Acid Reflux? EEM to the Rescue

Eden Energy Medicine                                  February 26, 2016

Acid Reflux? EEM to the Rescue

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)


What causes and what is acid reflux anyway? To answer this question, let’s look at the esophagus, a muscular tube about 8 inches, which connects the throat (pharynx) with the stomach. The esophagus sits behind the windpipe (trachea) and heart, and in front of the spine. Just before entering the stomach, the esophagus passes through the diaphragm. At both the top and the bottom of the esophagus are bundles of muscles which keep food & secretions from going down the windpipe (upper) and prevents acid and stomach content from going backwards from the stomach (lower). The lower bundle is not under voluntary control and this is what causes acid reflux—when the lower sphincter is incompletely closed.

So, if you have heartburn, also referred to as acid reflux, gastroesophageal reflux disease, esophagitis, Barrett’s esophagus, or an esophageal ulcer, the exercises today and next week will help you! EEM has many options when dealing with an imbalance of the body. Due to space, not all can be depicted in one week. These are some options that will assist and for those of you familiar with EEM, will be useable immediately. They include, Freeing the Diaphragm; sedating the stomach meridian; working with the Neurolymphatic points located over the sternum; and pulling the neck with fingers. Do the following now to find some relief: Cup both hands around both ears and trace backwards around the ears. When reaching the bottom of the ears continue by tracing on both sides of the front of the neck beside the esophagus and down the front of the sternum. This tracing calms the entire system.

Freeing the Diaphragm resets all the values in the body including the lower esophagus sphincter:

Step 1. Place the left hand under the center of your rib cage with the right hand placed directly on top of the left. Pull the elbows close against the body.

Step 2. Inhale deeply and push your upper belly toward the hands while holding the hands firmly against the pressure of your upper belly. Hold the breadth while maintaining the pressure between body and hands. The longer the breadth is held and the more pressure exerted from the body being pushed out to meet the hands the better.

Step 3. When you release the breath, ease the hands. REPEAT this process 3 times

Step 4. On an in breadth, place the right hand around the left side of the waist and with pressure pull wide spread fingers toward the navel. Repeat 3 times. Switch and use the left hand at the right waist. Repeat 3 times.

Step 5. Sweep the energy from the waist down the legs.

Next week learn to trace the Stomach meridian and more!

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Acid Reflux an Issue? EEM to the Rescue-Part 2 ”

Figure 8’s -What, Why and How they work!

Eden Energy Medicine                                  December 4, 2015

Figure 8’s -What, Why and How they work!

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                For the last 2 weeks specific examples of the power of Figure 8s’ were shared by readers. For those of you who want to understand the underlying concepts associated with 8’s and how they work, this column if for you.  As noted previously, the Celtic Weave energy system creates what appears like a woven net around the body and the other energy systems. It almost appears (Donna Eden can see energy) as the net on a fishing net.  Thus, one can also imagine that if there is a tear or leak in the net, there will be issues around the hole or tear.  If in fact the hole or tear is large or there are many, repairing them is critical for one’s health and vitality. Making figure 8’s assists in repairing these leaks. Celtic Weave energies flow in crossing Figure 8 patterns and in other geometrical shapes (diamonds, pyramids, rings, spirals, and 8’s) in both the body and the aura. There purpose is to communicate with all the other 8 energy systems and to assist in weaving and connecting the systems together. The exercise to strengthen Celtic Weave is nFishing net-celtic weaveoted below. It is part of the Daily Energy Routine

Use this exercise if you feel vulnerable to others’ energies; feel too extended or as if you invisible; feel disoriented from the environment itself (too many electro-magnetic frequencies); or find it difficult to communicate. The exercise works since it “fluffs” your energies, enabling protection.

Step 1: Stand straight with hands on the thighs. Imagine energy being pulled through the feet to meet the hands as you breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth throughout the exercise.

Step 2:  Rub the hands together vigorously, shake them off, and place your palms close together as you feel the energy between them. Rub and shake the hands again, taking the palms and bringing them close to the ears. Take a deep breath. Visualize bringing in fresh energy to your head.

Step 3: While inhaling, bring your elbows together. Exhale, cross your arms and swing them out to the side. Visualize that you are clearing stale energy from your field. I like to make a “whoosh” sound.

Step 4: Cross and swing them out again. Bend forward, repeat at the waist, at the knees and again at the ankles. Stay bent forward.

Step 5:  Bring the hands behind you with palms parallel to the floor, cup the hands and scoop the energy from the earth all the way to your head as you stand. Then sprinkle the energy over you.

You will now feel invigorated, more balanced and your energetic systems all integrated!


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Integrate Comfort with Required Medication with EEM Tools”

Thump to Jump– Tap K 27s

Eden Energy Medicine                                  July 3, 2015

k 27 tap, pic of Donna tapping

Thump to Jump- Tap K 27s!

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEMCLP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                To boost all of your 9 energetic systems to jump start your day, Tap, buzz or press the K 27 points, which is one of the 4 thumps, which thumps are part of the Daily Energy Routine, taking about 5 minutes to complete.  To place the K 27 thump in perspective, some of the energetic systems activated when you thump (and with which you may be familiar) include:

    • The Meridians: energy pathways serving the “blood stream” of our energetic system. Each meridian runs on the surface of the skin, but also deep inside the body bringing energy to the organ for which it is named, impacting us physically and emotionally.
    • The 5 Rhythms: reflect the rhythmic pulse of life—providing a framework to view chronic health issues, personality characteristics and emotional patterns.

  • Chakras: spiraling disks that store and process the body’s energies, providing fuel for all organs and systems of the body. Together with meridians, they govern the endocrine system.
  • Aura: surrounds the body with 7 nested fields and 7 concentric bands connecting us to and protecting us from the environment. They act as our antenna.


The K-27 acupressure point is the end point on your Kidney meridian (the beginning point is on the bottom of your foot in the soft spot behind the ball of your foot).  In Chinese Medicine, the Kidney meridian is believed to conduct the vital energy from the Earth through the meridian for distribution to other meridians. To locate the K-27 points, place your fingers on the collarbone, move them inward  until touching the L shape edge of the collarbone, then slide your fingers down about an inch to locate the points.

The Thump to Jump Technique is easy. Use several fingers or knuckles to tap or thump the K-27 points vigorously for 15 -20 seconds on both sides of the body (at the location as shown in the picture).  Do this daily as part of the 5 Minute Routine or whenever you need an energetic boost.

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Thymus Thumping Boosts Immune System!”

Feeling Ungrounded, Disconnected?–Meet the New 4th Thump

Eden Energy Medicine                                  June 26, 2015


Feel Ungrounded, Disconnected- Meet the 4th Thump!

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEMCLP, JD, AAML(03-12)

Those in the Eden Energy Community have been waiting for this announcement for years. The hoopla? A way to ground each morning with ease! As a refresher, there are 3 other thumps (K 27s; Thymus Thump; and Spleen Thump) that are part of the Daily Energy Routine, the keystone of EEM. The 5 Minute Routine develops a strong energetic core, leaving one feeling invigorated. One exercise in the 5 Minute Routine is now called “The Four Thumps”. Engaging the body’s energies by thumping at 4 different locations gets energies moving forward,; boosts and restores energetic balances; increases strength and vitality; and strengthens the immune system by stimulating the energy in the thymus gland (directly linked to your immune System and the production of T-cells), the spleen meridian ( metabolizes everything that goes through your body); the Kidney 27 acupressure point ( the end point on your Kidney Meridian) and now the NEW Grounding Thump. blue seahorse under water from Julie

This latest thump activates the stomach meridian, which channel begins on the face and flows down to the feet, off the second toe and into the Earth so the energies of the body are literally connecting to the Earth’s energies. As electromagnetic beings, we need to be connected to the Earth to function and thrive. If we are not grounded, one might experience excessive worry, feel generally weak or disconnected from self and others.

The 4th Thump should be done as the 1st or 2nd of the 4 thumps. By beginning as the first thump, it may be easier to remember, since the thumps then move from the face down the body.  Since the stomach meridian’s energy is also associated with the emotion of worry, it is beneficial to start the day with tapping on the face and thus getting a fresh new perspective on the day, leaving worries and distress to drain form the body right into the Earth.

Let’s begin. While tapping, make sure you breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth.  Stand nice and tall. Place your right hand on the right cheek bone directly under the pupil of the eye and the left hand on the left cheek bone. Now tap vigorously for 15 to 20 seconds or until you feel an energetic shift—perhaps a yawn, deep breath, sigh or just sense release.

Given this new thump we will revisit the other 3 thumps over the next several weeks!

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Thump to Jump- Tap K 27s!”  

Menopause Headache?– Try Head Swinging

Eden Energy Medicine                                  June 19, 2015


Menopausal Headache? –Try Head Swinging

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEMCLP, JD, AAML(03-12)


Over the last several weeks tools for dealing with menopause have been explored. Remember this special time of your life when hormones are changing and offering so many opportunities for exploration and “inventing your new self”—I can attest to these shifts given my change in career from a high powered matrimonial lawyer to this second career as an EEM teach and practitioner. It is fun, but sometimes scary to embrace change, but that is what menopause is all about, right— change???blue jelly fish in water from Julie

                Remembering that these exercises will impact each woman differently since the same symptom may have a completely different cause for 1 woman than another; so try one or more and see what works. Today’s focus is headaches that accompany menopause, which may originate from many causes:  stress in life; progesterone imbalances; sleep patterns disrupted—all impact headaches. We know from prior columns that the Crown Pull, part of the 5 minute routine (and found at page 58 of Energy Medicine for Women) releases trapped tension in our head by literally making space in the sutures of our skull; so this is a great exercise to use as a first line defense to the menopausal headaches. If not enough add the Pendulum Head Swing and see if this helps. Plus find more suggestions in the book!

  1. Inhale deeply and on the exhale, drop you head forward toward the chest while relaxing the shoulders
  2. Inhale while gently moving the right ear toward the right shoulder while keeping your shoulders relaxed and squared off. A nice stretch is experienced in the left side of the neck. Take 3 deep breaths
  3. On exhale, allow the head to gently move to the chest and place the left ear over the left shoulder with relaxed shoulders. Take 3 breaths.
  4. Let the head gently fall to the chest. Repeat 2 more times

For more practical solutions and suggestions, EEM for Women is a wonderful resource!

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Feel Ungrounded, Disconnected- Meet the 4th Thump!”

Spongy Tummy—Menopause Crummy?

Eden Energy Medicine                                  June 12, 2015


Spongy Tummy—Menopause Crummy?

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEMCLP, JD, AAML(03-12)


Feeling crummy as you stomach gets soft and puffy? Let’s oxygenate.  Did you know that oxygen breaks down fat molecules, turning the molecules into water and carbon dioxide, thus increasing the digestive systems’ efficiency?  (Energy Medicine for Women gives us more exercises and facts). It does, so we want more oxygen in our system.  Yet we know that in our culture most of us are shallow breathers, only breathing into the upper part of our chest, which slows the metabolism. We want to be deep breathers, which can then increase out metabolic rate by 30%.  When oxygen is lacking, the ability of the intestinal tract to absorb nutrients and digest food is reduced up to 72%!!!

An oxygenated body prevents dis-ease from getting a grip and fat from accumulating. Prior articles have showed the Diaphragm Breath exercise, which is recommended for the thickening waist on a daily basis.  In addition try this isometric Metabolic Breath exercise to firm that spongy tummy. It is similar to the cat-cow yoga exercise but while standing and focusing on the breath.spongy stomach with flab

  1. Bend forward at the waist while placing the palm of the hands right above the knees so the fingers gently fall over the knee caps. Support the upper body with the palms.
  2. Take a quick deep in breath through the nose as you round the back and squeeze the stomach and pull the belly button back toward the spine. Your head will naturally fall forward
  3. On the exhale and while still bent at waist, raise the head and force breath out the mouth.
  4. When all breath is expelled, suck in tummy and hold tight until feeling need to catch the breath.
  5. Release.

The metabolic rate just increased substantially so your digestive system is now processing that food you ate more effectively plus you tightened up those muscles!

