Ear or Eye Infections? Low Back Pain?- Trace Kidney Meridian

Eden Energy Medicine    September 23, 2016

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Ear or Eye Infections or Low Back Pain?—Trace Kidney Meridian

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM, JD, AAML(03-12)

                Kidney, a Yin meridian, partners with Bladder meridian and together they govern the ears. Because they also govern teeth, bones and fluid, they play an important role with the eyes (comprised mostly of fluid).  The physical location of kidneys in your lower back give direct evidence of imbalances in Kidney if there is lower back pain above the waist. Physical manifestations of Kidney imbalances might include: acne; swollen and weak ankles; bone problems; ear infections; eye problems; hardening of arteries; insomnia; ovarian problems (kidney controls the reproductive system); sweaty feet or toothaches. Notice how each of these symptoms is related to teeth, bones or fluid.

As a Reminder, view the August 5 and 12th Columns, since the basics of tracing are set forth.

                Meridian Flow Wheel Time of day. Kidney’s meridian’s high tide is 5 PM to 7 PM. We always begin and end by tracing Central and Governing meridians before starting to trace the other meridians. If you begin tracing your meridians at 5 30 PM, then begin with Kidney.

Reasons to Trace Alone in Addition to Tracing All Meridians. Although it is best to trace all your meridians as one continuous flow, you may want to trace Kidney if you have some of the symptoms listed in the opening paragraph above. Or if you experience rheumatism, difficulties with urination, difficulties with menses, hot flashes, pain in the ovaries; miscarriages; impotence; low sexual interest, weak bones and bone marrow, this is another indication of Bladder imbalance.

Affirmation for this Meridian is “I step forward with courage….(while buzzing k 27points)!”  Remembering that matter follows energy, stating a positive thought shifts the energy just by the intention-this is the metaphysical fabric of life! We are all part of that pure fabric of existence so reap its benefits.

Pathway of Meridian. The beginning point of Kidney meridian is on the bottom of the foot below and in the meridian-tracing-kidneymiddle of the ball of the foot, and the end point is K 27. See insert of pathway below. Place your fingers under the ball of each foot. Draw your fingers up behind the ankle bone and make a clockwise circle. Move your palms up the inside middle of your leg, continuing straight up the front of your body to the K 27 points. Now buzz these points vigorously. That’s it. You just traced Bladder!

Flushing or Tracing the Meridian Backwards. Remember that if there is too much energy in a meridian, you may want to trace it backwards and see if that makes you feel better. If experiencing pain or dis-ease in the area of a meridian, it is likely that removing the energy from the meridian will provide relief.  If it does, then trace it backwards 3 times, but NEVER TRACE HEART BACKWARDS. If it seems there is not enough energy in your meridian then trace it forward 3 times. If you feel better, this is what was needed. Experience the impact of the energetic shifts. To flush a meridian, as if you are de-clogging a pipe, trace the meridian once backwards to loosen the sludge and then trace the meridian forward 3 times. Flushing really helps reset the meridian’s balance.

You are set. Keep this Column as a reminder of how to trace Kidney while you learn the next 8 meridians over the next several months!

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is Hormonal Imbalance, Carpal Tunnel or Breast Soreness-Trace Circulation-Sex Meridian”

Feeling Hopeless or Have Joint Pain? – Trace Bladder Meridian

EDEN ENERGY MEDICINE             September 16, 2016

Feeling Hopeless or Have Joint Pain? – Trace Bladder Meridian
by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM, JD, AAML(03-12)

