Strengthen Your Heart’s Energy-Part 4

Eden Energy Medicine                                  March 24, 2017

Insert Heart NL chart

Strengthen Your Heart’s Energy-Part 4

by Karen L. Semmelman, EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

The last 3 columns were devoted to the boosting heart energy. So far, we have learned 1. Improving our Internal Compass to help revitalize; 2. Holding our Heart Source point to reduce heart dis-ease; 3.Biting down on the little finger to calm the body; 4. Tracing the heart meridian; and 5. Learning how to open the horizontal band of energy at the waist (Belt Flow). Today, you will be introduced to 2 additional tools. This past week I received an email from a reader reporting a reduction in her heart arrhythmia after she did these exercises daily for 2 weeks! She asked what to do next. I suggested 3 approaches from an energetic perspective. First, do the DER every day to activate all 9 energy systems. Secondly, continue doing the exercises referenced in this column and 3rd she consider an assessment of her energetic systems to determine where other imbalances exist to begin shifting. As we begin working with our body’s subtle energies, it is like unpeeling the layers of an onion- getting to the core issues takes time. After all, we didn’t get to our present health state overnight!

The last 2 exercises to boost and strengthen heart energy are:

                Heart Neurolymphatics Reflex Point.  Our lymph system has 2 times as many lymph vessels as blood vessels, but has no pump! Historically, vigorous physical activity released the toxins from the lymph system.  With our sedentary lifestyle, there is little opportunity to move the toxins from our bodies without intervention.  There are 90+ Neurolymphatic reflex points on the surface of the body, which are not always located directly over lymph nodes, vessels or lymph tissue.  By rubbing the reflex points, toxins will be released from the system, clearing stagnate energies (including emotional energy) and leaving you feeling energized.  These points are part of the 5 Minute Daily Routine. Viewing the chart you will notice the Heart Reflex Point is located underneath the collarbone at the far outside edge toward the shoulder. Rub with vigor, not tentatively and feel that deep breath as the energy connects and boost heart!  Neurolymphatic Reflex pts Front FC1 5  150003

   Connect heart and sacral chakras. Chakras are another one of our energy systems. We have 7 of these round orbits of whirling energy, each bathing the organs they surround, interfacing with our auric field and boosting our 14 meridians. No surprise we have a heart chakra, located in the middle of our body between the breasts—which connects us to ourselves and the world around us—our love center. By placing one hand on the heart chakra and the other hand over our sacral (sometimes called womb chakra) chakra (located right below the navel), a connection is being made between our “2 hearts”. Since the sacral chakra is associated with the pure innocence of a child, our creativity and a sense of wonder, by holding these 2 chakras together we create a strong energetic boundary! Try it, it works, it is easy and it is fun!

You now have many tools to boost the heart’s energy, our center of love, connection and gratitude!

Create Immune Resilience with Thymus HUB to Electrics

Eden Energy Medicine                                  January 13, 2017

Create Immune Resilience with Thymus HUB to Electrics

by Karen L. Semmelman, EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                Last week we learned the thymus gland is intimately involved in our immune system, production of T Cells to fight off invading microorganisms; and the benefits of thumping thymus to boost the immune system. Connecting thymus to other locations or systems, including the spleen, the electrical system, the “gut” via the navel and the hippocampus (part of the limbic system) is critical to building resiliency to dis-ease and boosting the immune function.

electrical-system-of-body The focus today is on connecting the Thymus gland to the Electrical System of our Body. Every cell of the body has an electrical charge and is part of an energy system known as the Electrics. Atoms are made of positively charged protons, negatively charged electrons and neutrons. Cells generate electrical charges and send messages from one point to another by opening gates that have polarity charges, so that the electrical impulse moves from a nerve in your stubbed toe to the part of the brain sensing pain.  Earth itself carries a large negative charge. Because the body is finely tuned to Earth energy, absorbing electrons through the feet, we want to be “grounded” to tap into this incredible resource.  Every living function is powered by electrical current. Pain perception, muscle contraction and movement, nerve function, glandular secretions, etc. are all electrically driven.

