Figure 8’s on Pregnant Woman’s Belly Harmonize Energy with Baby

Figure 8’s on Pregnant Woman’s Belly Harmonize Energy with Baby

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)


Here is the scenario. Becky is pregnant for the first time, she is working full time and so is her husband. They want to do everything perfect, but both are feeling under a fair amount of stress. Becky’s hormones are changing as the baby grows and she seems so much more emotional from her husband’s standpoint. Becky and Bob find they are arguing more than they ever have, which only stresses them more because they know that the baby is picking up the stressors through Becky. What are they to do?

Let’s start with what we know. We know that Figure 8’s are part of the Celtic Weave Energetic Sy8s' over belly pregnant women by m and fstem that weaves all of our energies together so they function as a single web of energy. The stronger and brighter the 8’s, the more resilience, balance and calmness one feels. Figure 8’s are found everywhere in our bodies and in our aura’s. Our DNA is in the shape of 8’s. So if under stress, emotionally, physically or spiritually, by beginning the movement of the energy in the distressed area by making figure 8’s, whether small or big, motion is activated and energy is immediately shifting.

Becky and Bob can both make figure 8’s over the baby at the same time. The 8’s can be done in any way that is comfortable for them. What is happening? All of their energies are blending together, forming a cohesive calming effect for all 3 of them.  The stress for the baby is dramatically reduced as the 8’s reach him/her; plus the parents are feeling closer and calmer since their auric fields are all now in synch with each other.  Another option is for Becky to make 8’s over her belly whenever she is feeling stress or upset of any kind.  It assists in soothing her and the baby.  Simple, but yet so powerful. There are many more tips for pregnancy in the Energy Medicine book for Women- in fact an entire chapter is devoted to pregnancy .  One final tip. It is extremely beneficial for a pregnant mother to keep her energies crossed and stay out of a homolateral state (meaning the energies are running up and down the body and not crossing from the left hemisphere of the brain to the right side of the body and vise versa).


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Acid Reflux? EEM to the Rescue”.

Align Family Energies by Laying on Floor & Swishing Your Legs

Eden Energy Medicine                                  February 5, 2016

Align Family Energies by Laying on Floor & Swishing Your Legs

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEMCLP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                Need to create some cohesiveness, togetherness and lightness within your family or among your friends? Want to get those teens to feel more receptive to your suggestions? Try this fun exercise that aligns all the family energies together in the same room. After all, it is just fun to do an exercise that enhances energetic balance and at the same time gets everyone giggling a little bit. Not only does it create harmony with others; it calms the entire bodscissoring legs, young girl on bellyy and your nervous system; it brings balance between the right and left sides of the body (assisting in getting you out of a homolateral condition where your energies are running straight up and down the body rather than crossing over from the right side to the left side); and it promotes crossing of the energies between the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Lastly, it improves your ability to focus, take in new information and to retain what you just read!  Whew, pretty impressive exercise isn’t it?baby sleeping w crossed legs

The Scissors exercise Donna created has the following steps:

  1. Lay on your belly on the floor or if you want, you can do it on a bed or padded surface. Place your elbows on the floor in front of you while resting the face in your hands.
  2. Bend your knees so your feet and lower legs are now in the air. Move your knees a comfortable distance from one another, adjusting the distance after you begin the motion
  3. Let the feet fall toward the middle of your body so the feet are moving toward the other foot and then crossing over the other leg. Then open the legs and let them fall apart and out to the sides. The motion reminds one of opening and closing scissors while cutting
  4. Bring the legs back to the middle again so they cross and then fall open.
  5. Alternate each open and close so that one time the left ankle is on top and the next crossing the right ankle is on top.
  6. Repeat at least 6 times, but continue until you find yourself or others, smiling and giggling.

To end the exercise, try getting up and giving and receiving big hugs to create the love hormone of oxytocin!!!1


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Figure 8’s on Pregnant Woman’s Belly Harmonize

Energy with Baby”.

