Create Immune Resilience with Thymus HUB to Hippocampus

Eden Energy Medicine                                  February 3, 2017

Create Immune Resilience with Thymus HUB to Hippocampus

by Karen L. Semmelman, EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

The thymus gland is intimately involved in our immune system, production of T Cells to fight off invading microorganisms. Thumping thymus boosts the immune system. Connecting thymus to other locations or systems, including the spleen, the electrical system, the “gut” via the navel and the hippocampus (part of the limbic system) is critical to building resiliency to dis-ease and boosting the immune function. We have learned the connection to the hippocampus-picturemain heart electric point, spleen 21 points and the navel. Today will learn the final connection to the hippocampus.

Per Wikipedia, the hippocampus is a major component of the brain. There are two hippocampi, one in each side of the brain. The hippocampus is part of the limbic system and plays important roles in the consolidation of information from short-term memory to long-term memory, and in spatial memory that enables navigation. In Alzheimer’s disease, the hippocampus is one of the first regions of the brain to suffer damage; memory loss and disorientation are included among the early symptoms.

According to Dr. Majid Foruhi, in a November 2105 Sharper Brain article, new neuroscience discoveries provide evidence on how simple lifestyle interventions can grow the hippocampus size. Stress reduction and meditation have been shown to substantially expand the volume of hippocampus. Thus, he concludes science shows we have the capacity to grow the part of our brains that shrinks with aging and makes us prone to developing Alzheimer’s disease. A bigger hippocampus can protect us against dementia symptoms in our 70s and 80s. So, when we actively engage the hippocampus in the exercise below, we are certainly influencing our energies in a very positive way!start-now-for-earlier-results-then-if-tomorrow-saying

The 4th connection is between Thymus gland and Hippocampus to increase immune function. Here is the technique:

  1. Begin by thumping the thymus with either hand. Or if it feels better to merely place the palm of the hand on the gland, that is fine too (especially if you are sensitive to the thumping motion).
  2. Thump Thymus and hold Heart Electric Point, the main electrical point of the body. Thump Thymus with Spleen 21 points (both sides); thump thymus with Navel. (See previous columns.)
  3. Thump Thymus while placing middle finger on thumb on the arches of both eyebrows. Locate the high point in on the eyebrow, slide the finger and/or thumb down under the ridge of the eye into a small divot. These are called YuYao points in Chinese Medicine, directly accessing the energy of hippocampus.
  4. Hold this connection for 2 to 4 minutes or until you fill a shift in your energy—perhaps a deep breath or deep sigh.

You have learned all 4 connections. Bask in knowing you have calmed the nervous system; boosted immune function and health; and given your being an energetic immune boost! Use this exercise regularly to feel better.

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Retain Joy and Laughter by Tapping

Create Immune Resilience with Thymus Hub to Spleen

Eden Energy Medicine                                  January 20, 2017

Create Immune Resilience with Thymus HUB to Spleen

by Karen L. Semmelman, EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

Over the last several weeks, we learned the thymus gland is intimately involved in our immune system, production of T Cells to fight off invading microorganisms; and the benefits of thumping thymus to boost the immune system. Connecting thymus to other locations or systems, including the spleen, the electrical system, the “gut” via the navel and the hippocampus (part of the limbic system) is critical to building resiliency to dis-ease and boosting the immune function. We have learned the connection to the main heart electric point and today will learn the benefits of the connection to Spleen 21 points, the end of the spleen meridian.spleen-happy-cartoon

Chinese medicine views Spleen’s primary function as transforming nutrients into vital energy (chi) and blood, equally distributing this energy to the body, mind and spirit. Together with Stomach, Spleen oversees the “Earth” rhythm of our beings, assisting with the transitions of life, at whatever level. Spleen is the great metabolizer, so that everything that enters, including emotions, thoughts and food, all run through spleen. It influences digestions, is involved with the lymph, thymus, tonsils, lymph nodes, bone marrow and over sees production of antibodies, blood supply, and maintaining homeostasis.  It has a major role in keeping us healthy. It has 21 points along its meridian and the end point is the point that is tapped for one of the “4 Thumps” which is part of the Daily Energy Routine. When the body is under stress, the first place that Triple Warmer (Commander of all energies of the Body) takes energy from is the spleen meridian, depleting the immune system reserves and creating digestive difficulties.

