The Meridians-our Energetic Pathfinders

Eden Energy Medicine                                  November 25, 2016

 The Meridians-our Energetic Pathfinders

by Karen L. Semmelman, EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)


WHEW!  We have spent the last several months learning how to trace our meridians, all 14 of them, to enable an energetic continuous flow to assist in balancing our beings, to optimize our health. Once you start to practice the tracing, it really does take less than 1 minute each day to trace all of them.

As a brief review, remember that the meridians are each named after an organ with which they are directly associated. For energies-of-the-beingexample, the spleen meridian is named after the spleen, since the meridian provides a direct means of energetic assess to that organ. When I do private sessions, I can hold points on the body, known as “Alarm Points” to assess the health of the energetic flow to a given organ and by working with the Alarm point, begin to shift chronic energetic patterns, to begin bringing balance and thus health back to the entire system.

The meridians, just like all components of our body, do not stand alone in isolation. They are interconnected. They serve as one of 4 “Gatekeepers” of our health. The first gatekeeper is the energy we take in through energy inherited from our mother; from the food and drink we ingest; from the love we experience in relationships through our heart; & lastly from the air we breathe—-all these sources together are referred to as wei chi, an extremely powerful form of vital energy. The next level is our meridians, which traverse the entire being at every level. The third level is ruled by our blood that courses throughout.  Lastly, is the gatekeeper of our organs, who are the royal elite guards standing ready to protect the heart and soul of our beings. Together these 4 levels are referred to in Chinese medicine as “The Pattern of Four Stages”.

Although each meridian has a definable pathway, the path of energy continues to the next meridian, to the next — until all are assessed. Each meridian is impacted by and impacts upon the rest of the nine energy systems of the body. This is why you begin to feel differently as soon as you work with any of the nine systems—because of this interconnectedness.all-meridians-on-body Although this concept is much different that we are taught from a Western medicine perspective, it truly does make sense that all pieces of this wonderfully complex system we know as our body are inter-dependent on each other, working together as an amazing skilled team that can transcend time and space.  Like a person who has a multiple personality and is able to drink orange juice in one moment, but in a mega-second be allergic to that same orange juice,– this power of our being is accessible to each of us at any moment if we train ourselves to be sensitive to its very existence. It is called morphic resonance. It exists, it is real and by learning to attune to your own energy, you can shift long entrenched habits, to make shifts and changes that are healthy and empowering.  Welcome to the magical world of your own energy.

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is Knee Issues—What Needs are Not Being Met?”

Diabetes, fibroids or cysts?-Trace Spleen Meridian

Eden Energy Medicine                                  November 18, 2016


 Diabetes, fibroids or cysts?-Trace Spleen Meridian

by Karen L. Semmelman, EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)


From a Western view, spleen functions as a reservoir for blood with a large number of red blood cells. It removes unwanted substances from the blood, including waste.  Chinese medicine views Spleen’s primary function as transforming nutrients into vital energy (chi) and blood, equally distributing this energy to the body, mind and spirit. diabetes-for-dummies-cartoonTogether with Stomach, Spleen oversees the “Earth” rhythm of our beings, assisting with the transitions of life, at whatever level. Spleen is the great metabolizer, so that everything that enters, including emotions, thoughts and food, all run through spleen. It has a major role in keeping us healthy. The role is HUGE! Spleen keeps the blood in its proper channels, so if its energy is depleted, expect to see nosebleeds, blood in stools, menstrual issues, swollen abdomen, allergies, broken capillaries, carpal tunnel, diabetes, cysts, eating disorders, edema, fever, fibroids, hypoglycemia, infections, low body temperature, low energy, lymph swelling, metabolic disorders, pregnancy issues, sore throats, thighs that are achy or painful, varicose veins, weak muscles or weight issues. Spleen is also a major player in hormonal issues. See below.

As a Reminder, view the August 9 and 16th Columns, since the basics of tracing are set forth.

