The audience was primed for an engaging presentation by a national speaker, but within several minutes many began yawning, fidgeting and pulling snacks from their bags… sound familiar? From an energy view, this person’s energies were scrambled deep in the brain and thus he was energetically scrambling the entire audience, so they couldn’t focus on the words even though they wanted to! At workshops, I frequently demonstrate this effect by having a person read several words forwards (they will “test” weak energetically) and then read backwards (they test strong). Of course we want to be strong when reading forwards, not backwards. I also test 3 others to show how they are strong energetically before reading begins but after the words are spoken, their energies go weak.
So, before a presentation or task that requires focus i.e.: to a group; teaching a course; talking to your boss; preparing for an exam; beginning a new painting, learning to windsurf etc., try this exercise and the one next week—Wayne Cook. The Crown Pull brings cerebral fluid into the head so you may think more clearly, focus your attention. As a comment, my husband, a law professor, does this exercise before each class!
- Place thumbs at temples, fingers in middle forehead. Stretch fingers across forehead to meet fingers at temples
- Place fingers of both hands at the hairline on the suture that runs from the forehead over top &back of head With pressure, pull fingers apart from the midline of head toward outside of head , about 2 inches on each side.
- Continue moving fingers on the suture line over top head, back head, neck and then back of shoulders.
- Dig fingers into back shoulders while inhaling deeply. Pull fingers across shoulders with pressure
You will feel a slight buzzing on and in your head—your energies are now set to engage the audience! Deep focus is further enhanced by the exercise you will learn next week.
Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Business Presentation?- Focus Mind at Deep Level”. Send questions to Karen at . Prior articles may be found on her website or through Island Sun. Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.