Hemorrhoids or Varicose Veins?—Hold Spleen Source Point

Eden Energy Medicine                                  October 23, 2015

Hemorrhoids or Varicose Veins?—Hold Spleen Source Point

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                So you put on your bathing suit and noticed those red spider veins becoming more pronounced. Or you sat down and had a bit of discomfort as you shifted body weight to on side? Welcome to Spleen domain! Chinese Medicine views Spleen’s primary role as transforming food and drink into chi (vital energy) and blood; and then distributing the chi throughout the body. EEM views Spleen as metabolizing EVERTHING passing through us—emotions, food, substances or vibrations! A pretty important organ. So, for example, if Spleen energy is deficient we will see nosebleeds, vomiting blood, blood in stools, spotting, and frequent bruising (because blood can’t be contained in the vessels) or digestive issues including bloating, bowel problems and lethargy. Or perhaps hemorrhoids, varicose veins appear; slow healing of cuts, prolapse of stomach or intestine or bladder or uterus….. You get the idea. Spleen is vitally important to our ability to function optimally.spleen organ pic cartoon, person and spleen above

What is the relevance you ask? Spleen takes a huge hit daily, producing the chi that powers our complex systems. Triple Warmer first takes energy from Spleen to feed the body, until Spleen is exhausted. Let’s give it a boost (like hitting the foggy mirror in the bathroom with a forceful hairdryer) by holding that Reservoir of energy Acupoint known as Spleen 3 Source point-located on inside of the foot. Find it by moving the finger down the side of the big toe, over the big joint (or bunion) at the base of the toe, stopping at the natural divot below the big joint. It will be sensitive or tender. Hold it, preferably, with your middle finger for a minute or two or until you feel nice pulses. You can hold both sides at the same time. This will promote Spleen’s production of chi, thus assisting in alleviating hemorrhoids, varicose veins, water retention, gurgling sounds in stomach , muscle cramps, sluggish digestion, and generally increasing your energy!

The Bonus tip—after you have taken a nice breath from holding SP 3, hold the bunions on both sides of the foot at the same time—sending energy up the spine, calming the entire body and nervous systems. Don’t hesitate to give the bunions a little squeeze. Then, of course, give yourself a nice hug for loving your body!

Have fun with your energy!

Next week’s topic is “Heart Ache?-Shift the Chakra Energy in Minutes”

Eyes Dull and Hazy?—Hold Heart Source Point

Eden Energy Medicine                                  October 16, 2015

Eyes Dull and Hazy?—Hold Heart Source Point

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                Last week we learned about Source Acupoints, which are reservoirs of energy on each meridian and thus influence the associated organ. Today let’s focus on some imbalances that might warrant saying hello to our Heart 7 Source point. These are just a smattering, but they make the point. Blood pressure, excessive perspiration, overheating, rashes or gives, hot flashes, erratic pulse, vertigo, fainting spells, palpitations, angina—all reflective of excessive energy. You might experience the following for deficient heart energy: pale or ashen complexion, ringing in ears, insomnia, heartburn, exhaustion, lightheadedness, congestive heart failure, lack of spontaneity, fear of falling, loss of passion or fear of rejection. These are just a few issues that might warrant Heart 7’s use.eyes dull from unhappiness

                The Yellow Emperor’s Classic on Chinese Medicine states this about the heart: “The heart is the sovereign of all organs and represents the consciousness of one’s being. It is responsible for intelligence, wisdom and spiritual transformation.” Chinese Medicine also suggests that heart spirit (Shen) is reflected in the eyes and if they sparkle and shine, then the Shen is strong; but if the eyes are dull or hazy, the Shen is weak and in need of attention. This organ is pretty impressive, aye? So, if we have such issues, it is nice to have a tool to assist the balancing of heart energy. Heart 7 Source point is the tool!

Like all Acupoints, Heart 7 is in a “divot” or hollow. To locate, look at the palm of the hand and bend the wrist toward you. Notice as you flex the wrist back and forth, small hollows at the wrist are apparent. Since the heart meridian begins at the arm pit and ends on the little finger, the Heart 7 Source point is located on the wrist in direct line with the little finger. Hold this point for 1 or 2 minutes during one of the episodes noted above and watch the energy shift. Hold until you feel nice pulses under your fingers, with the middle finger being the preference. Try holding both sides at the same time if very flexible. One of my clients loves to hold this point whenever she goes to concerts, to keep her anxiety under control…. Or use to relieve feelings of anxiety, nervousness, agitation or restlessness. There are so many possibilities. As you bring the Shen back into balance, observe the sparkle return to your eyes! Play with it, it truly works.

Have fun with your energy!

Next week’s topic is “Hemorrhoids or Varicose Veins?—Hold Spleen Source Point”

Shift Liver Energy, Which Oversees 700 Tasks

Eden Energy Medicine                                  October 9, 2015


Shift Liver Energy, Which Oversees 700 Tasks

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                Today, learn a special Point, Liver Source Point 3, which is like a physical, psychological and spiritual “ spiral drill” that breaks up blockages and congestion in the body to enable blood and energLiver pic cartoony to flow through the entire system unimpeded. Each organ has a source point, which acts like a reservoir of energy that can shift excessive or deficient balances in the meridian’s energy with which the organ is associated. Remember we have 14 meridians, each meridian is connected with an organ and on each meridian there are numerous acupressure points. Actually there are 365 major Acupoints in the body. Over the next several weeks you will learn to work with soe of these points and thus influence vital energy flow through the body, assisting in eliminating pathogens.

So you ask, what benefit is achieved by moving liver energy? Do you have issues with blood, anger, annoyance, frustration, side pain, eyes, hiccups, constipation, PMS, brittle nails? Need more examples of the liver’s job? Liver energy imbalances may manifest in tremors, muscle twitches, migrating pains, dizziness and headaches. Liver governs our nails, tendons and muscles. It is the primary organ energy associated with eye health and working with Liver energy helps brighten the eyes and helps resolve physical and psychological issues associated with vision. Plus since Liver is considered under Traditional Chinese Medicine as “The Commander of Blood”, it is vital in nourishing, detoxifying and storing our blood (so, issues of PMS, menstrual issues etc. are influenced by liver. This is just the beginning!

So, if you have any of these issues, buzzing or pressing Liver 3 will help get the energy moving smoothly again. Use your thumb or fingers, pressing or buzzing the point in small circular movements for 1 or 2 minutes OR you can hold the points with the middle finger (do both sides at the same time if you like) several times each day. The point may be sensitive or even painful to the touch—no surprise since this is reflective of congestion. As you Liver 3 pointwork the point it will become less tender and you will feel better.

Location: Liver 3 is located on the upper part of the foot, in the depression in the webbing between the big toe and the second toe; approximated 1 ½ inches from the base of the toes. See insert. Each source point is in a natural depression or hollow, which tends to be slightly more sensitive to touch than the surrounding areas. Isn’t it wonderful to have these points at your fingertips, literally.

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Eyes Dull & Hazy?—Hold Heart Source Point”