                Meridian Flow Wheel Time of day. SP meridian’s high tide is 9AM-11 AM. We always begin and end by tracing Central and Governing meridians before starting to trace the other meridians. If you begin tracing your meridians at 9 30 AM, then begin with SP.

Reasons to Trace Alone in Addition to Tracing All Meridians. Although it is best to trace all your meridians as one continuous flow, you may want to trace spleen alone if hormonal issues are present, which could include an autoimmune disorder, cold hands or feet, dizziness, endometriosis, enlarged waist, fatigue, infertility, inflammation, low progesterone, PMS, sexual dysfunction, sugar imbalances, swollen belly , thyroid issues, or mood swings.

Affirmation for this Meridian is “I nourish myself with love”. Remembering that matter follows energy, stating a positive thought shifts the energy just by the intention-this is the metaphysical fabric of life! We are all part of that pure fabric of existence so reap its benefits.                                                spleen-meridian-tracing

Pathway of Meridian. Do both sides at the same time. Start at the outside bottom corners of each big toe nail, bull your hands straight up the inside of your legs, flaring out at the hips; continuing up the side of the rib cage to right below the arm pit; and then travel down from the arm pit about 4 inches. See the insert.  That’s it. You just traced Spleen meridian!

Flushing or Tracing the Meridian Backwards. IT IS RARE THAT YOU WILL TRACE SPLEEN BACKWARDS SINCE IT GENERALLY NEEDS ENERGY WITH SO MANY RESPONSIBILITIES. But there are exceptions. If you feel you want to trace it backwards, see if that makes you feel better. If experiencing pain or dis-ease in the area of a meridian, it is likely that removing the energy from the meridian will provide relief.  If it does, then trace it backwards 3 times, but NEVER TRACE HEART BACKWARDS. If it seems there is not enough energy in your meridian then trace it forward 3 times. If you feel better, this is what was needed. Experience the impact of the energetic shifts. To flush a meridian, as if you are de-clogging a pipe, trace the meridian once backwards to loosen the sludge and then trace the meridian forward 3 times. Flushing really helps reset the meridian’s balance.

You are set. Keep this Column as a reminder of how to trace Spleen meridian. You have learned all 14 meridians. After you trace the last meridian, retrace central and governing to be set for the day.

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is The Meridians- our Energetic Pathfinders. “

Meet the “Sea of Nutrients”-Trace Stomach Meridian

Eden Energy Medicine            Bloating, Indigestion, Nausea?-Trace Stomach Meridian

by Karen L. Semmelman, EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

Stomach (Yang) receives the food we ingest, decides what nutrients to keep and then transports this energy to Spleen (Yin), who converts it to energy (chi) and blood, to nourish the entire system. This digestive process is pretty important, aye? So, if ST is imbalanced, one can’t assimilate nutrients needed to strengthen the body, mind &spirit—resulting in a weak energy level. The importance of nutrition is imperative!  One may experience bloating, bloating-cartoon-woman-floating-awaygastrointestinal pain, nausea, acid reflux, allergies, bags under the eyes; breast issues, digestive issues, fallopian tube issues;  hunger frequently, laryngitis; lumps, mouth & lip sores, neck pain, nervous tension, ovary issues, sinus issues, stomach aches, ulcers  or weight issues.

As a Reminder, view the August 5 and 12th Columns, since the basics of tracing are set forth.

                Meridian Flow Wheel Time of day. ST meridian’s high tide is 7 AM-9 AM. We always begin and end by tracing Central and Governing meridians before starting to trace the other meridians. If you begin tracing your meridians at 7 30 AM, then begin with ST.

Reasons to Trace Alone in Addition to Tracing All Meridians. Although it is best to trace all your meridians as one continuous flow, you may want to trace ST if you have some of the symptoms listed in the opening paragraph or if one is meddlesome, has sugar cravings, shows obsessive worry or is co-dependent.

Affirmation for this Meridian is “I trust the mystery of life”. Remembering that matter follows energy, stating a positive thought shifts the energy just by the intention-this is the metaphysical fabric of life! We are all part of that pure fabric of existence so reap its benefits.

Pathway of Meridian. Do both sides at the same time. Place both hands underneath your eyes, trace down to your jawbone and then circle the outside of your face up to your forehead; bring your hands directly over the middle of your stomach-meridian-tracing-from-eem-bookeyes to the collarbone; follow the collarbone outward several inches; now go straight down over your breasts; jog in at the bottom of the ribs straight down to the waist; flair out at the hips and then straight down the front of your legs and off the second toe. That’s it. You just traced Stomach meridian!! See the insert.

Flushing or Tracing the Meridian Backwards. Remember that if there is too much energy in a meridian, you may want to trace it backwards and see if that makes you feel better. If experiencing pain or dis-ease in the area of a meridian, it is likely that removing the energy from the meridian will provide relief. If it does, then trace it backwards 3 times, but NEVER TRACE HEART BACKWARDS. If it seems there is not enough energy in your meridian then trace it forward 3 times. If you feel better, this is what was needed. Experience the impact of the energetic shifts. To flush a meridian, as if you are de-clogging a pipe, trace the meridian once backwards to loosen the sludge and then trace the meridian forward 3 times. Flushing really helps reset the meridian’s balance.

You are set. Keep this Column as a reminder of how to trace Stomach while you learn the last meridian next week!

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is Diabetes, fibroids or cysts?-Trace Spleen Meridian”

Skin or Hair issues? -Trace Large Intestine Meridian

Eden Energy Medicine                                  November 4, 2016

Skin or Hair issues? -Trace Large Intestine Meridian

by Karen L. Semmelman, EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                From a Chinese View, the Large Intestine (LI)- 5 ½ feet long, makes the distinction between what substances the body benefits from keeping and what is harmful, requiring it be dispelled from the system, enabling all systems to work efficiently. A breakdown in balance leads to congestion or overcrowding, which manifest as abdominal pain, cramping, constipation or diarrhea, colic, colon disorders, gum disease, hemorrhoids, herpes, hip issues, side leg pains, itchy-skin-picslow back pain, mineral deficiencies, or toothaches.  LI and LU together control the emotion of grief and not letting go.

As a Reminder, view the August 5 and 12th Columns, since the basics of tracing are set forth.

                Meridian Flow Wheel Time of day. LI meridian’s high tide is 5 AM- 7 AM. We always begin and end by tracing Central and Governing meridians before starting to trace the other meridians. If you begin tracing your meridians at 5 30 AM, then begin with LI.

Reasons to Trace Alone in Addition to Tracing All Meridians. Although it is best to trace all your meridians as one continuous flow, you may want to trace LI if you have some of the symptoms listed in the opening paragraph or if one is highly judgmental; is unable to “let go”; has chronic sadness or is intolerant of opposing views.

Affirmation for this Meridian is “I let go of fear, guilt, anger & shame…and live life fully in the NOW”. large-intestine-cartoonRemembering that matter follows energy, stating a positive thought shifts the energy just by the intention-this is the metaphysical fabric of life! We are all part of that pure fabric of existence so reap its benefits.

Pathway of Meridian. Place the open fingers of one hand at the end of the index finger, tracing up the back of the side of the arm where the dark skin meets the lighter underside of skin, over the shoulder, across the neck to the bottom of the nostril and then around the side of the nose to the top outside edge of the nostril. Do the other side.  That’s it. You just traced Large Intestine meridian!!

Flushing or Tracing the Meridian Backwards. Remember that if there is too much energy in a meridian, you may want to trace it backwards and see if that makes you feel better. If experiencing pain or dis-ease in the area of a meridian, it is likely that removing the energy from the meridian will provide relief. If it does, then trace it backwards 3 times, but NEVER TRACE HEART BACKWARDS. If it seems there is not enough energy in your meridian then trace it forward 3 large-intestine-meridiantimes. If you feel better, this is what was needed. Experience the impact of the energetic shifts. To flush a meridian, as if you are de-clogging a pipe, trace the meridian once backwards to loosen the sludge and then trace the meridian forward 3 times. Flushing really helps reset the meridian’s balance.

You are set. Keep this Column as a reminder of how to trace Large Intestine while you learn the last 2 meridians this month!

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is Meet the “Sea of Nutrients”-Trace Stomach Meridian for bloating, gas or nausea”

Rigid, inflexible, nose issues? -Trace Lung Meridian

Eden Energy Medicine                                  October 28, 2016

Rigid, inflexible, nose issues? -Trace Lung Meridian

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)


From a Western view, lungs control respiration, pulling in oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide. In Chinese Medicine, lungs are “The Official of Rhythmic Order”, overseeing the interaction between the exterior and interior world and thus coughing-sneezing-little-girlinstilling the body with rhythm and order in every breath, reflecting that for every ending there is a new beginning. But, if the lung meridian is out of balance, a person may literally be very inflexible, stiff when he/she walks and have tight reins on emotions-just not in sync with life. Physically, expect to see bronchitis; chest congestion; colds; congestive heart failure; coughs; flu; insomnia; pleurisy; respiratory issues; shortness of breath; skin problems; or tuberculosis.

As a Reminder, view the August 5 and 12th Columns, since the basics of tracing are set forth.

                Meridian Flow Wheel Time of day. LU meridian’s high tide is 3 AM 5 AM. We always begin and end by tracing Central and Governing meridians before starting to trace the other meridians. If you begin tracing your meridians at 3 30 AM (you definitely have an energy imbalance), then begin with LU.

Reasons to Trace Alone in Addition to Tracing All Meridians. Although it is best to trace all your meridians as one continuous flow, you may want to trace LU if you have some of the symptoms listed in the opening paragraph. By boosting Lung energy, you begin balancing the body.

Affirmation for this Meridian is “I breathe in fresh chi & inspiration… I breathe out stale chi & grief”. Remembering that matter follows energy, stating a positive thought shifts the energy just by the intention-this is the metaphysical fabric of life! We are all part of that pure fabric of existence so reap its benefits.

Pathway of Meridian. Place one hand on the opposite front shoulder area, above the nipple and directly across from the top of your armpit. Move it up over the front of your shoulder, straight down the edge of your arm where the light part of your skin meets the darker section and off the thumb. Do the other side. That’s it. You just traced Lung meridianlung-meridian-pic-simple!!

Flushing or Tracing the Meridian Backwards. Remember that if there is too much energy in a meridian, you may want to trace it backwards and see if that makes you feel better. If experiencing pain or dis-ease in the area of a meridian, it is likely that removing the energy from the meridian will provide relief. If it does, then trace it backwards 3 times, but NEVER TRACE HEART BACKWARDS. If it seems there is not enough energy in your meridian then trace it forward 3 times. If you feel better, this is what was needed. Experience the impact of the energetic shifts. To flush a meridian, as if you are de-clogging a pipe, trace the meridian once backwards to loosen the sludge and then trace the meridian forward 3 times. Flushing really helps reset the meridian’s balance.

You are set. Keep this Column as a reminder of how to trace Lung while you learn the next 3 meridians this month!

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is Skin or Hair Issues? -Trace Large Intestine Meridian.”

Safeguarding Breast Health- Flush Circulation X Meridian

Eden Energy Medicine                        July 15, 2016


Safeguarding Breast Health- Flush Cir-X Meridian

              by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)


During the last 2 columns techniques were learned to enhance breast self-care by pressing/buzzing Neurolymphatic Reflex Points and by flushing meridians. Remember that flushing a meridian means the using your electromagnetic hand, with palm against the body, to pull energy along the defined meridian pathway thereby promoting movement and health. Last week flushing stomach meridian was discussed. This week, learn to flush the circulation sex meridian, which begins directly beside the nipple and continues down the arm to the middle finger. We want to flush the meridian to unclog the trapped stale energy that so easily forms.

To flush the Circulation Sex meridian, proceed: breasts, rose in front pink shirt

Step 1. The description of tracing the meridian as set forth is tracing it forward in its natural pathway. Flushing means starting at the end of the meridian and tracing it backwards. Read step 2 first and then begin with step 3.

Step 2. Circulation-Sex Meridian Tracing Description (also referred to as “nip to tip”). Place the fingers of one hand on the opposite side of the body directly adjacent to the nipple. Move hand with palm down, up over the shoulder and then down the inside of the arm (the underside) and sweep the energy off the middle finger on the inside palm side of the hand. Switch and do the other side.

Step 3. Flushing the Meridian. Start at the middle finger and trace backwards 1 time. Trace the meridian forward 3 times per the description above.

The more you flush these meridians, the happier and healthier your breast will be!


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is Safeguarding Your Breasts-Chakra Clearing

Acid Reflux? EEM to the Rescue-Part 2

Eden Energy Medicine                                  March 4, 2016         


Acid Reflux? EEM to the Rescue-Part 2

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

Last week we learned that when the lower bundle of sphincter muscles where the esophagus ends and the stomach begins does not completely shut, heart burn or acid reflux is experienced. A number of options were suggested and you learned to Free the Diaphragm and trace around the ears to the neck and sternum. Today, by tracing the stomach meridian backwards, the entire digestive system is calmed since stomach controls, with triple warmer, the digestive process.

Stomach receives the food we ingest, decides what nutrients to keep and then transports this energy to Spleen, who converts it to energy (chi) and blood, to nourish the entire system. So, if ST is imbalanced due to the lower sphincter not closing completely, one can’t assimilate nutrients properly—resulting in dis—ease. Stomach imbalances might also include bloating, gastrointestinal pain, nausea, acid reflux, allergies, bags under the eyes; breast issues, digestive issues, fallopian tube issues;  hunger frequently, laryngitis; lumps, mouth & lip sores, neck pain, nervous tension, ovary issues, sinus issues, stomach aches, ulcers  or weight issues.

                Although it is best to trace all your meridians as one continuous flow, today tracing Stomach backwards will Stomach Meridian Tracing from EEM bookbe shown to find relief for acid reflux. Tracing backwards calms the meridian by taking energy out of it; thus allowing the entire digestive process to rebalance. The insert depicts the proper way to trace the meridian, which is described below. To trace backwards, you will begin at the 2nd toe and end on the face. If you feel better then trace it backwards 2 more times.

Pathway of Meridian.  Do both sides at the same time. Place both hands underneath your eyes, trace down to your jawbone and then circle the outside of your face up to your forehead; bring your hands directly over the middle of your eyes to the collarbone; follow the collarbone outward several inches; now go straight down over your breasts; jog in at the bottom of the ribs straight down to the waist; flair out at the hips and then straight down the front of your legs and off the second toe.

Next week learn the last 2 suggestions from EEM for acid reflux!


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Acid Reflux an Issue? EEM to the Rescue-Part 3

The Meridians-our Energetic Pathfinders

WHEW! We have spent the last several months learning how to trace our meridians, all 14 of them, to enable an energetic continuous flow to assist in balancing our beings, to optimize our health. Once you start to practice the tracing, it really does take less than 1 minute each day to trace all of them.

As a brief review, remember that the meridians are each named after an organ with which they are directly associated. For example, the spleen meridian is named after the spleen, since the meridian provides a direct means of energetic assess to that organ. When I do private sessions, I can hold points on the body, known as “Alarm Points” to assess the health of the energetic flow to a given organ and by working with the Alarm point, begin to shift chronic energetic patterns, to begin bringing balance and thus health back to the entire system.

The meridians, just like all components of our body, do not stand alone in isolation. They are interconnected. They serve as one of 4 “Gatekeepers” of our health. The first gatekeeper is the energy we take in through energy inherited from our mother; from the food and drink we ingest; from the love we experience in relationships through our heart; & lastly from the air we breathe—-all these sources together are referred to as wei chi, an extremely powerful form of vital energy. The next level is our meridians, which traverse the entire being at every level. The third level is ruled by our blood that courses throughout. Lastly, is the gatekeeper of our organs, who are the royal elite guards standing ready to protect the heart and soul of our beings. Together these 4 levels are referred to in Chinese medicine as “The Pattern of Four Stages”.

Although each meridian has a definable pathway, the path of energy continues to the next meridian, to the next — until all are assessed. Each meridian is impacted by and impacts upon the rest of the nine energy systems of the body. This is why you begin to feel differently as soon as you work with any of the nine systems—because of this interconnectedness. Although this concept is much different that we are taught from a Western medicine perspective, it truly does make sense that all pieces of this wonderfully complex system we know as our body are inter-dependent on each other, working together as an amazing skilled team that can transcend time and space. Like a person who has a multiple personality and is able to drink orange juice in one moment, but in a mega-second be allergic to that same orange juice,– this power of our being is accessible to each of us at any moment if we train ourselves to be sensitive to its very existence. It is called morphic resonance. It exists, it is real and by learning to attune to your own energy, you can shift long entrenched habits, to make shifts and changes that are healthy and empowering. Welcome to the magical world of your own energy.

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Morphic Resonance—What are Pink Bubbles Anyway?”

* If you have a question for Karen, email her at Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.

Diabetes, fibroids or cysts?-Trace Spleen Meridian


From a Western view, spleen functions as a reservoir for blood with a large number of red blood cells. It removes unwanted substances from the blood, including waste. Chinese medicine views Spleen’s primary function as transforming nutrients into vital energy (chi) and blood, equally distributing this energy to the body, mind and spirit. Together with Stomach, Spleen oversees the “Earth” rhythm of our beings, assisting with the transitions of life, at whatever level. Spleen is the great metabolizer, so that everything that enters, including emotions, thoughts and food, all run through spleen. It has a major role in keeping us healthy. The role is HUGE! Spleen keeps the blood in its proper channels, so if its energy is depleted, expect to see nosebleeds, blood in stools, menstrual issues, swollen abdomen, allergies, broken capillaries, carpal tunnel, diabetes, cysts, eating disorders, edema, fever, fibroids, hypoglycemia, infections, low body temperature, low energy, lymph swelling, metabolic disorders, pregnancy issues, sore throats, thighs that are achy or painful, varicose veins, weak muscles or weight issues. Spleen is also a major player in hormonal issues. See below.

As a Reminder, view the August 9 and 16th Columns, since the basics of tracing are set forth.

Meridian Flow Wheel Time of day. SP meridian’s high tide is 9AM-11 AM. We always begin and end by tracing Central and Governing meridians before starting to trace the other meridians. If you begin tracing your meridians at 9 30 AM, then begin with SP.

Reasons to Trace Alone in Addition to Tracing All Meridians. Although it is best to trace all your meridians as one continuous flow, you may want to trace spleen alone if hormonal issues are present, which could include an autoimmune disorder, cold hands or feet, dizziness, endometriosis, enlarged waist, fatigue, infertility, inflammation, low progesterone, PMS, sexual dysfunction, sugar imbalances, swollen belly , thyroid issues, or mood swings.

Affirmation for this Meridian is “I nourish myself with love”. Remembering that matter follows energy, stating a positive thought shifts the energy just by the intention-this is the metaphysical fabric of life! We are all part of that pure fabric of existence so reap its benefits.

Pathway of Meridian. Do both sides at the same time. Start at the outside bottom corners of each big toe nail, bull your hands straight up the inside of your legs, flaring out at the hips; continuing up the side of the rib cage to right below the arm pit; and then travel down from the arm pit about 4 inches. See the insert. That’s it. You just traced Spleen meridian!

Flushing or Tracing the Meridian Backwards. IT IS RARE THAT YOU WILL TRACE SPLEEN BACKWARDS SINCE IT GENERALLY NEEDS ENERGY WITH SO MANY RESPONSIBILITIES. But there are exceptions. If you feel you want to trace it backwards, see if that makes you feel better. If experiencing pain or dis-ease in the area of a meridian, it is likely that removing the energy from the meridian will provide relief. If it does, then trace it backwards 3 times, but NEVER TRACE HEART BACKWARDS. If it seems there is not enough energy in your meridian then trace it forward 3 times. If you feel better, this is what was needed. Experience the impact of the energetic shifts. To flush a meridian, as if you are de-clogging a pipe, trace the meridian once backwards to loosen the sludge and then trace the meridian forward 3 times. Flushing really helps reset the meridian’s balance.

You are set. Keep this Column as a reminder of how to trace Spleen meridian. You have learned all 14 meridians. After you trace the last meridian, retrace central and governing to be set for the day.

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “The Meridians- our Energetic Pathfinders.”

* If you have a question for Karen, email her at Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.

Meet the “Sea of Nutrients”-Trace Stomach Meridian for Bloating, Gas or Nausea


Stomach (Yang) receives the food we ingest, decides what nutrients to keep and then transports this energy to Spleen (Yin), who converts it to energy (chi) and blood, to nourish the entire system. This digestive process is pretty important, aye? So, if ST is imbalanced, one can’t assimilate nutrients needed to strengthen the body, mind &spirit—resulting in a weak energy level. The importance of nutrition is imperative! One may experience bloating, gastrointestinal pain, nausea, acid reflux, allergies, bags under the eyes; breast issues, digestive issues, fallopian tube issues; hunger frequently, laryngitis; lumps, mouth & lip sores, neck pain, nervous tension, ovary issues, sinus issues, stomach aches, ulcers or weight issues.

As a Reminder, view the August 9 and 16th Columns, since the basics of tracing are set forth.

Meridian Flow Wheel Time of day. ST meridian’s high tide is 7 AM-9 AM. We always begin and end by tracing Central and Governing meridians before starting to trace the other meridians. If you begin tracing your meridians at 7 30 AM, then begin with ST.

Reasons to Trace Alone in Addition to Tracing All Meridians. Although it is best to trace all your meridians as one continuous flow, you may want to trace ST if you have some of the symptoms listed in the opening paragraph or if one is meddlesome, has sugar cravings, shows obsessive worry or is co-dependent.

Affirmation for this Meridian is “I trust the mystery of life”. Remembering that matter follows energy, stating a positive thought shifts the energy just by the intention-this is the metaphysical fabric of life! We are all part of that pure fabric of existence so reap its benefits.

Pathway of Meridian. Do both sides at the same time. Place both hands underneath your eyes, trace down to your jawbone and then circle the outside of your face up to your forehead; bring your hands directly over the middle of your eyes to the collarbone; follow the collarbone outward several inches; now go straight down over your breasts; jog in at the bottom of the ribs straight down to the waist; flair out at the hips and then straight down the front of your legs and off the second toe. That’s it. You just traced Stomach meridian!! See the insert.

Flushing or Tracing the Meridian Backwards. Remember that if there is too much energy in a meridian, you may want to trace it backwards and see if that makes you feel better. If experiencing pain or dis-ease in the area of a meridian, it is likely that removing the energy from the meridian will provide relief. If it does, then trace it backwards 3 times, but NEVER TRACE HEART BACKWARDS. If it seems there is not enough energy in your meridian then trace it forward 3 times. If you feel better, this is what was needed. Experience the impact of the energetic shifts. To flush a meridian, as if you are de-clogging a pipe, trace the meridian once backwards to loosen the sludge and then trace the meridian forward 3 times. Flushing really helps reset the meridian’s balance.

You are set. Keep this Column as a reminder of how to trace Stomach while you learn the last meridian next week!

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Diabetes, fibroids or cysts?-Trace Spleen Meridian.”

* If you have a question for Karen, email her at Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.