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Menopausal Headache? –Try Head Swinging”.  Send questions to Karen at . Prior articles may be found on her website or through Island Sun. Learn more at  EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions


Hot Flash or Cold Splash-Pick One!

Eden Energy Medicine                                  June 5, 2015


Hot-flash or Cool Splash—Pick One

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEMCLP, JD, AAML(03-12)


                Yes this column is dedicated to women encountering HOT FLASHES! Throwing the sheets off at night, getting up at 2 AM drenched, suddenly sweating when the air conditioner is set at 62—we all know the symptoms. So let’s look at some options to get the feeling of cool relief—yes cool! Of course before we explore a cooling regulator point, it is assumed you have tried herbal remedies widely suggested to assist with hot flashes: flaxseed or flaxseed oil; evening primrose oil and perhaps black cohosh….. But remember, menopause, in Asian cultures,  is the time to  move into our years of wisdom, reseeding the community with new views and perspective.untitled

                Our body has powerful acupressure points throughout our body, each of them associated with a meridian. Meridians are known as our energetic bloodstream, feeding energy and seeking balance among all 14 meridians, forming a continuous flow throughout. Each meridian is associated with an organ and some meridians have several roles.  These Acupressure points are the points that an acupuncturist uses to access clogged or congested energy. Our hands, rather than needles are the tools.  By pressing or circling a point, we immediately impact one or more of our systems or organs.

Meet the “Cool-Down” Acupoint to use when in the midst of a hot flash to quickly and effectively redistribute energy to reduce the body’s temperature. As the hot flash encompasses you, place the middle fingers of each hand about 2 inches below the navel and press in (this point is the intersection of the central and kidney meridians) while taking a deep breath. Then breathe normally. Do several times until the body temperature shifts.  Oh, and if you are a yogi, try the Darth Vader Breath during a hot flash—it helps too! Thanks to Eden Energy Medicine for Women!


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Spongy Tummy—Menopause Crummy? ”.  Send questions to Karen at . Prior articles may be found on her website or through Island Sun. Learn more at  EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions




Boost Thyroid Resilience with Thyroid Smoothie

Boost Thyroid Resilience with a “Thyroid Smoothie”

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEMCLP, JD, AAML(03-12)

How many people do you know with a thyroid disorder?  Part of our endocrine system, our thyroid plays a vital role in regulating hormones and chemicals in our body to keep our body’s homeostasis balanced; yet STRESS is the primary culprit for thyroid imbalance. A recent article in the New Yorker by Atul Gawande, MD, “Overkill”, lamented 25- 42% of Medicare patients receive useless tests and treatments!  He comments that finding micro-carcinoma lumps in a thyroid biopsy, which a 3rd of the population has, is not cause for surgical removal, but rather expert guidelines recommend no further treatment; yet the majority of patients receive surgical removal—and often of the entire thyroid.  Cause for pause? Perhaps uses of complementary modalities, like EEM, are worth exploration.happy thyroid pic w quote

So if you have concerns about your thyroid, or just want to help balance your systems, try the EEM thyroid booster (of course proper sleep, exercise and balanced nutrition help too):

  1. Place both palms on the jaw line while resting all fingers on the temples and thumb in front of ear opening. Hold for 3 breathes, in through nose and out through mouth
  2. Place a middle finger above Adam’s apple and other middle finger below. Stretch apart. Move fingers about 1 inch out on either side of apple and stretch apart. Now place fingers on both sides and stretch diagonally and then stretch diagonally the other way. Lastly stretch horizontally.
  3. With a 3 finger notch ( thumb, index finger and middle finger clustered together), place one notch on hollow below Adam’s apple and the other notch on one temple for 4 breaths. Repeat by holding the other side.

Why does this work? Because Triple Warmer (the system that controls all of the Energetic Anatomy) , which governs the endocrine system of which the thyroid is part, calms down as you hold the points at the throat and the temples. These points, called neurovascular reflex points, control emotions and assist in the regulation of hormones and chemical production.


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Dowsing the Fire—Hot flash & Thyroid Relief”.  Send questions to Karen at . Prior articles may be found on her website or through Island Sun. Learn more at  EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions


Plumping Diaphragm Invigorates

Eden Energy Medicine                                  May 15, 2015


Plumping the Diaphragm Invigorates

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEMCLP, JD, AAML(03-12)


In our culture, most of us tend to be shallow breathers, not taking those deep belly breathes that we learn in yoga. By breathing in such a shallow fashion, it impacts the diaphragm, the horizontal wall of muscle partition between the chest and abdomen that acts as a bellows, forcing oxygen through our body. If not used and exercised to its capacity, it will become tight, lose its rhythm and thus  does not function optimally; making you more susceptible to illness and dis—ease. Consider the impact on your breathing when sitting on Periwinkle Way for an hour during the high season, especially if you have an appointment. You feel the locking in your chest, perhaps begin to get a headache or experience muscle spasms in some part of your body. This is evidence that your diaphragm is not functionindiaphragm pic w lungsg well. When full, the diaphragm helps pump both subtle energies and oxygen throughout the body.

So, if you are experiencing short or shallow breathing; have memory problems; feel distressed or are fearful; have trouble letting go of emotions, ideas or events (i.e. continually rehashing the same issue over and over);experience acid reflux or hiatal hernia; or have a headache—– then it is time for this technique to Free the Diaphragm.

Step 1. Place the left hand under the center of your rib cage with the right hand placed directly on top of the left. Pull the elbows close against the body.

Step 2. Inhale deeply and push your upper belly toward the hands while holding the hands firmly against the pressure of your upper belly. Hold the breadth while maintaining the pressure between body and hands. The longer the breadth is held and the more pressure exerted from the body being pushed out to meet the hands the better.

Step 3. When you release the breath, ease the hands. REPEAT this process 3 times

Step 4. On an in breadth, place the right hand around the left side of the waist and with pressure pull wide spread fingers toward the navel. Repeat 3 times. Switch and use the left hand at the right waist. Repeat 3 times.

Step 5. Sweep the energy from the waist down the legs.

You have just moved oxygen throughout the body, improved your circulation, enhanced your auric field, pulsed your energy field and restored the horizontal flow of energy around your waist!

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Boost Thyroid Resilience with a “Thyroid Smoothie”.  Send questions to Karen at . Prior articles may be found on her website or through Island Sun. Learn more at  EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions

Business Presentations–Focus Mind at Deep Level


Last week, the Crown Pull taught how to provide clarity and focus so the audience doesn’t fall asleep or get a sugar high from nibbling due to lost interest in your speech! This week, learn a deep tool that will calm, bring order to thinking, untangle inner chaos, and enable better perspective and focus to be a superb presenter or student! It also works well when feeling extremely upset. The Wayne Cook exercise was developed by a researcher working with bioenergetic force fields, and originally used to assist with the condition of dyslexia.  This technique has proven soteacher yawning whle teaching effective in connecting the energy circuitry between the forebrain and the reptilian back brain, that it is now used to harmonize the energy throughout the body.  Energies may be scrambled due to prolonged stress preventing the nervous system from getting rest to begin rebuilding or from a defense mechanism forcing you to stop and regroup. Whatever the reason, the result is the same—an inability to assimilate and store new information due to the energy disconnect between the brain and the body’s energies. The technique is easy:

  1. Sit with your spine straight. Place the left foot over the right knee. Hold the left ankle with the right hand and place the palm of the left hand on the bottom of the left foot, wrapping fingers around side of foot.
  2. Breathe in slowly through the nose while pulling your leg in toward you. Exhale through the mouth while relaxing the body. Repeat at least 3 times.
  3. Switch by placing your right foot over the left knee, etc. and repeat the process.
  4. Uncross the legs and place all fingertips and thumbs of both hands together creating a ”steeple”, resting the thumbs above the bridge of the nose. Breathe slowing in through nose and out through mouth 3 times. On the exhale, place fingers in middle of forehead, push in and pull fingers to the temples. Return hands to original position.

You are all set to “knock their socks off”.

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Shaking Hands?-Make Circuit to Keep Your Energy”.  Send questions to Karen at . Prior articles may be found on her website or through Island Sun. Learn more at  EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.