                Yang Bladder meridian is the longest meridian in our body and is directly associated with our nervous system. It runs down the back 4 times interacting with every other meridian! Its Yin partner is Kidney so together they address the fluids of our body. What do our joints need to be mobile—fluid. The negative emotions associated with this meridian are fear and hopelessness. Physically, you may benefit from working with this meridian if you have: joint problems (ankles, knees, elbows); arthritis; back pain; bursitis, calf pain; fallen arches; hair loss; forehead headaches; neck tension, nervous system problems; lack of energy reserve; pigeon toes; scoliosis; tooth loss or varicose veins.
As a Reminder, view the August 5 and 12th Columns, since the basics of tracing are set forth.
Meridian Flow Wheel Time of day. Bladder meridian’s high tide is 3 PM to 5 PM. We always begin and end by tracing Central and Governing meridians before starting to trace the other meridians. If you begin tracing your meridians at 3 30 PM, then begin with Bladder.
Reasons to Trace Alone in Addition to Tracing All Meridians. Although it is best to trace all your meridians as one continuous flow, you may want to trace Bladder if you have some of the symptoms listed in the opening paragraph above. Or if you experience osteoporosis, incontinence, lumbosacral problems, sleep disorders or memory problems, this is another indication of Bladder imbalance.
Affirmation for this Meridian is “I feel vibrant, hopeful and fully alive!” Remembering that matter follows energy, stating a positive thought shifts the energy just by the intention-this is the metaphysical fabric of life! We are all part of that pure fabric of existence so reap its benefits.
Pathway of Meridian. The beginning point of Bladder meridian is at the inside edge of eyebrow, and the end point of the bladder-meridian is on the lateral base of each baby toe nail. See insert of pathway below. Place the middle fingers of each hand at the inmeridian-tracing-bladderside edge of each eyebrow. Move the hands over the top of the head and down the back of the head and neck reaching down the spine as far as you can reach. Remove the hands and place them under your arms to reach up to the point on the spine you just left. Continue drawing your hands down both sides of the spine to right below the waist. Move your hands back up the spine several inches than circle around your gluteus maximus. Pick up your hands and place them up the back right below the scapula and bring the hands straight down the back to the back of the knees. Indent to the very center of the back of the knee through the middle of the calf to the outside edge of the heel and then off the lateral side of the baby toe! Whew—a long one but with the diagram you will get it! That’s it. You just traced Bladder!
Flushing or Tracing the Meridian Backwards. Remember that if there is too much energy in a meridian, you may want to trace it backwards and see if that makes you feel better. If experiencing pain or dis-ease in the area of a meridian, it is likely that removing the energy from the meridian will provide relief. If it does, then trace it backwards 3 times, but NEVER TRACE HEART BACKWARDS. If it seems there is not enough energy in your meridian then trace it forward 3 times. If you feel better, this is what was needed. Experience the impact of the energetic shifts. To flush a meridian, as if you are de-clogging a pipe, trace the meridian once backwards to loosen the sludge and then trace the meridian forward 3 times. Flushing really helps reset the meridian’s balance.
You are set. Keep this Column as a reminder of how to trace Bladder while you learn the next 9 meridians over the next several months!
Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Ear or Eye Infections or Low Back Pain?—Trace Kidney Meridian

Feeling Indecisive? Trace Small Intestine Meridian

Eden Energy Medicine              September 9, 2016


Feeling Indecisive?—Trace Small Intestine Meridian

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

Because this Yang meridian of Small Intestine makes all the decisions of what to ingest into our bodies or what to let go, it is a very powerful meridian. So, if you have trouble making decisions and feel stuck, tracing Small Intestine will help. Other times to trace this meridian might include: fever &night sweats; headaches; wrist pain; abdominal pain; beer belly; ear problems; heart disorders (its paired Yin meridian is Heart); knee pain; weak legs; shoulder pain; tinnitus; trigeminal nerve problems or feelings of hysteria.small-intestine-graphic-in-body

As a Reminder, view the August 2 and 12th Columns, since the basics of tracing are set forth.

                Meridian Flow Wheel Time of day. Small Intestine meridian’s high tide is 1 PM to 3 PM. We always begin and end by tracing Central and Governing meridians before starting to trace the other meridians. If you begin tracing your meridians at 1 30 PM, then begin with Small Intestine.

Reasons To Trace Alone in Addition to Tracing All Meridians. Although it is best to trace all your meridians as one continuous flow, you may want to trace Small Intestine if you have some of the symptoms listed in the opening paragraph above. Consider the question “What stays with me or what goes out of me?” If unable to answer this question consider Small Intestine work. Or if you experience abdominal cramps, irritably, nausea, weakness in the thighs or knee problems, this is another indication of Small Intestine imbalance.

