Eden Energy Medicine October 23, 2015
Hemorrhoids or Varicose Veins?—Hold Spleen Source Point
by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)
So you put on your bathing suit and noticed those red spider veins becoming more pronounced. Or you sat down and had a bit of discomfort as you shifted body weight to on side? Welcome to Spleen domain! Chinese Medicine views Spleen’s primary role as transforming food and drink into chi (vital energy) and blood; and then distributing the chi throughout the body. EEM views Spleen as metabolizing EVERTHING passing through us—emotions, food, substances or vibrations! A pretty important organ. So, for example, if Spleen energy is deficient we will see nosebleeds, vomiting blood, blood in stools, spotting, and frequent bruising (because blood can’t be contained in the vessels) or digestive issues including bloating, bowel problems and lethargy. Or perhaps hemorrhoids, varicose veins appear; slow healing of cuts, prolapse of stomach or intestine or bladder or uterus….. You get the idea. Spleen is vitally important to our ability to function optimally.
What is the relevance you ask? Spleen takes a huge hit daily, producing the chi that powers our complex systems. Triple Warmer first takes energy from Spleen to feed the body, until Spleen is exhausted. Let’s give it a boost (like hitting the foggy mirror in the bathroom with a forceful hairdryer) by holding that Reservoir of energy Acupoint known as Spleen 3 Source point-located on inside of the foot. Find it by moving the finger down the side of the big toe, over the big joint (or bunion) at the base of the toe, stopping at the natural divot below the big joint. It will be sensitive or tender. Hold it, preferably, with your middle finger for a minute or two or until you feel nice pulses. You can hold both sides at the same time. This will promote Spleen’s production of chi, thus assisting in alleviating hemorrhoids, varicose veins, water retention, gurgling sounds in stomach , muscle cramps, sluggish digestion, and generally increasing your energy!
The Bonus tip—after you have taken a nice breath from holding SP 3, hold the bunions on both sides of the foot at the same time—sending energy up the spine, calming the entire body and nervous systems. Don’t hesitate to give the bunions a little squeeze. Then, of course, give yourself a nice hug for loving your body!
Have fun with your energy!
Next week’s topic is “Heart Ache?-Shift the Chakra Energy in Minutes”