The biggest generator of electricity in our body is the heart, a muscle driven by low levels of electrical current. We obviously want to keep it healthy. The brain is a super highway of electrical signals, processing millions of messages to the infrastructure of the body every second. All of these currents are measured by EEG, ECG, EKG and other sophisticated medical devices. When we connect thymus to heart electrics, we are creating a powerful energetic current to help the body rejuvenate and find homeostasis.

The first connection is between Thymus gland and the Heart Electric Point. Here is the technique:

  1. Begin by thumping the thymus with either hand. Or if it feels better to merely place the paheart-being-held-by-woman-at-sunsetlm of the hand on the gland, that is fine too (especially if you are sensitive to the thumping motion).
  2. Locate the Heart Electric Point. It is located directly above the LEFT nipple at a point where it intersects with an imaginary line drawn from the underside of your armpit. Make a notch with your thumb, index and middle finger; placing the notch on this point.
  3. Hold this connection for 2 to 4 minutes or until you fill a shift in your energy—perhaps a deep breath or deep sigh. Gentle rocking may be soothing.

You learned the first connection. Next week the Thymus to Spleen connection will be addressed. Enjoy your health!


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is Create Immune Resilience with Thymus HUB to Spleen”

Heart to Mouth Exercise Gives Woman Her Voice—Reader’s Share

Eden Energy Medicine                                  December 23, 2016


Heart to Mouth Exercise Gives Woman Her Voice—Reader’s Share

by Karen L. Semmelman, EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                This week’s column is reflective of the power of our individual intention and its impact on our health. During an EEM session with a woman who was having trouble “getting her words out properly” following a diagnosis of heart heart-in-mouth-cartoonand insulin issues, I asked her to make sure she regularly made a connection between her heart and a point on her groin area. However, when I saw her the following week to review how she did with her homework, she reported that as soon as she placed her hand over her heart and other hand over her mouth, she immediately was able to speak. She placed her hands in this position each time she was experiencing a sense of being unable to speak or when her words would not come forth or they were scrambled. Reporting that each time this happened, She made her energetic connection, finding it made a huge difference and she was able to speak accurately and appropriately!

As she told me her story, I just laughed and she asked what was so funny.  I told her this was such a wonderful new exercise that she intuitively created, and I would pass it along. Her own heart life force sent energy right to where she needed it, enabling her to speak coherently.  The morale of the story is to set your intention in this New Year, realizing that matter does follow energy and can change your life in profound ways—sometimes so completely unexpected. As Donna Eden says “Your illness is NOT your fault, but your healing IS your responsibility. heart-w-mouth-inside-it

Make those resolutions with positivity, intention and a sense of wonder at your own power to change you and thus the world!


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is Figure 8’s Around Eyes to Release Trauma”

Heart to Heart Exercise is Great for Grounding!

Eden Energy Medicine                                  December 16, 2016


Heart to Heart Exercise is Great for Grounding!

by Karen L. Semmelman, EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                The holidays are a wonderful time to express our love to friends and family. Often time, though, we may find ourselves feeling adrift from all the holiday stress of responsibilities and having everything just right. As we become more stressed, we can often lose our grounding. Since we are electromagnetic beings, we pull energy from the Earth through the Kidney 1 acupressure point on the bottom of our foot. We need this Earth energy to feel connected to ourselves, the Earth and to others. So if you feel disconnected in anyway, think Grounding and cominpineal-gland-interface-w-heart-bodyg home to oneself.

The exercise is easy. 1. Place the index and middle finger together with the thumb, letting this “3 finger notch” posture rest on the top of the head ( at the baby soft spot).

  1. Place the other hand directly over the heart chakra, located between your breasts.
  2. Take a deep breath or 2 or 3 and allow yourself to experience the connection between these 2 points, as you experience your intimate connection to the Earth.

Do these as often as you need it to assist in being connected to YOU and to others again.  So, you ask, why does this work? The Heart Chaka, as all Chakras do, interfaces with the Aura around our body. The Aura, among many other tasks, connects us between the heavens and the Earth. By placing your hand on the Heart Chakra, you come home to your center and to your unique way of being you. The soft spot on the top of the head sits right over the Pineal Gland, directly connected to the heart and an integral part of the Endocrine system. The Endocrine system is controlled by Triple Warmer, so the body is being flooded with wonderful hormones and chemicals to help you shift your stressors to calm.   Of course, don’t forget about the heart to heart hugs, which create Oxytocin, our love hormone. Get 12 hugs a day and you will be smiling all day!


