Heart Ache?-Shift the Chakra Energy in Minutes

Eden Energy Medicine                                  October 30, 2015

Heart Ache?-Shift the Chakra Energy in Minutes

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                Does your heart hurt or does your friend, child have deep heart ache? Going through a divorce, losing a loved one in death, finding out a parent has cancer, hearing your best friend lost a limb in a car accidHeartache teddy bear with bandaid on heart picent, just being diagnoses with diabetes, or your neighbor had a stroke? All these events create instant pain right into your heart—that vital organ providing inspiration for all our highly developed mental functions: perception, intuition, awareness, spiritual desires and our ability to communicate our thoughts and emotions. Sometimes when these pieces of news are experienced, one must bend over cradling the chest as the intensity impacts the body.

While is San Diego last month with Donna Eden, at an advanced chakra course, she demonstrated the following technique to assist in moving that deep profoundly painful ache from the heart charka center to a lower chakra that is better able to handle it…. There are 7 major chakras, from the perineum to the top of the head; all bathing the organs and systems in their area. The heart chakra is located in the middle of the chest between the breasts and the solar plexus chakra (dealing with our ego and our identity in the world) is located between the sternum and the navel. The womb/sacral chakra is between the navel and the pelvis and the root chakra is below the pelvis area.

  Technique to shift the heart ache: Place both hands over one another, with both palms facing the floor. Gently move the hands above the heart chakra (to the top of the breasts). Sink into the painful event as you close your eyes holding your hands in this position. Gently begin pushing both hands down through the heart chakra to the solar plexus. Energy should release. If the energy does not release, continue slowly and with intention, moving your hands down the front of the body until you get to the root chakra. Stop and finish at whatever area the pain has released. It works because one of the other chakras can handle the issue when the heart couldn’t. Try it whenever your heart is too hurt to smile!

Have fun with your energy!

Next week’s topic is “Disconnected, Dizzy, Feeling Ungrounded? BE an Elephant”

Reader Questions if Energy Medicine Helps Intense Grief

A reader recently asked if EEM will assist a young mother who lost her child right after birth. The answer is absolutely. There are many energetic dynamics at work so it would be best for the woman to see an EEM practitioner; however there are basic tools to use. First the 5 Minute Routine helps to get the energetic anatomy humming and more balanced again, inter alia, impacting all organs, systems of the body, the aura, immune system and hormones.

heartfromhandsSecondly, it is likely that many if not all of the 10 Radiant Circuits, are de-activated. Doing the nine heart exercise helps get the “joy juices” of happiness flowing again. With both hands make a heart from the bridge of the nose around the head to the chin—3 times (with the affirmation “I love myself”; then make 3 hearts from the middle of the chest to the collar bone, around the outside of the breasts and down to the navel (with the affirmation “I love my family & friends”); finally make 3 hearts around the entire body starting at the bridge of the nose to the floor with the affirmation “ I love the world”.

Thirdly, try holding the main neurovascular points by placing one palm against the forehead (horizontally) and the back of the head so your head is now “sandwiched” between your 2 palms. Take several deep breaths, in through nose and out through mouth, until you feel yourself calming.


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Child Walking on Tiptoes Benefits from Grounding & Calming Nervous System”.  Send questions to Karen at SemmEnergyCenter@gmail.com . Prior articles may be found at her blog or through Island Sun. Learn more at www.semmelmanenergy.com.  EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.