Give Yourself a Big Hug to Reduce Stress

Eden Energy Medicine                                  January 22, 2016


Give Yourself a Big Hug to Reduce Stress

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEMCLP, JD, AAML(03-12)


Do you find yourself sometimes just staring out the window or getting in your car and just not feeling like you want to go anywhere or do anything, even though you have an entire list to complete?  If so, this is the time to give yourself some love with a big HUG just for you.  Why? We all need support and an energetic boost is such a powerful way to get you jump started in you are in the doldrums.  There are a number of options, so try any of them and feel instantly uplifted.

First, the Triple Warmer Spleen Hug calms down the entire body instantly. Place one hand (either one) on the opposite elbow. Place the other hand around the upper side, with the thumb about 4 inches down from the armpit. Hold and rock if you like. Switch sides if you need more decompressing. It works because Triple Warmer (The Commander of our Energies) is being sedated and Spleen (the great metabolizer of everything going through the body, including emotions) is being strengthened.Hugging yourself, little girl

A second technique is to cross the arms and place the fingers under the armpits and the thumbs resting right below the outer edge of the collar bone. Sit and breathe deeply in through the nose and out through the mouth for several breathes until you feel yourself calming and being re-energized.  Why does it work? We are influencing the central meridian; the heart, stomach and governing Neurolymphatic points; the heart and the lungs themselves; are over lapping all the meridians that run through the front and sides of the body; etc.…; and it just feels darn good.

Or try making a big heart around your entire chest and then do a hug for yourself. Add, as Donna says, an umm, ummm, ummm to the hug and it feels doubly good.  Any of these will send loving, kind, supportive energy right to you when you need that boost…


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Feeling a Cold Starting? Push the Biceps”. 

Shift Habit Fields to Release Trauma & Find Safety

Eden Energy Medicine                                  September 25, 2015


Shift Habit Fields to Release Trauma & Find Safety

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEMCLP, JD, AAML(03-12)


We have learned many tools that shift energy to impact the physical body, but not as many to shift emotions. Today, learn tools to assist in reshaping habit fields that are deeply imbedded in the subconscious and not easily accessed by the forebrain. According to Bruce Lipton, MD, 90% of our habits are in the subconscious brain and from birth to age 7 we are essentially in a down load mode, taking in all that surrounds us; thus creating huge habits that influence our psyche for the rest of our life. So, the question becomes, how do we access this subconscious brain…? There are numerous tools and theories, but today we will work with the Main Neurovascular points on our forehead and our heart chakra.traumatic experience, girl holding teddy bear

Recently Donna Eden’s newsletter referenced a technique for addressing trauma embedded deeply in the brain, by psychologist Peter Levine, PHD; which technique Donnas has used for years. When one is traumatized, there is no sense of safety and no amount of rational discussion helps until the person gains a sense of safety. Under stress, the blood leaves the forebrain, to enable the person to move into survival mode of fight, flight or freeze. Sometimes just a reminder of the trauma sends the body into stress and this continual loop/habit field occurs. The objective is to use tools to feel safe, thus enabling release of guilt and shame surrounding the trauma, bringing blood into the forebrain and begin shifting the energy.

The technique is easy. Place one palm on the forehead with the little fingers resting directly above the eyebrows and the palm of the hand above 1 eye and the fingers above the other eye. Place the other hand directly over the heart chakra, in the middle of the chest between the breasts. An energetic connection is being made between the forebrain and the heart. Sink into the trauma as you hold until the impact has diminished. Continue later that day or for as many days as you need to shift the emotional charge to neutral. It works because the nervous system is calmed; the emotions influenced by the points on the forehead and the heart chakra (which heart has its own innate intelligence); and activation of radiant energy. Try rating the trauma before beginning on a scale of 1 to 10 and then rate as you hold the points. Stop the process when you have gotten the number to 1 or 0.


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Alleviate Fear by Holding the Head” Send questions to Karen at . Prior articles may be found on her website or through Island Sun. Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions



Energies of Love–Experience Teaches

We now know the 4 sensory types of the Energies of Love and how each impacts our interaction with those closest to us. As you gain awareness of each type, it will be much easier to accept, communicate and be loving. So let’s recap the 4 types and review a tip for the best way to communicate; remembering that as you communicate in a way Experience Teaches quotethat is innate and deeply understood by your partner, child or friend, the bonds will grow stronger since the person feels soooooo appreciated!
Visual (Motto: You are wrong). Tip for communication: Look partner straight in the eyes, keeping a distance so he/she can keep perspective. Don’t be afraid to hold your view, since if you back off, partner will know he/she is “right”.
Tonal (Motto: I need you to hear me or I’m angry at you for making me feel……). Tip for communication: LISTEN to what is being said. Show you have heard it, perhaps by asking “Do you Mean?” Help partner check assumptions so he/she may learn to understand there may be reading between the lines occurring
Kinesthetic (Motto: I don’t want YOU to feel wrong). Tip for communication: Avoid pressure and allow extra time to address issues since the kinesthetic needs time to process, given the default is to desire to address YOUR need.
Digital (Motto: I am right). Tip for communication: Accept there will not be an emotional response, but only a rationally logical one. Remain calm, cool and collected since frustration or passionate pleas are illogical and a turn off to the digital style.
To learn more, see Energies of Love, Penguin 2014

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Business Presentation-Enhance Ability to Focus”. Send questions to Karen at . Prior articles may be found on her website or through Island Sun. Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.

Energies of Love-I am ALWAYS Right!

Over the last several weeks, we learned there are 4 sensory types, one of which we each use as a default while under stress: 1: tonal; 2: visual; 3: kinesthetic; 4: digital. See the Energies of Love book for in-depth exploration. When one is in the midst of an argument, the default mode will prevail and any attempt to convince the person to perceive the situation in another mode will fail. So, that means if we learn our own sensory type, and that of those close to us, we will begin to communicate in an effective and loving way.  This is the energy of love. By interacting with each other’s’ energies, loving energy is shared.

Today we explore the last of the sensory types—the digital (in balance the most kind, calm and rational person woman ignoring man, digitalwho is able to access and organize vast amounts of information while at the same time create a perfect solution for any problem). This person thinks with perfect logic, knowing that she/he is always right, since, after all, who can dispute linear thinking.  In distress, the digital will rationally explain all the reasons why her/his approach is accurate, being completely un-emotive, even if loved ones may be crying. Here is the vignette.  Eleanor and Edwin have been living together for 35 years. On the way home from the gym, Edwin is rear-ended by a woman who was texting.  Edwin’s neck is hurt, the police arrive, the car is damaged and he is very upset, seeking Eleanor’s support. Oh, and Edwin was driving Eleanor’s BMW convertible—her pride and joy.  When Edwin, who is now limping and holding his neck, tells Eleanor, she immediately asks that he explain every step that happened, that he needs to call the insurance company right away, that she will call the doctor and notify the police to press charges due to the woman’s texting; that he should sit down and write a chronology so they can give the same accounting to everyone. She rationally explains that she has reminded him in the past to be careful while driving her car, explaining all this with precision and rationale ease. Edwin approached Eleanor to hold her, seeking comfort and Eleanor pats him on the cheek, telling him they have must attend to business.

Solution? Both ask “Do you Mean?” after doing the Blow-out; zip-up and hook-up exercise (part of the 5 Minute Routine) Try the exercise in the column “Hand to Heart with Partner Creates Bond” (5 weeks ago) There are many more solutions in the book….. Understanding our loved ones energies (plus our own), changes all our lives..

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Energies of Love-Experience Teaches”.  Send questions to Karen at . . Learn more at  EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.



Energies of Love-Feelings are Facts!

Over the last several weeks, we learned there are 4 sensory types, one of which we each use as a default while under stress: 1: tonal; 2: visual; 3: kinesthetic; 4: digital. See the Energies of Love book for in-depth exploration. When one is in the midst of an argument, the default mode will prevail and any attempt to convince the person to perceive the situation in another mode will fail. So, that means if we learn our own sensory type, and that of those close to us, we will begin to communicate in an effective and loving way.  This is the energy of love. By interacting with each other’s’ energies, loving energy is shared.

Let’s look at the kinesthetic sensory type—the person who wears feeling on his/her sleeve; the person who always senses how others feel and what others need, believing that feelings are the only reality of interaction. When in balance, he/she is compassionate, believes in others; is generous and never judges but accepts others for who they are. Here is the vignette.  Sara and John have been married for many years, having 3 children, 2 in college and Jimmy at home.  Coming home from school, Jimmy is distraught that kids are bullyinhugging peopleg him. Sara feels Jimmy’s suffering, while at the same time feeling John’s agitation when he hears these stories. Of course Sara herself is deeply upset by the principal’s failure to act. When John comes home from work, Sara starts to gently and solicitously tell John about her concerns. She moves right into his arms, holding him to comfort him as she explains the events. John gets upset with Sara, telling her there are more than feelings involved. Sara is deeply hurt, starts crying uncontrollably and huddles in the corner, not understanding how John can be upset since feelings are all that matter, not logic; especially since she totally accepts John with unconditional love.  Sara is in default mode as a kinesthetic and it is unlikely she will ever confront but always seek compassion.   Solution? Sara needs to ask John to help her by listening and understanding her concerns after coming home to herself with Zip-up, Hook-up and Connecting Heaven & Earth ( part of the 5 Minute Routine). Try the exercise in the column “Hand to Heart with Partner Creates Bond” (4 weeks ago) There are many more solutions in the book….. Understanding our loved ones energies (plus our own), changes all our lives..


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Energies of Love-I am Always Right”.  Send questions to Karen at . Learn more at  EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.




Energies of Love-You are ALWAYS Wrong!

Over the last 2 weeks, we learned there are 4 sensory types each of uses as a default while under stress: 1: tonal; 2: visual; 3: kinesthetic; 4: digital. See the Energies of Love book for in-depth exploration. When one is in the midst of an argument, the default mode will prevail and any attempt to convince the person to perceive the situation in another mode will fail. So, that means if we learn our own sensory type, and that of those close to us, we will begin to communicate in an effective and loving way.  This is the energy of love. By interacting with each other’s’ energies, loving energy is shared.

In today’s column the visual sensory mode will be explored (when in balance are engaging, persuasive, visionaries and have the gift of seeing the large perspective). Here is the vignette. Susie and Carl have been together for 30 years and continually get “stuckwoman pointing finger at other, visual” in resolving an argument, both feeling defeated and frustrated for the inability to reach the other.  As Susie is getting her coffee, Carl is unloading the dishwasher and places the white bowls on a shelf where Susie likes to keep the blue bowls. Susie says “Carl?” so that Carl will stop and look at Susie. Susie calmly tells Carl that he is putting the white bowls in the wrong spot, which he should know after 18 years living in the house.  Carl gets agitated by Susie’s tone, and starts to leave the room. Susie follows Carl, takes his arm and asks him to please look at her since she doesn’t get why he is upset and starts to explain that he should know better, ready to go on and on about how his perspective is wrong…… Sound familiar? This is the visual—always seeking that others meet her gaze (and she will like the pictures perfectly straight on the walls; notice the colors of the tablecloth and flowers—seeking to have everything visually coordinated) gets nit-picky and blames Carl; plus she gets angry easily. Susie, under default (seeing Carl was doing it wrong with bowl location), will continue to see only that Carl is wrong. .. Solution? Stop, come to center and ask “Do you mean…?”; with  each holding own forehead and back of the head. Try the exercise in the column “Hand to Heart with Partner Creates Bond” (3 weeks ago).  There are many more solutions in the book….. Understanding our loved ones energies (plus our own), changes all our lives..

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Energies of Love-Feelings are Fact”.  Send questions to Karen at . Learn more at  EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.





