Reader’s Share- Hooking up Pet Stops Seizure

Eden Energy Medicine                        June 23, 2016


Reader’s Share-Hooking Up Pet Stops Seizure

              by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

               Several weeks ago, we visited how to Hook-Up your pet, whether dog, cat, horse, guinea pig or cow.  I received so many emails and phone calls from people commenting on how these exercises benefited their pets, that I thought it would be nice to share some of the comments, especially concerning the Hook-up.  There are 2 meridians (defined energetic pathways) that circle the core, one called the Central Meridian, which begins at the pelvic area, runs up the front of the body ending deep in the throat at the level of the bottom lip; and the second called Governing Meridian, which begins at the base of the tailbone, runs up the spine, over the head, ending deep in the back of the throat in line with the top lip. These 2 meridians act as an “energetic casing” bridging the energies between front and back, head and torso, and send energy to all the other energetic systems of the body.  Thus, when you connect the 2, there is an immediate neurological boost and “centering”.Chiwawwa dog

One reader reported that she showed her daughter how to Hook-up her 6 year old Chihuahua whenever the dog had a seizure to assist in minimizing or stopping the seizure; which the dog would frequently have. The next seizure, the daughter immediately found the navel and the spot between the dog’s eyebrows, and held them until the seizure stopped. It did stop and the dog was fine, jumping around as if nothing had happened!  Another reader reported that her Black Lab named Snoozy had seizures on almost a weekly basis and she felt so helpless not knowing what to do… She started hooking up Snoozy every day and found it was 2 weeks until another seizure occurred. When the seizure began, the owner immediately did a hook up and within 30 seconds the seizure stopped and Snoozy seemed just fine. I got another email from her last week reporting no seizures for over 3 ½ weeks now; so she religiously does the hook up every day now.  The power of energy is readily apparent!  Remember that matter follows energy…



Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Safeguarding Breast Health-Lymphatic Release”.


Integrate Comfort with Required Medication with EEM Tools

Eden Energy Medicine                                  December 11, 2015

Integrate Comfort with Required Medication with EEM Tools

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                Does the medication you are required to take sometimes leave you feeling upset, sluggish, having an upset stomach, a headache, or just leave you feeling “off”? Yet, you know it is imperative you take the medication your doctor prescribed.  Today, learn 2 tools to do before and after you ingest the medication.medication little girl with mask over face

                 As a segue, Donna Eden, and her husband David Feinstein Ph.D., have given up a normal life to take their mission “on the road” throughout the world— to empower others, one person at a time, to learn tools for their own self-healing. As part of the 1st year Foundations program, Donna and David conducted a web-athon to answer questions from students throughout the world.   The techniques in this column were one of the tid-bits of knowledge that will benefit many.

  1. Before taking the medication, do a hook- up. This is part of the DER—middle finger in belly button and other middle finger on 3rd eye. Pull up on both and hold while you take several deep breathes. By doing this you are calming the body and getting it ready to receive the medication, so as Donna says “the medication has a soft landing”.
  2. Tap the spleen meridian both BEFORE AND AFTER you take the medicine. The Spleen thumb is part of the DER as well. For those not knowing it, an easy way to activate the spleen (which metabolizes everything that goes through the body—food, emotions, medicine etc) is by allowing both hands to dangle from the wrists. Raise the arms to the sides in a scar crow posture and then tap the sides of the body starting about 4 inches below the armpits. Continue tapping for about 20 seconds as the index fingers and thumbs touch the body. We call this the chicken wing tap.medication bottle with woman's fingers around
  3. IF THERE ARE SIDE EFFECTS FROM THE MEDICATION, then immediately do the Daily Energy Routine (DER) which activates all of the 9 energy systems. This may entail doing this several times each day—that is just fine…. You need it and it will make you feel better!


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Holiday Eating from Stress? Weight Gain Concerns-EEM to Rescue”.  

Stopping Seizures with Hook-up- Reader’s Share Stories


Due to the feedback I received following the Column on helping to stop seizures by doing the Hook-up exercise (where you place one middle finger in the navel and the other on the 3rd eye while gently pulling upwards), it seemed apropos to share some of the stories!  Energy Medicine really does work.  The first was from a practitioner in Massachusetts, who reported that when her client went into seizure, she immediately had her lay on the ground on her side to avoid vomit choking the throat, applied Hook-up since the client’s body was arched backward and rigid. Soon she went limp, turned her head and asked what happened. Upon release, she began seizing again, so the Hook-up was held for several minutes until she again calmed, regaining awareness. At this point, it is important to ask the person if he/she wants 911 called.

Another reader reported her husband had an extreme episode of dizziness and was very concerned.  This had never happened before. She had him lay down, applied Hook-up for several minutes and he felt fine. At a check-up with the doctor, she showed the doctor what she did!

Finally, it was reported that a reader’s friend had a dog that started seizing. The reader told the friend to do the Hook-up for the dog, which stopped the seizures after several minutes. The owner reported that typically the seizures would last 10 -15 minutes but now after doing the Hook-up the seizure time has been greatly reduced!

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Reader Questions if Energy Medicine Helps Intense Grief”.  Send questions to Karen at . Prior articles may be found at her blog or through Island Sun. Learn more at  EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.


