Create Immune Resilience with Thymus HUB to Hippocampus

Eden Energy Medicine                                  February 3, 2017

Create Immune Resilience with Thymus HUB to Hippocampus

by Karen L. Semmelman, EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

The thymus gland is intimately involved in our immune system, production of T Cells to fight off invading microorganisms. Thumping thymus boosts the immune system. Connecting thymus to other locations or systems, including the spleen, the electrical system, the “gut” via the navel and the hippocampus (part of the limbic system) is critical to building resiliency to dis-ease and boosting the immune function. We have learned the connection to the hippocampus-picturemain heart electric point, spleen 21 points and the navel. Today will learn the final connection to the hippocampus.

Per Wikipedia, the hippocampus is a major component of the brain. There are two hippocampi, one in each side of the brain. The hippocampus is part of the limbic system and plays important roles in the consolidation of information from short-term memory to long-term memory, and in spatial memory that enables navigation. In Alzheimer’s disease, the hippocampus is one of the first regions of the brain to suffer damage; memory loss and disorientation are included among the early symptoms.

According to Dr. Majid Foruhi, in a November 2105 Sharper Brain article, new neuroscience discoveries provide evidence on how simple lifestyle interventions can grow the hippocampus size. Stress reduction and meditation have been shown to substantially expand the volume of hippocampus. Thus, he concludes science shows we have the capacity to grow the part of our brains that shrinks with aging and makes us prone to developing Alzheimer’s disease. A bigger hippocampus can protect us against dementia symptoms in our 70s and 80s. So, when we actively engage the hippocampus in the exercise below, we are certainly influencing our energies in a very positive way!start-now-for-earlier-results-then-if-tomorrow-saying

The 4th connection is between Thymus gland and Hippocampus to increase immune function. Here is the technique:

  1. Begin by thumping the thymus with either hand. Or if it feels better to merely place the palm of the hand on the gland, that is fine too (especially if you are sensitive to the thumping motion).
  2. Thump Thymus and hold Heart Electric Point, the main electrical point of the body. Thump Thymus with Spleen 21 points (both sides); thump thymus with Navel. (See previous columns.)
  3. Thump Thymus while placing middle finger on thumb on the arches of both eyebrows. Locate the high point in on the eyebrow, slide the finger and/or thumb down under the ridge of the eye into a small divot. These are called YuYao points in Chinese Medicine, directly accessing the energy of hippocampus.
  4. Hold this connection for 2 to 4 minutes or until you fill a shift in your energy—perhaps a deep breath or deep sigh.

You have learned all 4 connections. Bask in knowing you have calmed the nervous system; boosted immune function and health; and given your being an energetic immune boost! Use this exercise regularly to feel better.

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Retain Joy and Laughter by Tapping

Business Presentations–Focus Mind at Deep Level


Last week, the Crown Pull taught how to provide clarity and focus so the audience doesn’t fall asleep or get a sugar high from nibbling due to lost interest in your speech! This week, learn a deep tool that will calm, bring order to thinking, untangle inner chaos, and enable better perspective and focus to be a superb presenter or student! It also works well when feeling extremely upset. The Wayne Cook exercise was developed by a researcher working with bioenergetic force fields, and originally used to assist with the condition of dyslexia.  This technique has proven soteacher yawning whle teaching effective in connecting the energy circuitry between the forebrain and the reptilian back brain, that it is now used to harmonize the energy throughout the body.  Energies may be scrambled due to prolonged stress preventing the nervous system from getting rest to begin rebuilding or from a defense mechanism forcing you to stop and regroup. Whatever the reason, the result is the same—an inability to assimilate and store new information due to the energy disconnect between the brain and the body’s energies. The technique is easy:

  1. Sit with your spine straight. Place the left foot over the right knee. Hold the left ankle with the right hand and place the palm of the left hand on the bottom of the left foot, wrapping fingers around side of foot.
  2. Breathe in slowly through the nose while pulling your leg in toward you. Exhale through the mouth while relaxing the body. Repeat at least 3 times.
  3. Switch by placing your right foot over the left knee, etc. and repeat the process.
  4. Uncross the legs and place all fingertips and thumbs of both hands together creating a ”steeple”, resting the thumbs above the bridge of the nose. Breathe slowing in through nose and out through mouth 3 times. On the exhale, place fingers in middle of forehead, push in and pull fingers to the temples. Return hands to original position.

You are all set to “knock their socks off”.

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Shaking Hands?-Make Circuit to Keep Your Energy”.  Send questions to Karen at . Prior articles may be found on her website or through Island Sun. Learn more at  EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.




Business Presentations- Enhance Ability to Focus

 The audience was primed for an engaging presentation by a national speaker, but within several minutes many began yawning, fidgeting and pulling snacks from their bags… sound familiar? From an energy view, this person’s energies were scrambled deep in the brain and thus he was energetically scrambling the entire audience, so they couldn’t focus on the words even though they wanted to! At workshops, I frequently demonstrate this effect by having a person read several words forwards (they will “test” weak energetically) and then read backwards (they test strong). Of course we want to be strong when reading forwards, not backwards. I also test 3 others to show how they are strong energetically before reading begins but after the words are spoken, their energies go weak. 