Energies of Love-Hearing Between the Lines

Last week we learned there are 4 sensory types each of uses as a default while under stress: 1: tonal; 2: visual; 3: kinesthetic; 4: digital. See the Energies of Love book for in-depth exploration. When one is in the midst of an argument, the default mode will prevail and any attempt to convince the person to perceive the situation in another mode will fail. So, that means if we learn our own sensory type, and that of those close to us, we will begin to communicate in an effective and loving way.  This is the energy of love. There are energetic tests that can be used to determine the sensory type, which is beyond the scope of this Column. However, it is beneficial to learn more about each type to help identify your sensory type; which also helps acceptance that your way of being in this world may be very very different that your loved one.

Today we explore the person’s whose sensory default is tonal (when in balance is very intuitive, insightful, engaging and probing to understand all nuances of others’ being).  Here is the man holding earsvignette. Harry & Nancy have been married for 20 years. Nancy asks Harry to please be mindful that the 16 year old son needs more attention after dinner since she is worried that he is distancing himself from the family. As she is explaining her concerns, Harry become exceedingly upset, telling her that he is doing the best he can and asking her why she is always criticizing him for his failure to be a good father and accusing him of never interacting with their son. Nancy gets distressed and tries to explain her logic, but Harry can hear nothing and storms out of the room……. Sound like anyone you know?  Harry’s sensory type is a tonal and until he comes back to his own center, no words will be heard in anyway other than as he hears them, filling in the blanks as he thinks he is hearing.  Harry is under stress and in his default sensory mode, absorbed in his own world and feeling very rejected. Solution? Both parties stop, look and listen after doing the 3 thumps, Crown Pull and Wayne Cook exercise ( see 5 Minute Routine ).Try the exercise in the column “Hand to Heart with Partner Creates Bond” (2 weeks ago) There are many more solutions in the book….. Understanding our loved ones energies, changes all our lives..

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Energies of Love- You are Always Wrong”.  Send questions to Karen at .EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.



What Are the Energies of Love?

Want to know why your partner, friend or child hears you say something you never said or intended, especially when under pressure or stress? Or you are feeling very vulnerable, hurting and in need of a hug and she/he is providing a great dissertation of logic as to how to solve your “problem”? Or perhaps your partner just doesn’t understand that your feelings of concern and worry about the grandchild are reality and are the facts and these feelings are all that matter?  Or maybe he or she doesn’t get the fact that the way you see the situation is the appropriate perspective and really the only one??

Welcome to the energies of love! Understanding the sensory type of both you and those close to you aids in communication, understanding, acceptance and loving dialogue! Donna Eden and David Feinstein, after 3 years, just finished the book Energies of Love.  In this book they explore and explain that there are 4 very very different sensory types that each person uses to react and engage their world. Each of us goes to one of the 4 as our default mode when under stress.  Briefly, the 4 types are as follows:

Tonal, based on hearing. This person, when stressed, will fill in the blanks to what he/she thinks is being said based on the way it is being heard; even though you may not be saying anything near what is he/she is  ”interpreting” or “hearing”. They get exasperated at “not being heard” and get angry at being made to feel wrong.

Digital, based on logic. This person, under stress, believes that all issues, emotional or otherwise are solvable by methodically explaining or analyzing the situation. If he/she can get the other to see the logic, than all will be just fine. They are not emotional people, believing they are always right and can’t be reached with feelings.

Kinesthetic, based on feeling. This person, under stress, believes that her/his feeling are the world. They will forever try to please others based on feelings and can’t sort out feelings from logic, since feelings are fact. Tending  to be overly compassionate, they lose their own truth; and suffer for others.

Visual, based on seeing. This person, under stress, calmly explains that the way they see the world is the only way and if you don’t agree, well than you are just plain wrong. Unable to see their role in dispute; tending to blame the other, dismissive of partner and very nit-picky, they also must have you look them in the eye when talking.

Thus, by learning the sensory types, you will be able to communicate much more effectively with those close to you. These are the energies of love. The book has many exercises and examples of how to address our close interactions. More next week…..