Affirmation for this Meridian is “I know what I want. I am decisive and I get it!” So many decisions are required on a daily basis and often there are not internal or external resources available to assist in decision making; thus after a while our inability to move forward can become a habit needing re-patterning. Remembering that matter follows energy, stating a positive thought shifts the energy just by the intention-this is the metaphysical fabric of life! We are all part of that pure fabric of existence so reap its benefits.

Pathway of Meridian. The beginning point of Small Intestine meridian is at the lateral side of the base of the small-intestine-meridian-pic-in-colorlittle finger, and the end point is at the entry way into the ear. See insert of pathway below.  With the palm of your hand on the outside edge of the opposite little finger, move the palm up the outside edge of your hand (over karate chop area), continuing along the outside edge of the arm (where the 2 colors of your underside and upper side of your skin meet), and over the shoulder. When you reach the shoulder, place your hand flat so that your fingers are on the upper part of your back right under your scapula. Pull you hand over the neck to the center of the cheekbone and continue with the palm to the opening of the ear. That’s it. You just traced Small Intestine!

Flushing or Tracing the Meridian Backwards. Remember that if there is too much energy in a meridian, you may want to trace it backwards and see if that makes you feel better. If experiencing pain or dis-ease in the area of a meridian, it is likely that removing the energy from the meridian will provide relief.  If it does, then trace it backwards 3 times, but NEVER TRACE HEART BACKWARDS. If it seems there is not enough energy in your meridian then trace it forward 3 times. If you feel better, this is what was needed. Experience the impact of the energetic shifts. To flush a meridian, as if you are de-clogging a pipe, trace the meridian once backwards to loosen the sludge and then trace the meridian forward 3 times. Flushing really helps reset the meridian’s balance.

Irregular Heart Beat? Trace Heart Meridian

Eden Energy Medicine              September 2, 2016


Irregular Heart Beat?—Trace Heart Meridian

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

              Periodically experience irregular or rapid heart-beats? If you are feeling anxious; overwhelmed; in panic; have angina, experience pain in your armpits; gums bleeding; low or high blood pressure; pain in chest; chill easily; circulation problems; dizziness; overheat easily; heart palpitations; bleeding problems; extreme thirst; excessive bruising  or swollen glands—then it is extremely likely you will benefit from tracing your Heart meridian!  Our heart, the most Yin of all organs, is the biggest generator of electricity in our body and when it is not optimally functioning, dis-ease of various natures may occur. The list above contains some indicators. Of course, as with any condition, EEM is a compliment to advise from your doctor; so if you suspect an issue with your heart always make sure you consult with your physician!

As a Reminder, view the August 5 and 12th Columns, since the basics of tracing are set forth.

                Meridian Flow Wheel Time of day. Heart meridian’s high tide is 11 AM to 1PM. We always begin and end by tracing Central and Governing meridians before starting to trace the other meridians. If you begin tracing the meridians at 11 30 AM, then you are in the high tide of Heart, so this is the meridian to use to begin the tracing.

Reasons To Trace Alone in Addition to Tracing All Meridians. Although it is best to trace all your meridians as one continuous flow, you may want to trace Heart if you are experiencing any of the symptoms noted in the opening paragraph of this Column. love your heart, pic boy kissing heart ballon, 4 9 hts exercise

Affirmation for this Meridian is “I deeply and completely love and accept myself”. Some believe that heart is the center of our essence, which enables connection not only to ourselves where we find center, but also to all other living things, including humans. From a Chinese Medicine standpoint, the heart is the last organ to cease functioning so we want to keep it healthy. Remembering that matter follows energy, stating a positive thought shifts the energy just by the intention-this is the metaphysical fabric of life! We are all part of that pure fabric of existence so reap its benefits.

Pathway of Meridian.  Heart meridian is associated with the heart organ. The beginning point of Heart meridian is at the deepest recesses under your armpit, where it is the most protected of all meridian pathways; and the end point is at the medial edge of the base of the nail on your little finger. To trace Heart, place your open palm under the opposite side of the body in the middle of your armpit. Continue moving your open palm down the inside of the arm in a direct line to the underside of the little finger where you pull the energy off.   That’s it. You just traced Heart meridian!

Flushing or Tracing the Meridian Backwards. NEVER TRACE HEART BACKWARDS. Whenever you feel any of the symptoms referenced in the 1st paragraph, use the affirmation and trace the Heart meridian 3 times on one side and then 3 times on the other. Do it more, if it feels good. You can’t do this too much. The action is sending direct energy right to the Heart.

Bonus. If, “out of the blue” and un-expectantly, you are feeling irregularity, arrhythmia, palpitations or a rapid heart rate, place both your little fingers in your mouth, with the base of the inside edge of the nail bed against the upper teeth and the base of the outside edge of the nail bed against the lower front teeth and “chomp down” on the little finer. Hold for at least 30 seconds to a minute. This action sends energy directly into the Heart Meridian and removes it from Small Intestine meridian. Try it –it truly works.

You are set. Keep this Column as a reminder of how to trace Heart while you learn the next 11 meridians over the next several months!

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is Feeling Indecisive, Can’t let go?—Trace Small Intestine Meridian”

Turn of Receipt of Other’s Energies by Tracing Central Meridian

Eden Energy Medicine              August 19, 2016


Turn off The Radio Receiver-Trace Central Meridian

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)


Have you ever wanted to bury your head in the sand as your spouse, significant other or child is moaning non-stop they don’t want to take out the trash or pick up their clothes or put the toothpaste away. Do you feel like you are absorbing their negativity? Or do you go to a party and start listening to everyone’s stuff and feel like you will burst, wondering why you even bothered to come? Do you feel like you are easily influenced by others’ views, stuffing your own? If any of these apply then there is benefit in working with Central Meridian, the meridian that is used in self-hypnosis and makes us most susceptible to influences, good or bad, from others. BUT there is HOPE. You can shut out others and maintain your own integrity energetically. You can turn off that radio antenna to stop drawing others into you if you don’t want their energies.  In fact, you have already learned the technique in the Zip-up and Hook-up, both part of the 5 Minute Routine. Remember how easy they are? You were tracing your central meridian.

As a Reminder, view the August 5 and 12th Columns, since the basics of tracing are set forth.

                Meridian Flow Wheel Time of day. Central Meridian’s high tide is Midnight. We always begin by tracing Central and Governing meridians before starting to trace the other meridians. The meridian to use when starting to trace will be the one whose high tide is at that time of day.

Reasons To Trace Alone in Addition to Tracing All Meridians. Although it is best to trace all your meridians as one continuous flow, you may want to trace Central if you need more clarity, need a boost of confidence, need to protect yourself from negative energies around you or you are feeling vulnerable to the energy of others.

Affirmation for this Meridian is “I center myself in spirit”. Remembering that matter follows energy, stating a positive thought shifts the energy just by the intention-this is the metaphysical fabric of life! We are all part of that pure fabric of existence so reap its benefits.

Pathway of Meridian. The beginning point of Central meridian is at the perineum, the base of the pelvic bone and the end point is in the inside of your mouth right behind your bottom lip. To trace Central, place both hands on or slightly above your public bone and bring them straight up the middle front of your body to the bottom lip. That’s it. You just traced Central. Refer to prior articles to benefit from the Zip-up or Hook-up.RC central governing chart

Flushing or Tracing the Meridian Backwards. Remember that if there is too much energy in a meridian, you may want to trace it backwards and see if that makes you feel better. If it does, then trace it backwards 3 times, but NEVER TRACE HEART BACKWARDS. To flush a meridian, as if you are de-clogging a pipe, trace the meridian once backwards to loosen the sludge and then trace the meridian forward 3 times. Flushing really helps reset the meridian’s balance. Generally with Central meridian, you will not be tracing it backwards since most of us want to keep our core strong by closing and strengthening Central and Governing Meridians.

You are set. Keep this Column as a reminder of how to trace Central while you learn the next 13 meridians over the next several months!