The second connection is between Thymus gland and Spleen 21 point, a powerful union of 2 major players in our spleen-thumping-pic-of-woman-from-yoga-journalimmune health. Here is the technique:

  1. Begin by thumping the thymus with either hand. Or if it feels better to merely place the palm of the hand on the gland, that is fine too (especially if you are sensitive to the thumping motion).
  2. Thump Thymus and hold Heart Electric Point, the main electrical point of the body (Previous column).
  3. Thump Thymus while thumping Spleen 21 point. Located approximately 6 finger widths below center of the armpit on the side of the body. Reaching across the body with your arm to thump spleen while resting the wrist under the breast maximizes connection to the spleen (left side) and liver (right side). Do the other side.
  4. Hold this connection for 2 to 4 minutes or until you fill a shift in your energy—perhaps a deep breath or deep sigh. Gentle rocking may be soothing.

You learned the1st and 2nd connections. Next week the Thymus to Navel connection will be addressed. Enjoy your health!

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is Create Immune Resilience with Thymus HUB to Navel”

Heart to Mouth Exercise Gives Woman Her Voice—Reader’s Share

Eden Energy Medicine                                  December 23, 2016


Heart to Mouth Exercise Gives Woman Her Voice—Reader’s Share

by Karen L. Semmelman, EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                This week’s column is reflective of the power of our individual intention and its impact on our health. During an EEM session with a woman who was having trouble “getting her words out properly” following a diagnosis of heart heart-in-mouth-cartoonand insulin issues, I asked her to make sure she regularly made a connection between her heart and a point on her groin area. However, when I saw her the following week to review how she did with her homework, she reported that as soon as she placed her hand over her heart and other hand over her mouth, she immediately was able to speak. She placed her hands in this position each time she was experiencing a sense of being unable to speak or when her words would not come forth or they were scrambled. Reporting that each time this happened, She made her energetic connection, finding it made a huge difference and she was able to speak accurately and appropriately!

As she told me her story, I just laughed and she asked what was so funny.  I told her this was such a wonderful new exercise that she intuitively created, and I would pass it along. Her own heart life force sent energy right to where she needed it, enabling her to speak coherently.  The morale of the story is to set your intention in this New Year, realizing that matter does follow energy and can change your life in profound ways—sometimes so completely unexpected. As Donna Eden says “Your illness is NOT your fault, but your healing IS your responsibility. heart-w-mouth-inside-it

Make those resolutions with positivity, intention and a sense of wonder at your own power to change you and thus the world!


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is Figure 8’s Around Eyes to Release Trauma”

Diabetes, fibroids or cysts?-Trace Spleen Meridian

Eden Energy Medicine                                  November 18, 2016


 Diabetes, fibroids or cysts?-Trace Spleen Meridian

by Karen L. Semmelman, EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)


From a Western view, spleen functions as a reservoir for blood with a large number of red blood cells. It removes unwanted substances from the blood, including waste.  Chinese medicine views Spleen’s primary function as transforming nutrients into vital energy (chi) and blood, equally distributing this energy to the body, mind and spirit. diabetes-for-dummies-cartoonTogether with Stomach, Spleen oversees the “Earth” rhythm of our beings, assisting with the transitions of life, at whatever level. Spleen is the great metabolizer, so that everything that enters, including emotions, thoughts and food, all run through spleen. It has a major role in keeping us healthy. The role is HUGE! Spleen keeps the blood in its proper channels, so if its energy is depleted, expect to see nosebleeds, blood in stools, menstrual issues, swollen abdomen, allergies, broken capillaries, carpal tunnel, diabetes, cysts, eating disorders, edema, fever, fibroids, hypoglycemia, infections, low body temperature, low energy, lymph swelling, metabolic disorders, pregnancy issues, sore throats, thighs that are achy or painful, varicose veins, weak muscles or weight issues. Spleen is also a major player in hormonal issues. See below.

As a Reminder, view the August 9 and 16th Columns, since the basics of tracing are set forth.

                Meridian Flow Wheel Time of day. SP meridian’s high tide is 9AM-11 AM. We always begin and end by tracing Central and Governing meridians before starting to trace the other meridians. If you begin tracing your meridians at 9 30 AM, then begin with SP.

Reasons to Trace Alone in Addition to Tracing All Meridians. Although it is best to trace all your meridians as one continuous flow, you may want to trace spleen alone if hormonal issues are present, which could include an autoimmune disorder, cold hands or feet, dizziness, endometriosis, enlarged waist, fatigue, infertility, inflammation, low progesterone, PMS, sexual dysfunction, sugar imbalances, swollen belly , thyroid issues, or mood swings.

Affirmation for this Meridian is “I nourish myself with love”. Remembering that matter follows energy, stating a positive thought shifts the energy just by the intention-this is the metaphysical fabric of life! We are all part of that pure fabric of existence so reap its benefits.                                                spleen-meridian-tracing

Pathway of Meridian. Do both sides at the same time. Start at the outside bottom corners of each big toe nail, bull your hands straight up the inside of your legs, flaring out at the hips; continuing up the side of the rib cage to right below the arm pit; and then travel down from the arm pit about 4 inches. See the insert.  That’s it. You just traced Spleen meridian!

Flushing or Tracing the Meridian Backwards. IT IS RARE THAT YOU WILL TRACE SPLEEN BACKWARDS SINCE IT GENERALLY NEEDS ENERGY WITH SO MANY RESPONSIBILITIES. But there are exceptions. If you feel you want to trace it backwards, see if that makes you feel better. If experiencing pain or dis-ease in the area of a meridian, it is likely that removing the energy from the meridian will provide relief.  If it does, then trace it backwards 3 times, but NEVER TRACE HEART BACKWARDS. If it seems there is not enough energy in your meridian then trace it forward 3 times. If you feel better, this is what was needed. Experience the impact of the energetic shifts. To flush a meridian, as if you are de-clogging a pipe, trace the meridian once backwards to loosen the sludge and then trace the meridian forward 3 times. Flushing really helps reset the meridian’s balance.

You are set. Keep this Column as a reminder of how to trace Spleen meridian. You have learned all 14 meridians. After you trace the last meridian, retrace central and governing to be set for the day.

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is The Meridians- our Energetic Pathfinders. “

Hormones Groaning? Try Moaning

Eden Energy Medicine                                  April 29, 2016 See insert of Adrenal cortisol points


Hormones Moaning?- Try Loud Groaning

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)


So you are asking, now what? Well, groaning very loudly out loud with a deep belly breath does make you feel better doesn’t it? Try it, you are releasing energy and helping calm the body and thus synthesize the hormones….remember the Diaphragm breath exercise?

Seriously, if you are in the midst of hormonal imbalances (including hot flashes) there are many exercises to help. EEM for Women is an excellent resource. Try these exercises below and see if they help stabilize you. There are points on the body directly associated with the adrenals and cortisol. By connecting these points to Triple Warmer, the Commander of our Energies, they start to assist the body to calm and the hormonal chemical balance to neutralize.hormone groaning, cat in swing w meme

  1. Connecting Triple Warmer with Thyroid gland. Place palms on side of face with finger tips touching the temples. Hold 3 breathes. Slide hands around the ears and down the neck. Let hands rest back of shoulders as you dig in with fingers and take 2 breathes. Stretch the neck with the middle fingers, one pulling down toward the jugular notch and the other pulling toward the chin. Stretch with middle fingers diagonally over Adam’s apple and then horizontally. Now make a 3 finger notch (index, middle and thumb), placing 1 hand on temple and other hand at the jugular notch for 1-2 minutes. Switch and do the other side.
  2. Connect TW to Adrenals. Use 3 finger notch at the temple with 1 hand and the other hand holds 2 points that are located 1 inch up from the navel and 1 inch toward the side of the body. These are the adrenal points. Hold 1-2 minutes and then switch to the other temple and the adrenal points.
  3. Connect TW to Cortisol Points. Use 3 finger notch at the temple with 1 hand and the other hand holds 2 points located 1 inch below the navel and 1 inch out from the navel to the side of the body. Hold 1-2 minutes and then switch to the other temple and the 2 cortisol points.

You will now feel refreshed and maybe feel like Singing rather than moaning. !


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Calm Homolateral Organs with Cross Over Patterns ”.

Shift Habit Fields to Release Trauma & Find Safety

Eden Energy Medicine                                  September 25, 2015


Shift Habit Fields to Release Trauma & Find Safety

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEMCLP, JD, AAML(03-12)


We have learned many tools that shift energy to impact the physical body, but not as many to shift emotions. Today, learn tools to assist in reshaping habit fields that are deeply imbedded in the subconscious and not easily accessed by the forebrain. According to Bruce Lipton, MD, 90% of our habits are in the subconscious brain and from birth to age 7 we are essentially in a down load mode, taking in all that surrounds us; thus creating huge habits that influence our psyche for the rest of our life. So, the question becomes, how do we access this subconscious brain…? There are numerous tools and theories, but today we will work with the Main Neurovascular points on our forehead and our heart chakra.traumatic experience, girl holding teddy bear

Recently Donna Eden’s newsletter referenced a technique for addressing trauma embedded deeply in the brain, by psychologist Peter Levine, PHD; which technique Donnas has used for years. When one is traumatized, there is no sense of safety and no amount of rational discussion helps until the person gains a sense of safety. Under stress, the blood leaves the forebrain, to enable the person to move into survival mode of fight, flight or freeze. Sometimes just a reminder of the trauma sends the body into stress and this continual loop/habit field occurs. The objective is to use tools to feel safe, thus enabling release of guilt and shame surrounding the trauma, bringing blood into the forebrain and begin shifting the energy.

The technique is easy. Place one palm on the forehead with the little fingers resting directly above the eyebrows and the palm of the hand above 1 eye and the fingers above the other eye. Place the other hand directly over the heart chakra, in the middle of the chest between the breasts. An energetic connection is being made between the forebrain and the heart. Sink into the trauma as you hold until the impact has diminished. Continue later that day or for as many days as you need to shift the emotional charge to neutral. It works because the nervous system is calmed; the emotions influenced by the points on the forehead and the heart chakra (which heart has its own innate intelligence); and activation of radiant energy. Try rating the trauma before beginning on a scale of 1 to 10 and then rate as you hold the points. Stop the process when you have gotten the number to 1 or 0.


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Alleviate Fear by Holding the Head” Send questions to Karen at . Prior articles may be found on her website or through Island Sun. Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions



Recharge Your Battery with JOY-JUICE

Eden Energy Medicine                                  September 18, 2015


Recharge Your Battery with Joy-Juice

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEMCLP, JD, AAML(03-12)


Today’s focus is on activating our Radiant Circuits, which Donna Eden refers to as our “Joy Juice” of life. Isn’t it wonderful to have tools to shift our energies, our moods and heal with our own intuition and hands? It is continually amazing to me that I have all these tools at my fingertips and just need to sort through my “tool chest” to determine which ones will be most effective! Remembering that Radiant Circuits are one of the 9 energy systems used in Eden’s Energy Medicine, we know that when accessing these circuits the energy has its own innate intelligence and is capable of moving wherever it is needed in the body… It is truly a powerful system to access.recharge energy w radiant circuits, woman jumping w quote

As you hold the following 2 points, think about fresh energy coursing through your body and perhaps add a positive affirmation (i.e. “I center myself in love” or “I step forward with confidence and joy” or whatever you need in life) as you hold them for several minutes until you take a deep breath and feel refreshed. Hold them as long as feels good or several times a day to “tie into” your own joy-juice to recharge your energy and your life.

On both hands make a “3 finger notch” by placing your thumb, index finger and middle finger together (these creates a neutral energy charge). Place the left 3 finger notch on the end of the spleen meridian (on the side of the body about 4 inches below the armpit) and the right handed 3 finger notch in the middle of the chest, between the breasts (this is on the central meridian).

Spleen, which metabolizes everything we take in whether food, emotion, or even air, is not only 1 of the 14 interconnected meridians of our body; but is also a Radiant Circuit. Likewise Central meridian is a Radiant Circuit. These are the 2 Circuits being activated by holding the points. Now you know why, so let’s learn the benefits received in addition to activating radiant energy. Directly under the point in mid chest over the heart chakra, the heart organ, the lungs, the thymus gland and Neurolymphatic points are being accessed. The immune system is boosted; the nervous system calmed; stress reduced; and the feel good hormone of oxytocin is being enhanced.

Try it and teach it to a friend who may be in the doldrums!


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Shift Habit Fields to Release Trauma & Find Safety” Send questions to Karen at . Prior articles may be found on her website or through Island Sun. Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions



Spongy Tummy—Menopause Crummy?

Eden Energy Medicine                                  June 12, 2015


Spongy Tummy—Menopause Crummy?

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEMCLP, JD, AAML(03-12)


Feeling crummy as you stomach gets soft and puffy? Let’s oxygenate.  Did you know that oxygen breaks down fat molecules, turning the molecules into water and carbon dioxide, thus increasing the digestive systems’ efficiency?  (Energy Medicine for Women gives us more exercises and facts). It does, so we want more oxygen in our system.  Yet we know that in our culture most of us are shallow breathers, only breathing into the upper part of our chest, which slows the metabolism. We want to be deep breathers, which can then increase out metabolic rate by 30%.  When oxygen is lacking, the ability of the intestinal tract to absorb nutrients and digest food is reduced up to 72%!!!