                So, before a presentation or task that requires focus i.e.: to a group; teaching a course; talking to your boss; preparing for an exam; beginning a new painting, learning to windsurf etc.,  try this exercise and the one next week—Wayne Cook. The Crown Pull brings cerebral fluid into the head so you may think more clearly, focus your attention. As a comment, my husband, a law professor, does this exercise before each class!

audience bored w speaker

  • Place thumbs at temples, fingers in middle forehead. Stretch fingers across forehead to meet fingers at temples
  • Place fingers of both hands at the hairline on the suture that runs from the forehead over top &back of head With pressure, pull fingers apart from the midline of head toward outside of head , about 2 inches on each side.
  • Continue moving fingers on the suture line over top head, back head, neck and then back of shoulders.
  • Dig fingers into back shoulders while inhaling deeply. Pull fingers across shoulders with pressure

You will feel a slight buzzing on and in your head—your energies are now set to engage the audience! Deep focus is further enhanced by the exercise you will learn next week.

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Business Presentation?- Focus Mind at Deep Level”.  Send questions to Karen at . Prior articles may be found on her website or through Island Sun. Learn more at  EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.




Find Inspiration and Sharpen Memory with “The Crown Pull!”

Part of the 5 Minute Routine includes The Crown Pull, where the sutures in the skull are literally being pulled open with your fingers. In the column on Chronic Headaches, the sutures in our brain were discussed, i.e. those plates in the skull that move with each inhalation and exhalation to create a cranial adjustment that helps to pump the cerebro-spinal fluid into the brain providing oxygen and nourishment to the brain. As the skin on the skull becomes tight, the muscles of the head get rigid and tight, or the sutures’ movement is limited—we literally have clogged energy stuck in our heads!

So, how do we release this energy that is stuck in our skull? It is released at the top of the head, through the Crown Chakra (the chakras are frequently referenced in Yoga). The Crown Chakra provides a gateway to our own inspiration and spirituality, enabling the feeling of connectedness to a higher presence, whatever that presence may be. Consider doing The Crown Pull when: refreshing of your thinking ability is needed; you seek inspiration; the head feels full or clogged; your nervous system needs calming; you want to sharpen your memory. Given the stressors of daily life, it is delightful to have a technique at your fingertips, literally, that provide an opportunity to tap into inspiration.

I find it extremely helpful to do The Crown Pull right after I have finished Wayne Cook Posture. When working with clients, they frequently tell me that their head is tingling and feels so much more open, after I have done a crown pull for them…. The technique follows:

Step 1. Place the thumbs at the temples with fingertips resting in the middle of the forehead.

Step 2. With pressure slowly pull the fingers apart, stretching the skin on forehead.

Step 3. Place the little fingers at the hairline and repeat the stretch (about 1 ½ inches on both sides of the sutures).

Step 4. Continue this pattern of stretching the suture line over the top, center and back of the head, then down the back of your neck.

Step 5. Press your fingers into the back of the shoulders and hold for 2 breadths. Pull the fingers across the shoulders toward the front of the body. Hold as long as you like and then release.

You are done—having creating vibrancy, clarity and fresh energy to your being on all levels!

Have fun with your energy! Send me your questions. Next week’s topic is “Toxins be Gone-Rub those Neurolymphatics!”

* If you have a question for Karen, email her at Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.

Find Clarity, Concentration and Focus with Wayne Cook Posture

Is there a time of day when you feel “droopy” or unfocused, but you really need to be alert and mentally present? Although tapping your K 27 points helps get the meridians moving forward providing increased stamina, there are times when the meridian energy is chaotic and literally scrambled. This is the time to use the Wayne Cook Posture (part of the 5 Minute Routine), which dissipates the feeling of being overwhelmed or hysterical; provides clarity if you need to concentrate, confront someone or find balance after a confrontation by someone. Clues that your energy is scrambled include not recalling what you were doing; losing your words when talking; confusing right and left; reversing letters or numbers; or you keep reading the same paragraph over and over.

Originally developed by Wayne Cook to address stuttering and dyslexia, this technique has proven so effective in connecting the energy circuitry between the forebrain and the reptilian back brain, that it is now used to harmonize the energy throughout the body. Energies may be scrambled due to prolonged stress preventing the nervous system from getting rest to begin rebuilding or from a defense mechanism forcing you to stop and regroup. Whatever the reason, the result is the same—an inability to assimilate and store new information due to the energy disconnect between the brain and the body’s energies. The technique is easy:

Step 1. Sit with your spine straight. Place the left foot over the right knee. Hold the left ankle with the right hand the ant bottom of your left foot with your left hand.

Step 2. Breathe in slowly through the nose while stretching your leg in toward you. Exhale through the mouth while relaxing the body. Repeat at least 4 times.

Step 3. Switch by placing your right foot over the left knee, etc. and repeat the process.

Step 4. Uncross the legs and place all fingertips and thumbs of both hands together creating a ”steeple”, resting the thumbs above the bridge of the nose. Breathe slowing in through nose and out through mouth 3 times. On the exhale, place fingers in middle of forehead, push in and pull fingers to the temples. Return hands to original position (this posture harmonizes energy between head & body).

Upon completion of the exercise, you will feel calm; be able to change your focus to see another perspective; think more clearly and learn more efficiently. Use it before doing any presentation or activity requiring intense focus: as a teacher, musician, artist, CEO, lawyer, doctor or long distance truck driver—it works!

Have fun with your energy! Send me your questions. Next week’s topic is “Find Inspiration and Sharpen Memory with The Crown Pull!”

* If you have a question for Karen, email her at Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.