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is Heart to Mouth Exercise Gives Woman Her Voice—Reader’s Share”

Give Yourself a Big Hug to Reduce Stress

Eden Energy Medicine                                  January 22, 2016


Give Yourself a Big Hug to Reduce Stress

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEMCLP, JD, AAML(03-12)


Do you find yourself sometimes just staring out the window or getting in your car and just not feeling like you want to go anywhere or do anything, even though you have an entire list to complete?  If so, this is the time to give yourself some love with a big HUG just for you.  Why? We all need support and an energetic boost is such a powerful way to get you jump started in you are in the doldrums.  There are a number of options, so try any of them and feel instantly uplifted.

First, the Triple Warmer Spleen Hug calms down the entire body instantly. Place one hand (either one) on the opposite elbow. Place the other hand around the upper side, with the thumb about 4 inches down from the armpit. Hold and rock if you like. Switch sides if you need more decompressing. It works because Triple Warmer (The Commander of our Energies) is being sedated and Spleen (the great metabolizer of everything going through the body, including emotions) is being strengthened.Hugging yourself, little girl

A second technique is to cross the arms and place the fingers under the armpits and the thumbs resting right below the outer edge of the collar bone. Sit and breathe deeply in through the nose and out through the mouth for several breathes until you feel yourself calming and being re-energized.  Why does it work? We are influencing the central meridian; the heart, stomach and governing Neurolymphatic points; the heart and the lungs themselves; are over lapping all the meridians that run through the front and sides of the body; etc.…; and it just feels darn good.

Or try making a big heart around your entire chest and then do a hug for yourself. Add, as Donna says, an umm, ummm, ummm to the hug and it feels doubly good.  Any of these will send loving, kind, supportive energy right to you when you need that boost…


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Feeling a Cold Starting? Push the Biceps”. 

Heart Ache?-Shift the Chakra Energy in Minutes

Eden Energy Medicine                                  October 30, 2015

Heart Ache?-Shift the Chakra Energy in Minutes

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                Does your heart hurt or does your friend, child have deep heart ache? Going through a divorce, losing a loved one in death, finding out a parent has cancer, hearing your best friend lost a limb in a car accidHeartache teddy bear with bandaid on heart picent, just being diagnoses with diabetes, or your neighbor had a stroke? All these events create instant pain right into your heart—that vital organ providing inspiration for all our highly developed mental functions: perception, intuition, awareness, spiritual desires and our ability to communicate our thoughts and emotions. Sometimes when these pieces of news are experienced, one must bend over cradling the chest as the intensity impacts the body.

While is San Diego last month with Donna Eden, at an advanced chakra course, she demonstrated the following technique to assist in moving that deep profoundly painful ache from the heart charka center to a lower chakra that is better able to handle it…. There are 7 major chakras, from the perineum to the top of the head; all bathing the organs and systems in their area. The heart chakra is located in the middle of the chest between the breasts and the solar plexus chakra (dealing with our ego and our identity in the world) is located between the sternum and the navel. The womb/sacral chakra is between the navel and the pelvis and the root chakra is below the pelvis area.

  Technique to shift the heart ache: Place both hands over one another, with both palms facing the floor. Gently move the hands above the heart chakra (to the top of the breasts). Sink into the painful event as you close your eyes holding your hands in this position. Gently begin pushing both hands down through the heart chakra to the solar plexus. Energy should release. If the energy does not release, continue slowly and with intention, moving your hands down the front of the body until you get to the root chakra. Stop and finish at whatever area the pain has released. It works because one of the other chakras can handle the issue when the heart couldn’t. Try it whenever your heart is too hurt to smile!

Have fun with your energy!