An oxygenated body prevents dis-ease from getting a grip and fat from accumulating. Prior articles have showed the Diaphragm Breath exercise, which is recommended for the thickening waist on a daily basis.  In addition try this isometric Metabolic Breath exercise to firm that spongy tummy. It is similar to the cat-cow yoga exercise but while standing and focusing on the breath.spongy stomach with flab

  1. Bend forward at the waist while placing the palm of the hands right above the knees so the fingers gently fall over the knee caps. Support the upper body with the palms.
  2. Take a quick deep in breath through the nose as you round the back and squeeze the stomach and pull the belly button back toward the spine. Your head will naturally fall forward
  3. On the exhale and while still bent at waist, raise the head and force breath out the mouth.
  4. When all breath is expelled, suck in tummy and hold tight until feeling need to catch the breath.
  5. Release.

The metabolic rate just increased substantially so your digestive system is now processing that food you ate more effectively plus you tightened up those muscles!

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Menopausal Headache? –Try Head Swinging”.  Send questions to Karen at . Prior articles may be found on her website or through Island Sun. Learn more at  EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions


Hot Flash or Cold Splash-Pick One!

Eden Energy Medicine                                  June 5, 2015


Hot-flash or Cool Splash—Pick One

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEMCLP, JD, AAML(03-12)


                Yes this column is dedicated to women encountering HOT FLASHES! Throwing the sheets off at night, getting up at 2 AM drenched, suddenly sweating when the air conditioner is set at 62—we all know the symptoms. So let’s look at some options to get the feeling of cool relief—yes cool! Of course before we explore a cooling regulator point, it is assumed you have tried herbal remedies widely suggested to assist with hot flashes: flaxseed or flaxseed oil; evening primrose oil and perhaps black cohosh….. But remember, menopause, in Asian cultures,  is the time to  move into our years of wisdom, reseeding the community with new views and perspective.untitled

                Our body has powerful acupressure points throughout our body, each of them associated with a meridian. Meridians are known as our energetic bloodstream, feeding energy and seeking balance among all 14 meridians, forming a continuous flow throughout. Each meridian is associated with an organ and some meridians have several roles.  These Acupressure points are the points that an acupuncturist uses to access clogged or congested energy. Our hands, rather than needles are the tools.  By pressing or circling a point, we immediately impact one or more of our systems or organs.

Meet the “Cool-Down” Acupoint to use when in the midst of a hot flash to quickly and effectively redistribute energy to reduce the body’s temperature. As the hot flash encompasses you, place the middle fingers of each hand about 2 inches below the navel and press in (this point is the intersection of the central and kidney meridians) while taking a deep breath. Then breathe normally. Do several times until the body temperature shifts.  Oh, and if you are a yogi, try the Darth Vader Breath during a hot flash—it helps too! Thanks to Eden Energy Medicine for Women!


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Spongy Tummy—Menopause Crummy? ”.  Send questions to Karen at . Prior articles may be found on her website or through Island Sun. Learn more at  EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions




Dousing the Fire-Hot Flash & Thyroid Relief

Eden Energy Medicine                                  May 29, 2015


Dowsing the Fire—Hot flash & Thyroid Relief

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEMCLP, JD, AAML(03-12)


Today there is a 2 for 1 happy hour exercise taken from Energy Medicine for Women. Not only will some relief from hot flashes occur, but the tool assists in maintaining thyroid health. And because you feel better, you may want to celebrate!

Last week we explored a comment by Dr. Gawande in the May 11, 2015 New Yorker, suggesting that expert guidelines for micro-carcinomas found in the thyroid was not to remove them.  He also noted that some experts strongly argue they should not be called cancers at all since they are like slow moving turtles in the system, not rapid fire rabbits. Plus he suggests that over the last 2 decades, the number of thyroid cancers removed have tripled, but the death rate hasn’t been reduced at all!  This is all the more reason to find ways to support out body’s innate desire to heal and find its own balance. fire for dousing

Dowsing the Fires not only provides hot flash relief, but helps prevent future ones. Try it on a daily basis!

  1. Cross hands, placing middle fingers on K-27 and press/buzz points with pressure. See insert.
  2. Drop right hand to side while leaving left middle finger on K27. Slide left finger up to the corner of your right clavicle.
  3. Turn head to left as far as possible, then slide left middle finger out to the edge of the right clavicle slowly as you exhale.
  4. Repeat the process, but on the left clavicle.

Having just completed this exercise, I took a huge deep breath and feel ready to dance my way to the beach!

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Hot-flash or Cool Splash—Pick One”.  Send questions to Karen at . Prior articles may be found on her website or through Island Sun. Learn more at  EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions