Child Walking on Tiptoes Benefits from Grounding & Calming Nervous System

Recently Donna Eden received an inquiry from a grandmother concerning her grandson who often walked on his tiptoes, wondering if his flat feet were a cause and how to work with him energetically.  Interestingly, I had the same question from a client this fall. Donna’s answer provided good tips. Although it is always helpful to assess the energy of the child, it is important to remember that there is power in standing on one’s toes, making you feel bigger and taller.

  • Flat feet could be a contributor, so try using a stainless steel spoon on the bottom of the feet from toe to heel or from heel to toe (remembering we are electromagnet beings and the spoon helps to pull the energy to the feet so the child’s feet begin to feel good and relax). Try both directions and see which works better. Spooning will help ground the body energetically.
  • Stretch the bottom of the feet with a gentle pinch in the middle of the arch
  • Place your palms on the back of the child’s calves and hold gently… This helps reset the nervous system and calm the bladder meridian (which controls the nervous system , plus the calf muscle is controlled by Triple Warmer meridian)
  • Rub the end of the spleen meridian (located about 4 inches under the armpit but forward several inches toward the chest or see the book for location) several minutes
  • Create a game, so that as the adult flatten his/her feet, the child mimics the motion

For any with flat feet, these approaches will help……


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Holiday Eating From Stress? Weight Gain Concerns-EEM to Rescue”.  Send questions to Karen at . Prior articles may be found at her blog or through Island Sun. Learn more at  EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.