Eden Energy Medicine December 30, 2016
Figure 8’s Around Eyes to Release Trauma
by Karen L. Semmelman, EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)
Earlier this month we explored the benefits of using Figure 8’s around the eyes to address PTSD issues for veterans, enabling their energies to cross. The technique today will defuse traumatic residue by desensitization using eye pattern release. As we know, it is hard to will yourself to change an emotional response that is locked into the body’s physique from trauma. Many tools are popular in recent years to release trauma: tapping; energy psychology; EFT; the concept of neuroplasticity and more. This tool, taking about 2 minutes, focuses on bringing awareness to the position of the eyes when a traumatic memory is triggered. Here is how it works:
- Think of a stressful memory. Rate is on a 1 to 10 , with 10 being the most charged. Make a “4 finger notch” with thumb, index, middle and ring finger touching. Hold fingers 6 to 12 inched in front of the bridge of the nose.
- Maintain head position facing straight in front of the body, while always keeping the fingers in the field of vision.
- Begin making sideways figure 8’s, moving the fingers upward and to the right as high and as wide as possible. Continue around the outside of the eye (closest to ear), above eyebrows, back to the bridge of nose, to the left as high and wide as possible, around the outside of eye (by ear) and above the eyebrows. Repeat until the memory’s trigger abates.
- Pay ATTENTION: if finding the stressor memory is greater with eyes in a certain direction; stop and place your
other hand with palm against the forehead over the main Neurovascular points (these points have significant influence over our emotions and are directly tied into the nervous system messaging the body to find calm and relax). Maintain this hold for 20 seconds (so you will have 1 hand 6 -12 inches from the body with fingers clustered together, eyes on these fingers and the other hand’s palm is on the forehead). As the charge is diminished for the memory, remove the hand from the forehead and continue making 8s. Repeat the same way if another direction is more charged. Continue until the charge on the memory is significantly reduced, say a 3 or less.
This is a great tool to show skeptics of the benefits of using your own energy to heal, because one always feels better after releasing emotional baggage! Perhaps a great New Year’s Resolution, to change your attitude by changing your energy since matter (including thoughts) follows energy!
Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Create Immune Resilience with Thymus as the HUB- Part I”