Zip-Up Your Pet to Create Confidence and Contentment

Eden Energy Medicine                                  April 1, 2016


Zip up Your Pet- Create Confidence& Contentment

  by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                Often my 7 year old Golden Doodle, Chezzy, carefully supervises and assists in private energy session with my clients. However, it is important that he be “Zipped-up” so as to protect him for the energies of the clients and me while we are working intently. I have shown this tool to a number of professionals who have service dogs, therapy dogs or assist during massages. It makes such a huge difference for the animal, and they are very demonstrative of how much they benefit.  One dog, Stella, gets so excited when she is Zipped-up, that she wants to stand on her back legs and give you a big hug; she rolls on the floor and makes her “happy sounds”.

The benefits are huge. We want our pet friends to be energetically resilient just like we are by creating a bubble of energetic protection around them. You know what it is like if you have walked into a party, train, plane, seminar, family reunion or other event and immediately felt the energy of others bombard you.   Or, while talking with a person who is upset, feeling  their negative attitude deflating you and you begin to feel vulnerable and sad. An animal is no different and in fact they are even more subject to the energies from others—they pull those emotions in like sponges.

So, we want to close the Central Meridian, which begins at the pubic bone and ends behind the bottom lip. It is one of 2 meridians that surround the core and keep the pet strong energetically. The Governing meridian begins at the base of the tail bone, runs up the back, over the head and ends behind the top lip. Here are the steps for your up pet, hand on cat's belly

  1. It is easiest if standing. Calm your pet. Gently place your hand between their front legs reaching to the hind legs. You don’t have to touch them if they are sensitive. Pull the energy from the pubic area, up the mid belly, over the chest, up the neck and under the chin to the bottom lip. Do this 3 times.
  2. On the 4th run, get to the lip and hold as you bring the other hand from the base of the tail up over the back, across the top of the head, across the nose and to the top lip. Then turn your hands as if you are locking the energy in.

The power of closing these meridians has a profound impact. At a presentation I did recently, I asked for 3 volunteers who absorbed others’ energies and “stuff”.  When the audience was asked to direct positive thoughts to the women, their Central meridian tested strong. When the audience was asked to direct negative thoughts, the meridian tested weak. It is that responsive! By teaching the women to mentally Zip-up with imagery (without using their hands), each stayed energetically strong even when the audience directed negative thoughts. You are doing the same for you furry friends!


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Crossing Pet’s Energies Help them Heal or Heel”.