Refresher on the Principles of Energy Medicine

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEMCLP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                Given the start of another wonderful and delightful season on Sanibel, it seems appropriate to revisit the underlying principles of Eden Energy Medicine for the benefit of those new to these concepts–especially for those readers who are not as familiar with the concepts. The basic idea is that if energy is clogged, blocked or trapped, then one can expect there will be pain, discomfort or disease that results. By unclogging the blockage, then healing commences on the energetic level. cheezy-articleThe foundation of EEM is a series of exercises that activate each of the 9 energetic systems. The combination of these 9 exercises is known as the Five Minute Routine, which, when utilized, assists the body in achieving a state of wellness because of balancing all the energetic systems. I reviewed all these exercises earlier in many columns. They are available on Karen’s blog. Plus, these tools work for our furry friends too– as you can see from Chezzy, who is contented as can be!!!

                To better understand why energy is such a valuable resource, it is helpful to review the primary approaches to health today. In our Western culture, physicians learn about the body by dissecting cadavers. In cultures that are closer to nature, healers work with the body’s living energies. The problems with our ailing health care system are not only bureaucracy, vested interests, dependence on medications to treat symptoms and costly invasive procedures; but the focus is frequently on individual organs or body parts, rather than the energies that keep those organs, systems and parts functioning properly as a holistic, cohesive and integrated unit. This approach is shifting and EEM helps with providing complementary approaches to the Western model.

As Dr. Mehmet Oz, Chief of Cardiology at Columbia University’s College of Physicians and Surgeons, predicted on Oprah, “The next big frontier in medicine is Energy Medicine.” That frontier is already here. Donna Eden, who developed the protocols used in the practice of Eden Energy Medicine, is showing that techniques from ancient healing and spiritual traditions make powerful contributions to contemporary health care. Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, MD, Nobel Laureate in Medicine observed that “In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy.”

Energy Medicine Provides the Missing Link: Here are some basics about healing with Energy Medicine:

  1. Energy is the foundation of the body’s physical structure
  2. Energy Medicine is a new field with ancient roots
  3. Energy Medicine is both a complement to other approaches to medical care and a complete system for self-care and self-help 
  4. Energy Medicine can address physical, emotional or mental illness
  5. Energy Medicine is a preventive
  6. Energy Medicine works with your body’s reservoir of electromagnetic and more subtle energies
  7. Energy Medicine does not diagnose or treat medical conditions not is it to be viewed as a replacement for advice and care provided by one’s primary medical providers

Enjoy this holiday season even more by taking the time to take care of you, and in return, your energy shifts will enliven others.  

Register for future Eden Energy Medicine classes taught by Karen L. Semmelman in beautiful Sanibel, Florida– a destination location!  To transform your life, attend introductory day classes; or free 2 hour workshops;  or for those who desire to build vibrant energy systems, integrate EEM into existing healthcare, enhance the health of family and friends or become a Certified Energy Medicine Practitioner, attend the Foundations classes! Learn more at the website, in the Events/Classes section.

Have fun with your energy! Send questions to Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.

Energy Medicine—as a Preventative & Its Impact on Physical or Emotional Issues

The last 2 weeks have been devoted to providing a foundation about Eden Energy Medicine and not only how it works, but why it works. These concepts are foreign to many of us, since the focus in our culture is generally to look outside of ourselves for answers provided by others suggesting what or how we should behave, achieve or just be….This approach is changing dramatically, as we see meditation, yoga, acupuncture, reiki or qigong becoming commonplace practices and known household terms. Hopefully, as you gain knowledge about the benefits and premises of energy work, it will become a mainstay in each of your lives as well. This week, we will finish the overview of the underlying premises of Energy Medicine.

Last week we reviewed 3 Premises:

1. Energy is the foundation of the body’s physical structure.

2. Energy Medicine is a new field with ancient roots.

3. Energy Medicine is both a complement to other approaches to medical care and a complete system for self-care and self-help.

It is hard to imagine that energy can shift emotional issues; yet it is true. The emotional charge of any event first begins in the auric field that surrounds us, which aura acts like an antenna, pulling to us what we need and at the same time transmitting information about us to the world. If emotional issues don’t get resolved in the “field” then the issue will manifest in the body itself, of course, experienced as a physical manifestation. So, let’s have a look at the last 3 premises:

1. Energy Medicine addresses physical, emotional or mental disorders, while promoting high-level wellness and peak performance. By learning simple energy techniques, you can improve your health, sharpen your mind, and increase your joy and vitality. The applications of Energy Medicine extend beyond health and healing. You can maximize your performance in almost any endeavor if you get your energies into an optimal flow and harmony. This concept of changing the flow of energies in the body to enhance health and overcome illness is hard for Western medicine to embrace, in a large part, because we can’t easily measure “life force” in the body nor have scientific instruments been developed to measure our body’s subtle energies. Because they aren’t measureable however doesn’t mean they are not there. EEM suggests that any physical, mental or behavioral issue has a counterpart in the body’s energies which can be treated at the energetic level.

