Eden Energy Medicine March 17, 2017
Strengthen Your Heart’s Energy-Part 3
by Karen L. Semmelman, EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)
The last 2 columns were devoted to the boosting heart energy. So far, we have learned 1. Improving our Internal Compass to help revitalize; 2. Holding our Heart Source point to reduce heart dis-ease; 3.Biting down on the little finger to calm the body; and 4. Tracing the heart meridian.
Today, you will be introduced to yet additional tools to strengthen the heart energy. The fascinating part of these approaches, are that they are endless. When working one on one with a client, the energies are assessed, with a determination made as to which technique is the most viable. I have helped clients reduce and eliminate prescription medications that were taken for years (of course, with the monitoring of their physician)—all by moving the energies!
These exercises boost and strengthen heart energy. By doing these exercises, expect to find more comfort and calm with heart dis-ease. They are easy, quick and beneficial.
Belt Flow is horizontal Band of Energy. Frequently energy gets stuck from the waist up and from the waist down. Around the belly is a horizontal flow of energy known as the Belt Flow. If energy is not flowing through this area, it gets stuck. From the waist up, it affects the heart. So by opening this channel you help balance the flow of energy to and from the heart throughout the entire body. This is a fun exercise, especially for kids, since we use affirmations that are memorable.
- Place both hands on your back at the right side and sweep across the sides, around the front of your belly. Lift your hands, move them to your back 2 more times and then sweep the hands down the opposite leg. The affirmation is “Where is my belt? Where is my belt? Where is by belt? My pants are falling down!”
- Please both hands on your back at the left side, sweep across the sides, and around the front of your belly. Lift your hands and repeat 2 more times and then sweep down the opposite leg. Use the affirmation to help you remember!
By doing this technique, the energy is able to flow from the head to the toes and vice versa with no energetic obstruction that keeps it stuck at the waist. Simple aye? This is the value of energy medicine!
Cross Arms and Push Hard with Fingers. Cross the hands over the chest and wrap the fingers around the outside of the arms. Push into the outside of your arms, massaging from the shoulders to elbows. Use nice pressure and to as long as it feels good.
Because there are so many tools to utilize in working with heart issues, there will be one more column associated with tools to use for the heart. Stay tuned!
Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Strengthen Your Heart’s Energy!-Part 4”