Thump Pet’s Thymus or K-27’s if they are Ill

Eden Energy Medicine                                  April 15, 2016


Thump Pet’s Thymus if Ill, or Rub K- 27s

              by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

 Getting the picture? Energy Medicine works for our furry buddies just as well as for our children, grandchildren, family and friends.  Last week I did a program on the Vagus Nerve and here is what an attendee had to say: “thanks to you and the vagus nerve tool I am sleeping better, too.” It is wonderful for you to have confirmation that these tools work. So let your pets benefit too.

If Dog or Cat has been ill, don’t hesitate to thump the thymus. Do it gently when the pet is relaxed. Begin by gently tapping over the sternum (mid chest right above the heart) on the hard bony surface. Tap about 15 times. Tap harder as the pet gets used to this new crazy behavior of its human buddy. The Thymus interfaces with the immune system, creates the T cells in the body, is directly over the heart sending heart energy and is on the central meridian.

Next go to the K 27s, just like we do for ourselves.  You can do the entire 5 minute routine for your pet if you are inclined, and it is wonderful for them especially if they have problems of any kind. The K 27s are located on your pet in a very similar location as they are on you . Go to the collar bones toward mid body, move out about ¾ of an inch and down about ¾ of an inch. Buzz, press or rub your pet gently in this area. By activating the k 27s you are getting the animal energized, assisting all of the 14 meridians to move forward together in unity and starting to activate all the 9 energy systems of the body..thymus, woman w hand on dogs sternum

It is truly amazing what a huge difference it makes. On at least 3 occasions, I was able to save my golden doodle Chezzy by doing the 5 minute Routine (and other energy tools) for him. This occurred when he was bitten by about 30 fire ants on the throat as he was laying with his neck directly over a nest; another time when he ate something toxic on the beach; and yet another time when he was paralyzed from jumping from a high bed and couldn’t move.  Several occurring on Sunday’s with no easy access to my vet. She confirmed that on at least 2 of these occasions, I saved his life. So it does work!!! Don’t forget figure 8’s too. If your pet has a problem and you need  care quick, start with the Routine, & making 8’s until you get assistance.


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Tools for Jet Lag—It’s that time Again”.