Hormones Groaning? Try Moaning

Eden Energy Medicine                                  April 29, 2016 See insert of Adrenal cortisol points


Hormones Moaning?- Try Loud Groaning

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)


So you are asking, now what? Well, groaning very loudly out loud with a deep belly breath does make you feel better doesn’t it? Try it, you are releasing energy and helping calm the body and thus synthesize the hormones….remember the Diaphragm breath exercise?

Seriously, if you are in the midst of hormonal imbalances (including hot flashes) there are many exercises to help. EEM for Women is an excellent resource. Try these exercises below and see if they help stabilize you. There are points on the body directly associated with the adrenals and cortisol. By connecting these points to Triple Warmer, the Commander of our Energies, they start to assist the body to calm and the hormonal chemical balance to neutralize.hormone groaning, cat in swing w meme

  1. Connecting Triple Warmer with Thyroid gland. Place palms on side of face with finger tips touching the temples. Hold 3 breathes. Slide hands around the ears and down the neck. Let hands rest back of shoulders as you dig in with fingers and take 2 breathes. Stretch the neck with the middle fingers, one pulling down toward the jugular notch and the other pulling toward the chin. Stretch with middle fingers diagonally over Adam’s apple and then horizontally. Now make a 3 finger notch (index, middle and thumb), placing 1 hand on temple and other hand at the jugular notch for 1-2 minutes. Switch and do the other side.
  2. Connect TW to Adrenals. Use 3 finger notch at the temple with 1 hand and the other hand holds 2 points that are located 1 inch up from the navel and 1 inch toward the side of the body. These are the adrenal points. Hold 1-2 minutes and then switch to the other temple and the adrenal points.
  3. Connect TW to Cortisol Points. Use 3 finger notch at the temple with 1 hand and the other hand holds 2 points located 1 inch below the navel and 1 inch out from the navel to the side of the body. Hold 1-2 minutes and then switch to the other temple and the 2 cortisol points.

You will now feel refreshed and maybe feel like Singing rather than moaning. !


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Calm Homolateral Organs with Cross Over Patterns ”.

Dousing the Fire-Hot Flash & Thyroid Relief

Eden Energy Medicine                                  May 29, 2015


Dowsing the Fire—Hot flash & Thyroid Relief

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEMCLP, JD, AAML(03-12)


Today there is a 2 for 1 happy hour exercise taken from Energy Medicine for Women. Not only will some relief from hot flashes occur, but the tool assists in maintaining thyroid health. And because you feel better, you may want to celebrate!

Last week we explored a comment by Dr. Gawande in the May 11, 2015 New Yorker, suggesting that expert guidelines for micro-carcinomas found in the thyroid was not to remove them.  He also noted that some experts strongly argue they should not be called cancers at all since they are like slow moving turtles in the system, not rapid fire rabbits. Plus he suggests that over the last 2 decades, the number of thyroid cancers removed have tripled, but the death rate hasn’t been reduced at all!  This is all the more reason to find ways to support out body’s innate desire to heal and find its own balance. fire for dousing

Dowsing the Fires not only provides hot flash relief, but helps prevent future ones. Try it on a daily basis!

  1. Cross hands, placing middle fingers on K-27 and press/buzz points with pressure. See insert.
  2. Drop right hand to side while leaving left middle finger on K27. Slide left finger up to the corner of your right clavicle.
  3. Turn head to left as far as possible, then slide left middle finger out to the edge of the right clavicle slowly as you exhale.
  4. Repeat the process, but on the left clavicle.

Having just completed this exercise, I took a huge deep breath and feel ready to dance my way to the beach!

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Hot-flash or Cool Splash—Pick One”.  Send questions to Karen at ksemmelmanenergy@gmail.com . Prior articles may be found on her website or through Island Sun. Learn more at www.semmelmanenergy.com.  EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions