart is too hurt to smile!

Have fun with your energy!

Next week’s topic is “Disconnected, Dizzy, Feeling Ungrounded? BE an Elephant”

Eyes Dull and Hazy?—Hold Heart Source Point

Eden Energy Medicine                                  October 16, 2015

Eyes Dull and Hazy?—Hold Heart Source Point

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                Last week we learned about Source Acupoints, which are reservoirs of energy on each meridian and thus influence the associated organ. Today let’s focus on some imbalances that might warrant saying hello to our Heart 7 Source point. These are just a smattering, but they make the point. Blood pressure, excessive perspiration, overheating, rashes or gives, hot flashes, erratic pulse, vertigo, fainting spells, palpitations, angina—all reflective of excessive energy. You might experience the following for deficient heart energy: pale or ashen complexion, ringing in ears, insomnia, heartburn, exhaustion, lightheadedness, congestive heart failure, lack of spontaneity, fear of falling, loss of passion or fear of rejection. These are just a few issues that might warrant Heart 7’s use.eyes dull from unhappiness

                The Yellow Emperor’s Classic on Chinese Medicine states this about the heart: “The heart is the sovereign of all organs and represents the consciousness of one’s being. It is responsible for intelligence, wisdom and spiritual transformation.” Chinese Medicine also suggests that heart spirit (Shen) is reflected in the eyes and if they sparkle and shine, then the Shen is strong; but if the eyes are dull or hazy, the Shen is weak and in need of attention. This organ is pretty impressive, aye? So, if we have such issues, it is nice to have a tool to assist the balancing of heart energy. Heart 7 Source point is the tool!

Like all Acupoints, Heart 7 is in a “divot” or hollow. To locate, look at the palm of the hand and bend the wrist toward you. Notice as you flex the wrist back and forth, small hollows at the wrist are apparent. Since the heart meridian begins at the arm pit and ends on the little finger, the Heart 7 Source point is located on the wrist in direct line with the little finger. Hold this point for 1 or 2 minutes during one of the episodes noted above and watch the energy shift. Hold until you feel nice pulses under your fingers, with the middle finger being the preference. Try holding both sides at the same time if very flexible. One of my clients loves to hold this point whenever she goes to concerts, to keep her anxiety under control…. Or use to relieve feelings of anxiety, nervousness, agitation or restlessness. There are so many possibilities. As you bring the Shen back into balance, observe the sparkle return to your eyes! Play with it, it truly works.

Have fun with your energy!

Next week’s topic is “Hemorrhoids or Varicose Veins?—Hold Spleen Source Point”

Alleviate Fear by Holding the Head!

Eden Energy Medicine                                  October 2, 2015


Alleviate Fear by Holding the Head

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEMCLP, JD, AAML(03-12)


Last week we learned how to manage and reduce trauma by holding our forehead with one hand and placing the other hand over the heart chakra. Holding points located on the head influence emotions. These points are called Neurovascular points. Each meridian of the 14 meridians is associated with an emotion and each meridian has points located on the head the impact the nervous, circulatory and vascular systems of the body. Thus by learning where, for example, the Kidney Neurovascular points are located on the head, we can begin to influence our “fear” of the saber toothed tiger entering the room. This is because the Kidney meridian’s primary stressor emotion is fear. Our body is such a complex integrated system, enabling us to shift mind, body and spirit by accessing energies on specific points!holding forehead w palm for Main NV demo

Let’s use Sarah as an example. Whenever Sarah sees a spider, her heart begins racing, she breaks out into a sweat, she can’t focus on anything, begins breathing very fast and needs to run away from the spider… So what to do? Sarah can do this herself or better yet, have someone else hold these points for her. Place one hand on the main Neurovascular points on the forehead. The palm rests with the fingers right above the eyebrows, the palm above 1 eye and the fingers above the other eye. The other palm is placed on the back of the head directly behind the eyes with the fingers pointing toward an ear. Gently hold these points—don’t use a lot of pressure. Sit or stand and hold until the body begins to calm… We know that on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 would be the number for Sarah. Ask her to rate the fear periodically as you hold these points until it is a manageable number. You may need to continue to hold these points for days… As an aside if the issue continues, there are numerous additional points that can be held, other EEM tools that may be employed and there is Energy Psychology tools as well to address deep rooted issues—all of which are beyond the scope of the column; but important to know exist.

Enjoy the exploration of these possibilities to shift your habits or those of others!


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Shift Liver Energy, Which Oversees 700 Tasks!” Send questions to Karen at . Prior articles may be found on her website or through Island Sun. Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions



Shift Habit Fields to Release Trauma & Find Safety

Eden Energy Medicine                                  September 25, 2015


Shift Habit Fields to Release Trauma & Find Safety

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEMCLP, JD, AAML(03-12)


We have learned many tools that shift energy to impact the physical body, but not as many to shift emotions. Today, learn tools to assist in reshaping habit fields that are deeply imbedded in the subconscious and not easily accessed by the forebrain. According to Bruce Lipton, MD, 90% of our habits are in the subconscious brain and from birth to age 7 we are essentially in a down load mode, taking in all that surrounds us; thus creating huge habits that influence our psyche for the rest of our life. So, the question becomes, how do we access this subconscious brain…? There are numerous tools and theories, but today we will work with the Main Neurovascular points on our forehead and our heart chakra.traumatic experience, girl holding teddy bear

Recently Donna Eden’s newsletter referenced a technique for addressing trauma embedded deeply in the brain, by psychologist Peter Levine, PHD; which technique Donnas has used for years. When one is traumatized, there is no sense of safety and no amount of rational discussion helps until the person gains a sense of safety. Under stress, the blood leaves the forebrain, to enable the person to move into survival mode of fight, flight or freeze. Sometimes just a reminder of the trauma sends the body into stress and this continual loop/habit field occurs. The objective is to use tools to feel safe, thus enabling release of guilt and shame surrounding the trauma, bringing blood into the forebrain and begin shifting the energy.

The technique is easy. Place one palm on the forehead with the little fingers resting directly above the eyebrows and the palm of the hand above 1 eye and the fingers above the other eye. Place the other hand directly over the heart chakra, in the middle of the chest between the breasts. An energetic connection is being made between the forebrain and the heart. Sink into the trauma as you hold until the impact has diminished. Continue later that day or for as many days as you need to shift the emotional charge to neutral. It works because the nervous system is calmed; the emotions influenced by the points on the forehead and the heart chakra (which heart has its own innate intelligence); and activation of radiant energy. Try rating the trauma before beginning on a scale of 1 to 10 and then rate as you hold the points. Stop the process when you have gotten the number to 1 or 0.


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Alleviate Fear by Holding the Head” Send questions to Karen at . Prior articles may be found on her website or through Island Sun. Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions



What Are the Energies of Love?

Want to know why your partner, friend or child hears you say something you never said or intended, especially when under pressure or stress? Or you are feeling very vulnerable, hurting and in need of a hug and she/he is providing a great dissertation of logic as to how to solve your “problem”? Or perhaps your partner just doesn’t understand that your feelings of concern and worry about the grandchild are reality and are the facts and these feelings are all that matter?  Or maybe he or she doesn’t get the fact that the way you see the situation is the appropriate perspective and really the only one??

Welcome to the energies of love! Understanding the sensory type of both you and those close to you aids in communication, understanding, acceptance and loving dialogue! Donna Eden and David Feinstein, after 3 years, just finished the book Energies of Love.  In this book they explore and explain that there are 4 very very different sensory types that each person uses to react and engage their world. Each of us goes to one of the 4 as our default mode when under stress.  Briefly, the 4 types are as follows:

Tonal, based on hearing. This person, when stressed, will fill in the blanks to what he/she thinks is being said based on the way it is being heard; even though you may not be saying anything near what is he/she is  ”interpreting” or “hearing”. They get exasperated at “not being heard” and get angry at being made to feel wrong.

Digital, based on logic. This person, under stress, believes that all issues, emotional or otherwise are solvable by methodically explaining or analyzing the situation. If he/she can get the other to see the logic, than all will be just fine. They are not emotional people, believing they are always right and can’t be reached with feelings.

Kinesthetic, based on feeling. This person, under stress, believes that her/his feeling are the world. They will forever try to please others based on feelings and can’t sort out feelings from logic, since feelings are fact. Tending  to be overly compassionate, they lose their own truth; and suffer for others.

Visual, based on seeing. This person, under stress, calmly explains that the way they see the world is the only way and if you don’t agree, well than you are just plain wrong. Unable to see their role in dispute; tending to blame the other, dismissive of partner and very nit-picky, they also must have you look them in the eye when talking.

Thus, by learning the sensory types, you will be able to communicate much more effectively with those close to you. These are the energies of love. The book has many exercises and examples of how to address our close interactions. More next week…..