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is Cover Your Back-Trace Governing Meridian”

A Primer to Understand Meridian Tracing

Eden Energy Medicine              August 12, 2016


A Primer to Understand Meridian Tracing

by Karen L. Semmelman,  EEM-Advanced Practitioner, JD, AAML(03-12)


Last week general information about Meridians, our energetic bloodstream, was presented. This week learn the basic information to understand concepts associated with tracing the 14 meridians. This column acts as a reference that will be beneficial to review as you learn to trace each new meridian. I trace all of my meridians each morning in less than 1 minute. It takes about 3 months of steady practice to become proficient, but the effort is well worth it. My energy is more resilient, balanced and my perspective on life so positive—which I attribute to EEM.

Organs. Ten meridians have a defined pathway directly to the organ for which it is named. For example, heart meridian has an energetic link to the heart and thus impacts the circulatory and nervous systems. The meridians bring vitality and balance, adjust your metabolism and determine the speed of cellular change—all of which is essential to maintain health.

Yin and Yang. Each meridian is either a Yin meridian or a Yang meridian, with opposing yet complimentary forces. This duality reflects the fundamental essence of nature, life and energy. The meridians have paired partners, one being Yin and the other being Yang. For example the heart is a Yin meridian and its partner, Small Intestine, is the Yang meridian. Together they create a powerful rhythm.IR energy-yin yang balance with all P Pt 11 13

Yin tends to be the most innermost, receptive, deep, internal, solid, and has “feminine qualities”. Yin meridians are Central, Kidney, Liver, Heart, Circulation-sex, Spleen and Lung. Yang tends to have more “masculine qualities”, is assertive, is directed outward toward the world, tend to be hollow organs, and are more expressive. Yang meridians are Governing, Bladder, Gallbladder, Small Intestine, Triple Warmer, Stomach, and Large Intestine.

Low & High Tides. Each meridian has a high tide, meaning the time of day it is at its peak performance. Its energy is maximized. 12 hours later, it will be at its low tide, meaning that is it most susceptible. For example, Heart Meridian high tide is 11AM- 1PM and its low tide is 11 PM to 1 AM. Did you know that most heart attacks occur during the low tide?  Additionally, each meridian has a relationship with its polar opposite in time. At Heart’s low tide 11 PM to 1 AM, Gallbladder meridian is at high tide.

Meridian Flow Wheel of Time. Chinese Traditional Medicine has developed a 24 hour cycle Flow Wheel, in which each meridian is given its prime time and in tracing meridians we will always begin and end with Central and Governing meridians, and then begin our tracing with the meridian at high tide at the time of day we begin tracing the meridians. For example, if it is 12:20 PM, we will begin tracing with Heart Meridian, then follow to Small Intestine whose high tide is 1 PM to 3 PM, then trace Bladder, whose high tide is 3 PM to 5 PM and so forth until we have traced all meridians and returned again to trace Heart—where we started.

Affirmation. EEM has developed affirmations for each Meridian. For example the affirmation for Heart Meridian is “I deeply and completely love and accept myself”. Since matter follows energy, stating the affirmation literally begins to shift your view of yourself!

Beginning and Ending Points on the Body. Each meridian has a point on the body where it begins and a point where it ends. For example, heart meridian begins under the deepest recess of your arm pit and ends at the medial edge of the nail of your little finger. It is defined and easy to find.

Broad sweep with Palms of Hands. Remembering that the electromagnetic pull of our hands influences our energy, by using the palm of the hand over the meridian pathway, energy will jump to meet your hands. Thus you don’t have to be perfectly precise with the exact location……..

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is Turn off Your Radio Receiver-Trace Central Meridian”

Meridians-Meet the Most Physical of Our NINE Energy Systems

Eden Energy Medicine                        August 5, 2016


Meridians- Meet the Most Physical of the Nine Systems

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)


The meridian system is our body’s “energetic bloodstream”. Comprised of 14 meridians, 10 are directly named for a primary organ with which it is associated and the other 4 meridians (Central, Governing, Circulation Sex and Triple Warmer) have unique more complex functions. Although each has a defined pathway, to which you will be introduced over the next several months, they are all interconnected to create the rivers of energy that affect each organ and each physiological system of our body; including the skeletal, muscular, reproductive, digestive, respiratory, circulatory , endocrine, nervous, lymphatic and immune systems.