2. Energy Medicine is a preventive: By recognizing energy disruptions before symptoms appear, the problem may be corrected rather than allowed to progress until it erupts into dis—ease which manifests in cancer, heart failure, a nervous disorder or numerous other maladies.

3. Energy Medicine works with your body’s reservoir of electromagnetic and more subtle energies to increase vitality; identify and correct energy imbalances that impact your daily functioning; and enhance your health and state of mind. We are electromagnetic beings, pulling our life force from the energies of this planet and staying rooted to the earth by its magnetic pull. In our hands, we have a north and south polarity that enable us to heal not only ourselves but others—just with our own power!

Nest week we will turn our attention to our eyes, a much overlooked part of our being. Few of us think about out eyes unless we have a problem.

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Caring for our Eyes- the Windows to the World.”

* If you have a question for Karen, email her at Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.

Energy Medicine—Providing the Missing Health Link

Last week we noted the observations of Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, MD, Nobel Laureate in Medicine who stated “In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy.” Today, we will learn more about the underlying foundation of this powerful tool.

• Energy is the foundation of the body’s physical structure. Thus, by balancing the energies, hormones and chemical balances in the blood, all other systems come into balance as well. Energy Medicine is a simple practice that works with energy as a vital, living, moving force that is the foundation of our well-being. In energy medicine, you heal the body by activating its natural healing energies and restoring energy that may have become weak, disturbed or out of balance. When working with a practitioner, the client is tested by energy assessing, which is similar to Kinesiology (holding one’s arm parallel to the floor, then testing to see if the energy into that arm may be interrupted enable the use of the arm as a means to “test” to see where there are irregularities in the energetic systems of the body). EEM offers the only modality, of which I am aware, that is completely dependent on this energy testing to receive feedback directly from a person’s being to determine where, what and when to intervene with a person’s energy.

• Energy Medicine is a new field with ancient roots. It builds not only on what is known in Western science and medicine, it also draws heavily from Eastern health practices and disciplines such as acupuncture, yoga, meditation and qi gong; combining them with contemporary scientific understanding, and applying them in modern ways.

• Energy Medicine is both a complement to other approaches to medical care and a complete system for self-care and self-help. You may have heard about subtle energy through terms such as the “life force,” “chi,” “meridians,” “chakras,” “biofields,” or “auras.” In many healing traditions, the “life force,” the animating power whose presence defines life and whose absence defines death, is understood as a form of subtle energy. Eastern cultures in particular have studied such energies for millennia and have successfully applied their understanding for enhancing both physical and emotional health. Systems designed to influence the body’s subtle energies include yoga, Reiki, acupuncture, acupressure, tai chi, therapeutic touch, and energy medicine, to name just a few. Acupuncture, for example, utilizes the acupressure points found on each of the meridians, by inserting a needle, to unblock clogged energy. Many hospitals in the United States now include such methods to help with the healing of a variety of conditions.

Hopefully these concepts are enticing you to want to learn more about this empowering tool that is at your fingertips to learn yourself. Stay tuned!

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Energy Medicine—as a Preventative & It Addresses Physical or Emotional Issues.

* If you have a question for Karen, email her at Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.

The Principles of Eden Energy Medicine (EEM)

Objective: Learn Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) simple techniques to enhance your vitality.

General Questions which benefit many readers: Email Karen at

What is Energy Medicine (EEM)? EEM is the process of balancing our body’s 9 energy systems for health and healing by working with our energy as a vital living force that forms the foundation of well-being. By activating and restoring natural healing energies within these 9 systems that may be weak, blocked, disturbed or out of balance, the body heals. You become the healer and the movement of energy is the medicine. This process combines ancient practices with contemporary scientific understanding, enabling application to physical or emotional issues; thus promoting joyful living and wellness.

Information in these columns is based on Donna Eden’s first book Energy Medicine now available in 20 languages. It is recognized as a book of the year by US. Book News, in the self-help category. Donna comments on energy medicine “We are required today to live in a conscious partnership with our body’s energy systems if we are to thrive. And it is easier than you might imagine to learn how to mobilize inner forces that enhance your health, empower your mind, and brighten your spirit.

Our subtle energy systems have defined pathways, just like our nervous system or our circulation system. The experiences of pain, fatigue, congestion, headaches, arthritis, insomnia or imbalance reflects stale energy. By learning to move energy, space is created and relief from symptoms begins. Energy crosses over in our bodies in figure 8 patterns (just like your DNA-a double helix); it requires space to move; it is dynamic and ever changing; it is electromagnetic (the magnetic pull of the earth keeps us grounded on earth); each cell has its own north south polarity (if polarity becomes irregular one will likely experience discomfort, pain or illness); and energy wants the body to heal and be in optimum balance (it is self-regulating). If given the correct road map, healing and vitality begins to be restored.

The foundation of EEM is a set of exercises that activates the 9 systems. This set of exercises is the 5 Minute Routine, which assists the body in achieving a state of wellness that is in balance with our energetic systems. One of these exercises is known as the Cross-Crawl which you will learn about NEXT WEEK!

Caveat: EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions