Heart to Mouth Exercise Gives Woman Her Voice—Reader’s Share

Eden Energy Medicine                                  December 23, 2016


Heart to Mouth Exercise Gives Woman Her Voice—Reader’s Share

by Karen L. Semmelman, EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                This week’s column is reflective of the power of our individual intention and its impact on our health. During an EEM session with a woman who was having trouble “getting her words out properly” following a diagnosis of heart heart-in-mouth-cartoonand insulin issues, I asked her to make sure she regularly made a connection between her heart and a point on her groin area. However, when I saw her the following week to review how she did with her homework, she reported that as soon as she placed her hand over her heart and other hand over her mouth, she immediately was able to speak. She placed her hands in this position each time she was experiencing a sense of being unable to speak or when her words would not come forth or they were scrambled. Reporting that each time this happened, She made her energetic connection, finding it made a huge difference and she was able to speak accurately and appropriately!

As she told me her story, I just laughed and she asked what was so funny.  I told her this was such a wonderful new exercise that she intuitively created, and I would pass it along. Her own heart life force sent energy right to where she needed it, enabling her to speak coherently.  The morale of the story is to set your intention in this New Year, realizing that matter does follow energy and can change your life in profound ways—sometimes so completely unexpected. As Donna Eden says “Your illness is NOT your fault, but your healing IS your responsibility. heart-w-mouth-inside-it

Make those resolutions with positivity, intention and a sense of wonder at your own power to change you and thus the world!


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is Figure 8’s Around Eyes to Release Trauma”

Heart to Heart Exercise is Great for Grounding!

Eden Energy Medicine                                  December 16, 2016


Heart to Heart Exercise is Great for Grounding!

by Karen L. Semmelman, EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                The holidays are a wonderful time to express our love to friends and family. Often time, though, we may find ourselves feeling adrift from all the holiday stress of responsibilities and having everything just right. As we become more stressed, we can often lose our grounding. Since we are electromagnetic beings, we pull energy from the Earth through the Kidney 1 acupressure point on the bottom of our foot. We need this Earth energy to feel connected to ourselves, the Earth and to others. So if you feel disconnected in anyway, think Grounding and cominpineal-gland-interface-w-heart-bodyg home to oneself.

The exercise is easy. 1. Place the index and middle finger together with the thumb, letting this “3 finger notch” posture rest on the top of the head ( at the baby soft spot).

  1. Place the other hand directly over the heart chakra, located between your breasts.
  2. Take a deep breath or 2 or 3 and allow yourself to experience the connection between these 2 points, as you experience your intimate connection to the Earth.

Do these as often as you need it to assist in being connected to YOU and to others again.  So, you ask, why does this work? The Heart Chaka, as all Chakras do, interfaces with the Aura around our body. The Aura, among many other tasks, connects us between the heavens and the Earth. By placing your hand on the Heart Chakra, you come home to your center and to your unique way of being you. The soft spot on the top of the head sits right over the Pineal Gland, directly connected to the heart and an integral part of the Endocrine system. The Endocrine system is controlled by Triple Warmer, so the body is being flooded with wonderful hormones and chemicals to help you shift your stressors to calm.   Of course, don’t forget about the heart to heart hugs, which create Oxytocin, our love hormone. Get 12 hugs a day and you will be smiling all day!


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is Heart to Mouth Exercise Gives Woman Her Voice—Reader’s Share”

Veteran PTSD reduced with Figure 8’s Around the Eyes

Eden Energy Medicine                                  December 9, 2016

Veteran PTSD reduced with Figure 8’s Around the Eyes

by Karen L. Semmelman, EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                Holidays especially are a time to be thankful for all of our soldiers, who bravely protect the freedoms we so enjoy in this country.  Many veterans return home suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) resulting from horrors or brutality experienced or observed. This is not to say PTSD is limited to veterans, since anyone suffering from this condition may benefit. David Feinstein, Donna Eden’s husband, renown internationally recognized PhD veteran-in-front-flag-ptsdpsychologist, has testified before the Senate on the benefits of Energy Psychology to treat veteran PTSD with amazing results. This approach is beyond the scope of this article, but is an approach worth exploring for those with PTSD.

The technique in this article was developed by Laurel Camden, whose son was in the military and as a result she became familiar with the plight of so many soldiers, seeking ways to help them integrate back into normal daily lives. We do know that it is imperative to have the energy from the hemispheres of the brain cross to the other side of the body, i.e. the right hemisphere controls the left side of the body and the left hemisphere controls the right. During stress, the body’s energies, in an effort to protect and allow the body to deal with the trauma, will enter into a state known as homolateral, meaning the energies are no longer crossing from the hemispheres to the opposite of the body, but rather they are running vertically up and down the body. The effect of a homolateral condition appears in many ways— for example: loss of balance and coordination; pain on one side of the body and not the other; inability to heal and process as quickly as expected; of feeling disconnected and “off”.

What Laurel found, was that the traditional way of crossing energies, part of the DER, to do the “Cross-Crawl”, created more trauma for the soldiers since is reminded them of marching. So, she began having the veteran make slow figure eights around their eyes. At first, it was hard to do, but she found with repetition and with the eyes open, the crossing began to occur again. So, one can begin at either eye, but for purposes of the concept:figure-8s-around-eyes

  1. Begin at the Bridge of the nose with your left hand. Move the hand with all fingers held together under the left eye, around the outside of the eye(closest to the ear) around the eyebrow, back to nose, around the right eyebrow, outside of eye, under right eye and back to bridge.
  2. Repeat this pattern for at least 5 times with your eyes open. Reverse directions, beginning the 8s around the right eye first at least 5 times.
  3. Now use both hands to create the 8’s around the eyes with eyes open. Do at least 5 times.
  4. If it is too much when you begin, close the eyes and do 1 or 2 and gradually build up.
  5. As you feel better, increase the amount and frequency!

Experience the expansion of your being as you “double your energies” from being crossed!


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is Heart to Heart Exercise is Great for Grounding”

Hormones Groaning? Try Moaning

Eden Energy Medicine                                  April 29, 2016 See insert of Adrenal cortisol points


Hormones Moaning?- Try Loud Groaning

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)


So you are asking, now what? Well, groaning very loudly out loud with a deep belly breath does make you feel better doesn’t it? Try it, you are releasing energy and helping calm the body and thus synthesize the hormones….remember the Diaphragm breath exercise?

Seriously, if you are in the midst of hormonal imbalances (including hot flashes) there are many exercises to help. EEM for Women is an excellent resource. Try these exercises below and see if they help stabilize you. There are points on the body directly associated with the adrenals and cortisol. By connecting these points to Triple Warmer, the Commander of our Energies, they start to assist the body to calm and the hormonal chemical balance to neutralize.hormone groaning, cat in swing w meme

  1. Connecting Triple Warmer with Thyroid gland. Place palms on side of face with finger tips touching the temples. Hold 3 breathes. Slide hands around the ears and down the neck. Let hands rest back of shoulders as you dig in with fingers and take 2 breathes. Stretch the neck with the middle fingers, one pulling down toward the jugular notch and the other pulling toward the chin. Stretch with middle fingers diagonally over Adam’s apple and then horizontally. Now make a 3 finger notch (index, middle and thumb), placing 1 hand on temple and other hand at the jugular notch for 1-2 minutes. Switch and do the other side.
  2. Connect TW to Adrenals. Use 3 finger notch at the temple with 1 hand and the other hand holds 2 points that are located 1 inch up from the navel and 1 inch toward the side of the body. These are the adrenal points. Hold 1-2 minutes and then switch to the other temple and the adrenal points.
  3. Connect TW to Cortisol Points. Use 3 finger notch at the temple with 1 hand and the other hand holds 2 points located 1 inch below the navel and 1 inch out from the navel to the side of the body. Hold 1-2 minutes and then switch to the other temple and the 2 cortisol points.

You will now feel refreshed and maybe feel like Singing rather than moaning. !


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Calm Homolateral Organs with Cross Over Patterns ”.

Thump Pet’s Thymus or K-27’s if they are Ill

Eden Energy Medicine                                  April 15, 2016


Thump Pet’s Thymus if Ill, or Rub K- 27s

              by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

 Getting the picture? Energy Medicine works for our furry buddies just as well as for our children, grandchildren, family and friends.  Last week I did a program on the Vagus Nerve and here is what an attendee had to say: “thanks to you and the vagus nerve tool I am sleeping better, too.” It is wonderful for you to have confirmation that these tools work. So let your pets benefit too.

If Dog or Cat has been ill, don’t hesitate to thump the thymus. Do it gently when the pet is relaxed. Begin by gently tapping over the sternum (mid chest right above the heart) on the hard bony surface. Tap about 15 times. Tap harder as the pet gets used to this new crazy behavior of its human buddy. The Thymus interfaces with the immune system, creates the T cells in the body, is directly over the heart sending heart energy and is on the central meridian.

Next go to the K 27s, just like we do for ourselves.  You can do the entire 5 minute routine for your pet if you are inclined, and it is wonderful for them especially if they have problems of any kind. The K 27s are located on your pet in a very similar location as they are on you . Go to the collar bones toward mid body, move out about ¾ of an inch and down about ¾ of an inch. Buzz, press or rub your pet gently in this area. By activating the k 27s you are getting the animal energized, assisting all of the 14 meridians to move forward together in unity and starting to activate all the 9 energy systems of the body..thymus, woman w hand on dogs sternum

It is truly amazing what a huge difference it makes. On at least 3 occasions, I was able to save my golden doodle Chezzy by doing the 5 minute Routine (and other energy tools) for him. This occurred when he was bitten by about 30 fire ants on the throat as he was laying with his neck directly over a nest; another time when he ate something toxic on the beach; and yet another time when he was paralyzed from jumping from a high bed and couldn’t move.  Several occurring on Sunday’s with no easy access to my vet. She confirmed that on at least 2 of these occasions, I saved his life. So it does work!!! Don’t forget figure 8’s too. If your pet has a problem and you need  care quick, start with the Routine, & making 8’s until you get assistance.


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Tools for Jet Lag—It’s that time Again”.

Crossing Pet’s Energies Helps Them Heal and Heel!

Eden Energy Medicine                                  April 8, 2016


Crossing Pet’s Energies Help them Heal or Heel

              by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                By now you have learned to Hook-up, Zip-up and calm you companion. Let’s learn how to cross your pet. Why might you want to do this you ask? If your pet seems to have pain on 1 side of the body and not the other, or they tend to be distracted easily, or you just can’t seem to get them to “heel” on your left side as you walk; or they don’t seem very coordinated or need help getting up and down steps or in and out of the car. If any of these sound familiar, cross the energies and double their energy immediately.  Did you ever wonder why a baby learns so much more quickly after he/she begins to crawl? The answer is simple: because their energies begin to cross over.  The right side of the brain controls the left side of the body and vice versa; and the motion of crawling creates a cross over pattern intended to stay with us throughout life. Why? If energy is not crossing, than energy is flowing vertically, a condition in EEM known as homolateral —resulting in access to only 50% of your energetic flow.  By crossing energies, 100% of the body’s energy is regained.crossing pet, dog laying on its side

As a result of trauma, illness, stress or an accident, the body goes into a homolateral condition to protect us until we are calm and healed; but if we stay that way too long, we end up in this vertical position. Animals are no different. But, even if you start to cross the energies, they won’t hold until you convince Triple Warmer, the Commander of all our Energies, that being crossed is safe. Thus the phase in method as set forth below. When working with a pet it is best to do this when they are tired, relaxed and laying down.

  1. Begin by bring the front leg and the back leg of the right side together so they are touching at the pads. Do this 10 times on the right side, then 10 times with the paws on the left side
  2. Now bring the right front paw to the left back paw and touch pads. Touch 1 time. Next, pick up the left front paw and touch the right back pad. Continue rotating between diagonals 10 times
  3. Do step 1 again, then do step 2 again, then step 1 again and finally do step 2 24 times

Your furry friend is now crossed. Do this daily for about 2 weeks and you will see a huge difference in behavior. Expect Dog to now be more willing to Heel as you walk and to heal his/her body. Bonus: pull with pressure from the right shoulder to the left him and vice versa. Do this on the back and the belly… Expect to hear many barks or purrs.

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Thump Pet’s Thymus if Ill, or Rub K- 27s”.

Zip-Up Your Pet to Create Confidence and Contentment

Eden Energy Medicine                                  April 1, 2016


Zip up Your Pet- Create Confidence& Contentment

  by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                Often my 7 year old Golden Doodle, Chezzy, carefully supervises and assists in private energy session with my clients. However, it is important that he be “Zipped-up” so as to protect him for the energies of the clients and me while we are working intently. I have shown this tool to a number of professionals who have service dogs, therapy dogs or assist during massages. It makes such a huge difference for the animal, and they are very demonstrative of how much they benefit.  One dog, Stella, gets so excited when she is Zipped-up, that she wants to stand on her back legs and give you a big hug; she rolls on the floor and makes her “happy sounds”.

The benefits are huge. We want our pet friends to be energetically resilient just like we are by creating a bubble of energetic protection around them. You know what it is like if you have walked into a party, train, plane, seminar, family reunion or other event and immediately felt the energy of others bombard you.   Or, while talking with a person who is upset, feeling  their negative attitude deflating you and you begin to feel vulnerable and sad. An animal is no different and in fact they are even more subject to the energies from others—they pull those emotions in like sponges.

So, we want to close the Central Meridian, which begins at the pubic bone and ends behind the bottom lip. It is one of 2 meridians that surround the core and keep the pet strong energetically. The Governing meridian begins at the base of the tail bone, runs up the back, over the head and ends behind the top lip. Here are the steps for your pet.zip up pet, hand on cat's belly

  1. It is easiest if standing. Calm your pet. Gently place your hand between their front legs reaching to the hind legs. You don’t have to touch them if they are sensitive. Pull the energy from the pubic area, up the mid belly, over the chest, up the neck and under the chin to the bottom lip. Do this 3 times.
  2. On the 4th run, get to the lip and hold as you bring the other hand from the base of the tail up over the back, across the top of the head, across the nose and to the top lip. Then turn your hands as if you are locking the energy in.

The power of closing these meridians has a profound impact. At a presentation I did recently, I asked for 3 volunteers who absorbed others’ energies and “stuff”.  When the audience was asked to direct positive thoughts to the women, their Central meridian tested strong. When the audience was asked to direct negative thoughts, the meridian tested weak. It is that responsive! By teaching the women to mentally Zip-up with imagery (without using their hands), each stayed energetically strong even when the audience directed negative thoughts. You are doing the same for you furry friends!


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Crossing Pet’s Energies Help them Heal or Heel”.

Hook-Up Your Pet–Creates Confidence

Eden Energy Medicine                                  March 25, 2016


Hook up Your Pet—Create Calmness

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

Lots of interest in helping our pets, so here is how to hook up your pet. First let’s revisit why we hook up! The Hook-up exercise is part of the 5 Minute Routine. There are 2 meridians (defined energetic pathways) that circle our core, one called the Central Meridian, which begins at the pelvic area, runs up the front of the body ending deep in the throat at the level of the bottom lip; and the second called Governing Meridian, which begins at the base of your tailbone, runs up the spine, over the head, ending deep in the back of your throat in line with the top lip. These 2 meridians act as an “energetic casing” bridging the energies between front and back, head and torso, and send energy to all the other energetic systems of the body.  Thus, when you connect the 2, you are literally creating an immediate neurological boost and “centering” yourself.  Central and Governing meridians have dual roles, also serving as Radiant Circuits (an energetic system with very subtle energy flows that enhance all other energy systems; are highly responsive to our thoughts; and serve as our “joy juice” of life. By activating this system, feelings of joy, gratitude and peace are increased). Thus by “Hooking-up” you are immediately getting dual benefit- of Radiant Circuit activation and creating an energetic bubble around the body.hook up dog, girl with hands on dog belly

So, if we hook up our pet, we are doing the same for them. Cat, dog, horse, camel, manatee, or other mammal—they all have a navel and a sweet spot between the eye brows. The trick is to find it and place your fingers correctly. Mammals are placental mammals and thus have umbilical cords while gestating. The entry site of the umbilical cord forms a belly button; but is less pronounced than a human’s. The naval is basically a tiny flat scar. Since the belly button is often surrounded by fur, it can be hard to locate. So, use your fingers and feel on midline below both ribs on the belly . It will be about 1/3 of the way between where the hind legs meet and the ribs. Get your animal used to letting you place your finger on the navel first. It is also best to do the Hook-up when your pet is quiet and resting

Then, place the middle finger of one hand VERY GENTLY on the “third eye” (between the eyebrows and bridge of the nose) and the middle finger of the other hand in your pet’s navel. Press both middle fingers into the skin and gently pull upwards, holding up to 30 seconds (or longer if it feels good). If you experience a yawn, sigh and take a deep breath you know the energies just CONNECTED!  It may take awhile until your pet is comfortable with doing this, but they love the energy work, so it won’t take long until they are happily chasing rabbits in their dreams or gently purring…


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Zip up Your Pet- Create Confidence& Contentment ”.

Acid Reflux? EEM to the Rescue-Part 3

Eden Energy Medicine                                  March 11, 2016


Acid Reflux? EEM to the Rescue-Part 3

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)


Feeling some relief by now for that nasty heartburn?  And you did it yourself without relying on over the counter meds! Yeah.  Over the last 2 weeks 3 options for Acid Reflux have been provided: Freeing the Diaphragm, tracing behind ears and down neck;   and tracing stomach meridian backwards. Today, learn 2 more options.

Remember that part of the Daily Energy Routine includes buzzing the 90 + Neurolymphatic Reflex points, points found throughout the body. These points are on the surface of the body, which are not always located directly over lymph nodes, vessels or lymph tissue. Research has shown that by rubbing the reflex points (see chart shown below) toxins will be released from the system, clearing stagnate energies (including emotional energy) and leaving you feeling energized.

If you cut yourself, clear liquid appears-this is lymph.  Its role is to support the immune system by creating antibodies, producing specialized white blood cells, transporting nourishment to the cells and then eliminating and transporting waste products from the cells.  If lymph movement is compromised by the accumulation of toxins that are not removed, then the system becomes less able to efficiently function to remove toxins; i.e. the system is in overload.

An essential principle of EM is moving stagnate energy to make space. So, use as much pressure as you can tolerate to push the toxins from these points. Go to the points over the sternum on the front of the body. If these are tender, begin buzzing! They sit directly over the esophagus so as you release the toxins, you ease your dis-ease!  The points may be tender, so be mindful of your body. Go slowly when starting (especially if you have been ill), but build to the point that enables rubbing daily with vigor.

Begin by buzzing the points shown with firm pressure moving the skin up and down or with a circular motion for aboutNeurolymphatic Reflex pts Front FC1 5  150003 5- 10 seconds. Continue buzzing until you take a deep breath or sigh. Of course buzzing all of the points is advisable since they are part of the Daily Routine. However, if you have an attack of Acid Reflux, go right to these points over the sternum and start buzzing.

Lastly, place the fingers of both hands on either side of the directly under the chin. Gently begin stretching the skin away from the esophagus. Continue stretching the skin while working down the neck until you get to the Neurolymphatics on the sternum. Then place both hands at temples, trace around the ears, bring your fingers across the front of the neck to meet under the chin. Gently rake the entire neck with all fingers bringing the hands to rest by placing both over the heart center.

That’s it, now you have 5 “go to” tools to use when Acid Reflux starts its speech!


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Spinal Flush for Pets- a Veterinarian’s Story ”.

Acid Reflux? EEM to the Rescue-Part 2

Eden Energy Medicine                                  March 4, 2016         


Acid Reflux? EEM to the Rescue-Part 2

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

Last week we learned that when the lower bundle of sphincter muscles where the esophagus ends and the stomach begins does not completely shut, heart burn or acid reflux is experienced. A number of options were suggested and you learned to Free the Diaphragm and trace around the ears to the neck and sternum. Today, by tracing the stomach meridian backwards, the entire digestive system is calmed since stomach controls, with triple warmer, the digestive process.

Stomach receives the food we ingest, decides what nutrients to keep and then transports this energy to Spleen, who converts it to energy (chi) and blood, to nourish the entire system. So, if ST is imbalanced due to the lower sphincter not closing completely, one can’t assimilate nutrients properly—resulting in dis—ease. Stomach imbalances might also include bloating, gastrointestinal pain, nausea, acid reflux, allergies, bags under the eyes; breast issues, digestive issues, fallopian tube issues;  hunger frequently, laryngitis; lumps, mouth & lip sores, neck pain, nervous tension, ovary issues, sinus issues, stomach aches, ulcers  or weight issues.

                Although it is best to trace all your meridians as one continuous flow, today tracing Stomach backwards will Stomach Meridian Tracing from EEM bookbe shown to find relief for acid reflux. Tracing backwards calms the meridian by taking energy out of it; thus allowing the entire digestive process to rebalance. The insert depicts the proper way to trace the meridian, which is described below. To trace backwards, you will begin at the 2nd toe and end on the face. If you feel better then trace it backwards 2 more times.

Pathway of Meridian.  Do both sides at the same time. Place both hands underneath your eyes, trace down to your jawbone and then circle the outside of your face up to your forehead; bring your hands directly over the middle of your eyes to the collarbone; follow the collarbone outward several inches; now go straight down over your breasts; jog in at the bottom of the ribs straight down to the waist; flair out at the hips and then straight down the front of your legs and off the second toe.

Next week learn the last 2 suggestions from EEM for acid reflux!


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Acid Reflux an Issue? EEM to the Rescue-Part 3