Next week’s topic is “Disconnected, Dizzy, Feeling Ungrounded? BE an Elephant”

Eyes Dull and Hazy?—Hold Heart Source Point

Eden Energy Medicine                                  October 16, 2015

Eyes Dull and Hazy?—Hold Heart Source Point

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                Last week we learned about Source Acupoints, which are reservoirs of energy on each meridian and thus influence the associated organ. Today let’s focus on some imbalances that might warrant saying hello to our Heart 7 Source point. These are just a smattering, but they make the point. Blood pressure, excessive perspiration, overheating, rashes or gives, hot flashes, erratic pulse, vertigo, fainting spells, palpitations, angina—all reflective of excessive energy. You might experience the following for deficient heart energy: pale or ashen complexion, ringing in ears, insomnia, heartburn, exhaustion, lightheadedness, congestive heart failure, lack of spontaneity, fear of falling, loss of passion or fear of rejection. These are just a few issues that might warrant Heart 7’s use.eyes dull from unhappiness

                The Yellow Emperor’s Classic on Chinese Medicine states this about the heart: “The heart is the sovereign of all organs and represents the consciousness of one’s being. It is responsible for intelligence, wisdom and spiritual transformation.” Chinese Medicine also suggests that heart spirit (Shen) is reflected in the eyes and if they sparkle and shine, then the Shen is strong; but if the eyes are dull or hazy, the Shen is weak and in need of attention. This organ is pretty impressive, aye? So, if we have such issues, it is nice to have a tool to assist the balancing of heart energy. Heart 7 Source point is the tool!

Like all Acupoints, Heart 7 is in a “divot” or hollow. To locate, look at the palm of the hand and bend the wrist toward you. Notice as you flex the wrist back and forth, small hollows at the wrist are apparent. Since the heart meridian begins at the arm pit and ends on the little finger, the Heart 7 Source point is located on the wrist in direct line with the little finger. Hold this point for 1 or 2 minutes during one of the episodes noted above and watch the energy shift. Hold until you feel nice pulses under your fingers, with the middle finger being the preference. Try holding both sides at the same time if very flexible. One of my clients loves to hold this point whenever she goes to concerts, to keep her anxiety under control…. Or use to relieve feelings of anxiety, nervousness, agitation or restlessness. There are so many possibilities. As you bring the Shen back into balance, observe the sparkle return to your eyes! Play with it, it truly works.

Have fun with your energy!

Next week’s topic is “Hemorrhoids or Varicose Veins?—Hold Spleen Source Point”

Alleviate Fear by Holding the Head!

Eden Energy Medicine                                  October 2, 2015


Alleviate Fear by Holding the Head

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEMCLP, JD, AAML(03-12)


Last week we learned how to manage and reduce trauma by holding our forehead with one hand and placing the other hand over the heart chakra. Holding points located on the head influence emotions. These points are called Neurovascular points. Each meridian of the 14 meridians is associated with an emotion and each meridian has points located on the head the impact the nervous, circulatory and vascular systems of the body. Thus by learning where, for example, the Kidney Neurovascular points are located on the head, we can begin to influence our “fear” of the saber toothed tiger entering the room. This is because the Kidney meridian’s primary stressor emotion is fear. Our body is such a complex integrated system, enabling us to shift mind, body and spirit by accessing energies on specific points!holding forehead w palm for Main NV demo

Let’s use Sarah as an example. Whenever Sarah sees a spider, her heart begins racing, she breaks out into a sweat, she can’t focus on anything, begins breathing very fast and needs to run away from the spider… So what to do? Sarah can do this herself or better yet, have someone else hold these points for her. Place one hand on the main Neurovascular points on the forehead. The palm rests with the fingers right above the eyebrows, the palm above 1 eye and the fingers above the other eye. The other palm is placed on the back of the head directly behind the eyes with the fingers pointing toward an ear. Gently hold these points—don’t use a lot of pressure. Sit or stand and hold until the body begins to calm… We know that on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 would be the number for Sarah. Ask her to rate the fear periodically as you hold these points until it is a manageable number. You may need to continue to hold these points for days… As an aside if the issue continues, there are numerous additional points that can be held, other EEM tools that may be employed and there is Energy Psychology tools as well to address deep rooted issues—all of which are beyond the scope of the column; but important to know exist.

Enjoy the exploration of these possibilities to shift your habits or those of others!