Traditional Chinese Medicine has mapped these meridians for over 4500 years, recognizing that each pathway (meridian) has numerous points that may be accessed to impact health. In acupuncture, these points are called acupuncture points, which may be stimulated by inserting needles. In EEM, these points are known as acupressure points, which are accessed by touching, tapping, or pressure to release or redistribute energy. If the energy of the meridian is obstructed, unregulated or compromised, the organ that it feeds is functioning less than optimally, resulting in dis-ease.

If you think of the meridians as a complex highway system, and there is a blockage or congestion due to an accident, than all of the traffic must be “detoured”. If the blockage of traffic becomes larger and larger, preventing virtually no traffic to detour, then all the routes begin to close down creating even more chaos and the inability of community support teams to assist in resolving the accident and traffic.  If for example your liver is compromised, and starts seeking energy from other meridians like the heart or spleen, then these organs start to tire as well and other systems begin to lose optimal function.

We can influence the blockage or congestion in meridians in many ways, but one of the most effective is to learn to trace the meridians with our electromagnetic hands. As you place the hands over the meridian (directly on the skin or right above the skin), the energy of the meridian will follow the energy of the hands.  By tracing a meridian forward along its defined pathway, energy is sent into the meridian to strengthen it. Tracing the meridian backwards (from its end point on the body to its beginning point), will sedate, calm or reduce the energy flow. However, the heart meridian should NEVER BE TRACED BACKWARDS!

Over the next several months, you will learn to trace all of the meridians, learn an affirmation associated with each, and learn some of the characteristics of each meridian. As you become attuned to your own body’s energies, you will begin to sense if there is too much energy in the meridian and thus remove energy from it (like if you have pain along the meridian pathway) or if it needs a boost. For example, if you have periodic heart arrhythmia, it is very beneficial to trace the meridian forward 3 times to boost the heart energy! Remember, though, never trace heart backwards.


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is A Primer to Understand Meridian Tracing”

Insomnia? – Close Your 3rd Eye!

Eden Energy Medicine                                  November 13, 2015

Insomnia? – Close Your 3rd Eye!

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                Can’t shut down the mind, which is continually doing loops of those uncompleted tasks, or the argument with your best friend or boss, or what to get your friends for the holidays….. ; we all experience that continual loop.  Knowing the more we want to sleep the more elusive it becomes.  While in San Diego with Donna Eden in September, she showed us a number of tools that help insomnia. To understand this one, it is necessary to understand that we have 7 charkas, starting from the pelvic area  (the Root Chakra) all the way to the baby spot on the top of our head (the Crown Chakra). Chakras have been recognized in many cultures for thousands of years. They are swirling balls of energy that bathe the organs within their area, sending energy to the organs and out into the auric field. Each chakra has unique characteristics for which it is known.Third Eye Chakra pic wih little girl smelling flower

Today, the focus is on the 3rd Eye Chakra, which is located between our 2 physical eyes. In many cultures you see pictures of the 3rd eye as literally being seated between the 2 physical eyes but much larger in size. Hold that image.  Organs and anatomy within its sphere include the eyes and vision, the ears and auditory system; nose and olfactory system; the Pituitary and Hypothalamus Glands; and the Forebrain. Not only does it bathe all these systems and organs, but it encompasses the activities of the mind, assists the brain in performing abstract thought, oversees abstract reasoning; attunes to the inner hearing, inner smells, inner tastes and other senses enabling us to have multiple ways of knowing.  So, you can “see” that the Third Eye Charka has a huge impact on our thoughts and our mind. Thus is we can close it somehow, we should be able to find some calm, peace and rest.

The technique today is one Donna demonstrated. When faced with that restless mind, lay down with your physical eyes closed. Breathe deeply in through the nose and out through the mouth. Focus your attention on the 3rd eye, as if you are looking through that space to the beyond. As you focus, take your left middle finger, placing it at the edge of the hairline above the 3rd eye. Slowly, slowly move the finger down the forehead to the 3rd eye, imagining the eyelid of the 3rd eye to gently close. You will end with your finger at the bridge of the nose.  Having tried it several times, I can truly say it works!

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Figure 8s Save Owl—A Reader’s Story”

Toxins Be Gone-Rub Those Neurolymphatics!

