It is Valentine’s Day and you want to have a romantic evening, with a glass of wine and dance to the music on the beach, right? You want to take your loved one in your arms and rock the night away, right? OK, so what is stopping you—a joint that doesn’t want to cooperate? No problem, lets learn ways to loosen it!
Last week we reviewed 3 techniques to get energy flowing to the joints—1. Connecting Heaven and Earth (and this one continues to be the favorite and most beneficial of all the exercises); 2. Belt Flow; and 3. Spindle Cell Pinching. Today, let’s add some additional ones targeted to specific areas of the body that may give you pause.
For the knees– behind each knee there are 3 gallbladder neurovascular points that often get “stuck”. Place the palm side of the hand against this area and then switch by placing the tops side of hand over the area. Rotate the hand several times from palm to back of hand until you begin to feel a release. Also, figure 8 the back and front of the knees.
For the legs, especially the calves– our calves hold energy associated with Triple Warmer (TW). TW is the Commander of all the energies of our body and whenever we feel under stress, you can rest assured our Commander is involved. One of the muscles specifically associated with TW is the calf. Since the calves support the legs, knees and hips, by holding the back of your calves and squeezing them; or making figure 8s; or flipping the hand palm side down and then back of hand; you are shifting the polarities (each cell of the body has a north and south side) of the muscle and thus loosening it so you can move with more ease.
For hips and knees, stand with hands on hips and move knees in circles. Envision yourself as Elvis Presley, gyrating to the music—really. Move the hips in large circles, then get the knees moving too and pretty soon your ankles will follow. I learned this technique in San Diego last year from a doctor from Norway who ran a clinic for the elderly. You should have seen him move! But he reported, and I have seen with my own clients, amazing shifts as we loosen and move these joints—not to mention this movement activates our Radiant Circuits-the joy juice of our systems.
For arthritis in hands or feet—open the gaits in both hands and feet. Focus on the area of discomfort and then open the areas between the tendons (webs) on both hands and feet. If on hands, begin closest to the thumb, use the thumb and index finger of other hand to squeeze the areas between the tendons, starting at the top of the web, and pulling the energy down toward the thumb. Use pressure that takes you to the edge. Move across the top of the hand to the next web between your index and middle finger beginning close to the wrist and pull the energy down by squeezing with thumb and index finger. Continue until all the webs between the fingers are completed. As you get to the end of the fingers, shake the energy off your hands and give each finger a rotation and a little pull. When you complete all of the areas, take your right palm and place it against the inside of the fingers on the left hand. Push the fingers gently back, opening the joints. For the feet, you will follow the same approach, but this time stretch the front of the toes by pushing them up!
Now you are truly ready to Dance on the Beach with you loved one. Oh, and don’t forget the bubbly!
Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Cancer, Finding the Energetic Balance.”
* Send questions to Karen at Prior articles may be found at her blog or through Island Sun. Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.