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Shift Liver Energy, Which Oversees 700 Tasks!” Send questions to Karen at . Prior articles may be found on her website or through Island Sun. Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions



Hand to Heart with Partner Creates Bonding

No relationship is free of turmoil. After all, each of you has your own unique view of the world, and knows the best way to clean the counter, wash the car, location for car keys and where to put tools after use, etc.  Sound familiar? But sometimes one gets tired of being “nice”, may get frustrated and lash out- and off we go into a chain reaction of “you said” and “you did”…………


              Today, learn a great technique to stop the cycle. Donna Eden and David Feinstein just published a book this September, titled “Energies of Love”. You will learn more of this book next week. However, before this book, they both lectured extensively on creating a loving energetic connection when the relationship runs aground. My husband and I have found one technique very effective and use it regularly.  After the “you did” starts, we take a break, call time out and do the following:

  1. Each partner turns away from the other and comes home to themselves. A good way to do this is to place both hands on your heart, close the eyes and find center inside. Hold this space for several breaths.
  2. Check in with your partner and see if they are ready to connect
  3. When ready, face each other with hearts across from one another. Each places their left hand on their own heart and with the right hand reaches out to the other placing the right hand on the other’s hand over his/her heart. You are now linked.
  4. When ready, raise your eyes to meet your partner and hold the gaze until you each take a deep breath.

What did we learn last week that just happened? We just released the “love hormone” oxytocin; activated the solar plexus chakra (which stimulates the thymus gland and thus boost the immune system too); and helped balance the nervous system.  Happy Valentine’s Day!  Oh, it works with anyone, your kids, friends, family…..


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “What are the Energies of Love”.   EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.





New Year Resolution –Strengthen Your Heart Energy-Part III!

   To welcome and celebrate the New Year, the last 2 columns were devoted to the boosting heart energy. So far, we have learned 1. Improving our Internal Compass to help revitalize; 2. Holding our Heart Source point to reduce heart dis-ease; 3. Biting down on the little finger to calm the body; 4. Tracing the heart meridian; and 5. Learning how to open the horizontal band of energy at the waist (Belt Flow). Today, you will be introduced to yet additional tools to strengthen the heart energy. The fascinating part of these approaches, are that they are endless. When working one on one with a client, the energies are assessed, with a determination made as to which technique is the most viable. I have helped clients reduce and eliminate prescription medications that were taken for years (of course, with the monitoring of their physician)—all by moving the energies!

   Today, the focus with be on 3 exercises that boost and strengthen heart energy. By doing these exercises, expect to find more comfort and calm with heart dis-ease. They are easy, quick and beneficial—so enjoy.

  • Cross Arms and Push Hard with Fingers. Cross the hands over the chest and wrap the fingers around the outside of the arms. Push into the outside of your arms, massaging from the shoulders to elbows. Use nice pressure and to as long as it feels good.

  • Yin Bridge Flow Radiant Circuit Exercise-connects you to yourself and your heart, correcting inner schisms ( alienation of mind/body; or head and heart; or love and sex)

          – Hands on back of head with in breadth

          – Hands over forehead on out breadth

          – Hands over cheeks on in breadth

          – Hands crossed over front of chest with hands over shoulders on out breadth

          – Trace 3 hearts around your heart

          – With pressure and open hands, run hands down front of body, down front of legs and off feet

          – Place all fingers under all toes and hang for several breadths

          – Return to standing, cross both hands and place over heart-coming home to self

  • Nine Heart Exercise: This exercise corrects yin and yang imbalances; plus it helps to activate all of the radiant circuits (one of the 9 energy systems, which systems acts as our “joy juice”)

          – Rub hands together and shake off. Place hands on thighs and take deep breadth to ground             yourself.

          – Raise hands over head, then bring them down through center to prayer position

          – 3 hearts around head- can use affirmation “ I love myself”

          – 3 hearts around chest- can use affirmation “ I love my family and friends”

          – 3 hearts around body- can use affirmation “ I love the world and the universe”

   Because there are so many tools to utilize in working with heart issues, there will be one more column associated with tools to use for the heart. Stay tuned!

   Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “New Year Resolution –Strengthen Your Heart Energy!-Part IV

* Send questions to Karen at Prior articles may be found at her blog or through Island Sun. Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.