Remember that your heart is the largest generator of electricity in the body and the last organ to stop when the “lights go out”. So, we want to do whatever we can to assist the heart’s energy to stay strong and vibrant, so we feel the same! Last week we learned 3 tools to assist: 1. Improving our Internal Compass to help revitalize; 2. Holding our Heart Source point to reduce heart dis-ease; and 3. Biting down on the little finger to calm the body.
This week we will visit a number of additional techniques, some of which you may remember from prior columns—which demonstrates how interconnected our energies are-by moving energies in one area the impact is far reaching, effecting many other parts of our being as well.
Trace Heart Meridian. If you are feeling anxious; overwhelmed; in panic; have angina, experience pain in your armpits; gums bleeding; low or high blood pressure; pain in chest; chill easily; circulation problems; dizziness; overheat easily; heart palpitations; bleeding problems; extreme thirst; excessive bruising or swollen glands—then it is extremely likely you will benefit from tracing your Heart meridian!
- Affirmation for this Meridian is “I deeply and completely love and accept myself”. Some believe that heart is the center of our essence, which enables connection not only to ourselves where we find center, but also to all other living things, including humans. From a Chinese Medicine standpoint, the heart is the last organ to cease functioning so we want to keep it healthy. Remembering that matter follows energy, stating a positive thought shifts the energy just by the intention-this is the metaphysical fabric of life! We are all part of that pure fabric of existence so reap its benefits.
- Pathway of Meridian. Heart meridian is associated with the heart organ. The beginning point of Heart meridian is at the deepest recesses under your armpit, where it is the most protected of all meridian pathways; and the end point is at the medial edge of the base of the nail on your little finger. To trace Heart, place your open palm under the opposite side of the body in the middle of your armpit. Continue moving your open palm down the inside of the arm in a direct line to the underside of the little finger where you pull the energy off. That’s it. You just traced Heart meridian!
Belt Flow is horizontal Band of Energy. Frequently energy gets stuck from the waist up and from the waist down. Around the belly is a horizontal flow of energy known as the Belt Flow. If energy is not flowing through this area, it gets stuck. From the waist up, it affects the heart. So by opening this channel you help balance the flow of energy to and from the heart throughout the entire body. This is a fun exercise, especially for kids, since we use affirmations that are memorable.
- Place both hands on your back at the right side and sweep across the sides, around the front of your belly. Lift your hands, move them to your back 2 more times and then sweep the hands down the opposite leg. The affirmation is “Where is my belt? Where is my belt? Where is by belt? My pants are falling down!”
- Place both hands on your back at the left side, sweep across the sides, and around the front of your belly. Lift your hands and repeat 2 more times and then sweep down the opposite leg. Use the affirmation to help you remember!
- By doing this technique, the energy is able to flow from the head to the toes and vise versa with no energetic obstruction that keeps it stuck at the waist. Simple aye? This is the magic of energy medicine!
Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “New Year Resolution –Strengthen Your Heart Energy!-Part III.”
* Send questions to Karen at Prior articles may be found at her blog or through Island Sun. Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.