Eden Energy Medicine                                  August 21,2015


Toxins be Gone-Rub those Neurolymphatics

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEMCLP, JD, AAML(03-12)

Did you know that our lymph system, which has twice as many lymph vessels as blood vessekidney27ls, has no pump? Historically, vigorous physical activity released the toxins from the lymph system. However today with our sedentary lifestyle, there is little opportunity to move the toxins from our bodies without intervention. There are 90+ Neurolymphatic reflex points on the surface of the body, which are not always located directly over lymph nodes, vessels or lymph tissue. However research has shown that by rubbing the reflex points (see chart shown below) toxins will be released from the system, clearing stagnate energies (including emotional energy) and leaving you feeling energized.

If you cut yourself, clear liquid appears-this is lymph. Its role is to support the immune system by creating antibodies, producing specialized white blood cells, transporting nourishment to the cells and then eliminating and transporting waste products from the cells. If lymph movement is compromised by the accumulation of toxins that are not removed, then the system becomes less able to efficiently function to remove toxins; i.e. the system is in overload.

An essential principle of EM is moving stagnate energy to make space. So, use as much pressure as you can tolerate to push the toxins from these points. Many points may be tender, so be mindful of your body. Go slowly when starting (especially if you have been ill), but build to the point that enables rubbing daily with vigor. The Neurolymphatic Rub is part of the 5 Minute Routine:

Step 1. Rub the points shown in the figure with firm pressure moving the skin up and down or with a circular motion

Step 2. Rub each point about 5 seconds. Try to rub all points over a few days.

Step 3. Tender points should be rubbed a bit extra. Tenderness may continue for some time, but eventually will dissipate as you clear congestion.

Step 4. If you have many toxins in the system, nausea may be experienced as toxins are released into the bloodstream. Although not harmful, proceed slowly the next time you rub.

Have fun with your energy! Send me your questions. Next week’s topic is


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Dry Skin, Mouth, Eyes, Nasal Passages? Rub Large Intestine Points!”

Sharpen Memory & Find Inspiration with “The Crown Pull”

Eden Energy Medicine                                  August 14, 2015


Sharpen Memory and Find Inspiration with The Crown Pull

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEMCLP, JD, AAML(03-12)

Want to sharpen memory, calm the nervous system, find inspiration, create more focus, or remove feeling of congestion in your head? The 5 Minute Routine includes The Crown Pull, where the plates of the skuCrown pull w Donna Eden inpicll are being pulled open with your fingers. These plates move with each inhalation and exhalation to create a cranial adjustment that helps to pump the cerebral-spinal fluid into the brain to provide oxygen and nourishment. As the skin on the skull becomes tight, the muscles of the head get rigid and tight, and the sutures’ movement is limited—so we have clogged energy stuck in our heads!

Releasing this energy stuck in our skull is easy? It moves through the Crown Chakra at the top of the head (chakras are frequently referenced in Yoga). The Crown Chakra provides a gateway to inspiration and spirituality, enabling the feeling of connectedness to a higher presence. Given the stressors of daily life, it is delightful to have a technique at your fingertips, literally, that provides an opportunity to tap into inspiration.

It is beneficial to do The Crown Pull after finishing Wayne Cook Posture (last week’s article) especially before any presentation or exchange where focus is necessary. Clients, frequently report their head is tingling and feels so much more open, after I do a crown pull for them…. The technique follows:

Step 1. Place the thumbs at the temples with fingertips resting in the middle of the forehead.

Step 2. With pressure slowly pull the fingers apart, stretching the skin on forehead.

Step 3. Place the little fingers at the hairline with other fingers resting on either side of the suture and repeat the stretch (about 1 ½ inches on both sides of the sutures).

Step 4. Continue this pattern of stretching the suture line over the top, center and back of the head, then down the back of your neck.

Step 5. Press your fingers into the back of the shoulders and hold for 2 breadths. Pull the fingers across the shoulders toward the front of the body. Hold as long as it feels good and then release.

You are done—having created vibrancy, clarity and fresh energy on all levels!


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Toxins be Gone-Rub those Neurolymphatics!”