Hormones Groaning? Try Moaning

Eden Energy Medicine                                  April 29, 2016 See insert of Adrenal cortisol points


Hormones Moaning?- Try Loud Groaning

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)


So you are asking, now what? Well, groaning very loudly out loud with a deep belly breath does make you feel better doesn’t it? Try it, you are releasing energy and helping calm the body and thus synthesize the hormones….remember the Diaphragm breath exercise?

Seriously, if you are in the midst of hormonal imbalances (including hot flashes) there are many exercises to help. EEM for Women is an excellent resource. Try these exercises below and see if they help stabilize you. There are points on the body directly associated with the adrenals and cortisol. By connecting these points to Triple Warmer, the Commander of our Energies, they start to assist the body to calm and the hormonal chemical balance to neutralize.hormone groaning, cat in swing w meme

  1. Connecting Triple Warmer with Thyroid gland. Place palms on side of face with finger tips touching the temples. Hold 3 breathes. Slide hands around the ears and down the neck. Let hands rest back of shoulders as you dig in with fingers and take 2 breathes. Stretch the neck with the middle fingers, one pulling down toward the jugular notch and the other pulling toward the chin. Stretch with middle fingers diagonally over Adam’s apple and then horizontally. Now make a 3 finger notch (index, middle and thumb), placing 1 hand on temple and other hand at the jugular notch for 1-2 minutes. Switch and do the other side.
  2. Connect TW to Adrenals. Use 3 finger notch at the temple with 1 hand and the other hand holds 2 points that are located 1 inch up from the navel and 1 inch toward the side of the body. These are the adrenal points. Hold 1-2 minutes and then switch to the other temple and the adrenal points.
  3. Connect TW to Cortisol Points. Use 3 finger notch at the temple with 1 hand and the other hand holds 2 points located 1 inch below the navel and 1 inch out from the navel to the side of the body. Hold 1-2 minutes and then switch to the other temple and the 2 cortisol points.

You will now feel refreshed and maybe feel like Singing rather than moaning. !


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Calm Homolateral Organs with Cross Over Patterns ”.

Change Eating Patterns by Blow-out; Zip-up; & Hook-up

Can’t stop munching potato chips? Are they carefully tucked away in a tin in the cupboard so you WON’T be tempted, but you sneak in and eat them anyway (and sometimes 4 & 5 times in a row)?  Food cravings satisfy emotional needs by calming stress and reducing anxiety.  But the cravings kick into high gear when we’re stressed or anxious.  By eating carbohydrates, we boost the levels of the hormone serotonin, which has a calming effect; thus eating more! So, how to stop this incessant habit loop?

We know Triple Warmer controls our energy habits, so we need to shift the internal energetic fields to create a new internal atmosphere that supports new ways of thinking and feeling. This tool enables, with your deep intention, the shifting of deeply embedded energetic habit fields

Set your intention before you begin- “I feel empowered to say no to potato chips”

  1. While standing, place arms in front of you while bending elbows slightly. Make fists with inside of wrists facing upward.baby w fists expelling energy
  2. Take a deep breath while swinging arms behind you and over the head.
  3. Reach up as high as possible while turning fisted hands facing each other. Throw your arms down the front of body as you bend over, releasing the breath and fists while emitting a sound that feels right for you. Repeat 3 times. On last repeat, bend slowly and with controlled intention release.
  4. Stand up and breathe deeply while stating your intention (Step 1 above)
  5. Zip-up this affirmation by placing both hands at pubic bone, inhale while stating the affirmation AND moving hands slowly up the front of body to the lower lip. Repeat 3 times.(This acts much like hypnosis by tracing the central meridian)

6.Hook-up by placing middle finger of 1 hand in navel and middle finger other hand between     eyebrows while pulling both fingers in and upward for 15 seconds on deep inhale AND stating you affirmation.

Welcome to your newly created energetic habit field. Now take out the tin of chips and give them to your???????

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Hugging Increases Your Love Hormone”.  EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.




Stop Compulsive Eating– Suck Your Thumb

Let’s face it—putting food in our mouths feels good (but babies know that sucking the thumb feels amazing good too)! Unfortunately, our bodies do not always need the sustenance of food when we eat, since often the feeling of eating is created by stress and thus imbalance in our physical or emotional bodies. Our brain is being sent chemical messages to eat to feel better.  Of course, if eating processed foods laden with salt, sugar and fat, the food itself (thanks to our food industry) will create a desire for more. The result is often compulsive eating – a sense that you must eat and eat more and eat now! Today’s exercises and the last 2 weeks are based on Eden’s book Energy Medicine for Women. Try 1 or all of the techniques to see what works best. For today’s issue, immediately upon craving food, try:woman eating desert-compulsive eating

  1. Create Self Comfort. Place either thumb against the roof of the mouth and suck while placing the 2nd knuckle of the index finger above lip & below nose. Rub index finger up & down slowly until you feel the urge to eat subside. It works by connecting 2 major meridians that encase the core of the body, while moving oxygen and cerebrospinal fluid through the head, creating a feeling of comfort.
  2. Place one hand on middle of chestgamut point pic TW. With other hand tap point on back of hand between ring and little finger (as shown on Diagram) while breathing deeply. While tapping, focus on the food you are craving. This works since it is a powerful acupressure point on the Triple Warmer meridian, which controls all of our habits—including the need to EAT that food for comfort!

You have just given yourself comfort without eating! Oh, as a bonus, sucking the thumb helps to alleviate snoring…..

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Change Eating Patterns by Blow-out; Zip-up; &Hook-up”. EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.

Eating for Comfort Puts on Pounds-EEM to Rescue

Last week we addressed eating due to stress, learning tools to assist in providing immediate alternatives to the FOOD!  This week the focus is on eating to find emotional comfort. We all have our comfort foods—meatloaf, mashed potatoes and gravy OR chocolate OR s’mores over the fire OR just going to the refrigerator to find something appealing.  When attending a workshop with Shawn Corn in San Diego this September, she noted that when she and her staff observed the audience during a presentation, people were continually reaching for snacks as they listened—comfort eating at its best!  So, here is a suggestion to do immediately  when you have the urge to place something in your mouth for comfort—the Triple Warmer Smoothie…

  1. Place all fingers of each hand on each temple. Take 1 deep breath as you breath in through nose and out through Eating for Comfort, woman w lots foodmouth
  2. As you inhale a second breadth, slide the fingers up and around to the top of your ears as you maintain comfortable pressure against the skin
  3. On the exhale, the fingers should be at the top of the ears as you slide the fingers down and behind the ears, press them into the back of your neck as you bring them to rest on the shoulders
  4. While pushing the fingers into the back of shoulders, take another breath or 2. With pressure, drag the fingers across the top of shoulders; bring them to rest in the middle of your chest over the heart chakra. Flatten the hands, with one on top of the other.
  5. Hold this position for several deep breaths, inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth.

This exercise works because it is tracing the Triple Warmer (which governs our flight & fight survival response, while controlling all of our habits) energy backwards to calm the body; enable refocus by bringing blood back into your head; and helping to alter the habit created whenever you are propelled  to eat!


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Eating Compulsively—EEM to Rescue”.  Send questions to Karen at SemmEnergyCenter@gmail.com . Prior articles may be found at her blog or through Island Sun. Learn more at www.semmelmanenergy.com.  EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.



Holiday Eating from Stress? Weight Gain Concerns-EEM to Rescue

The holidays are frequently a source of stress and many find that eating helps deal with the stress, resulting in that unwanted extra pound, or 2 or 4… Placing tasty morsels in one’s mouth can be quite calming, well at least momentarily. This is a primal response, so the tools suggested below assist in the body, both physiologically and psychologically, to be more “rational” and controlled when the systems are saying “give me food”.  The first course is to avoid eating when under stress—do the 5 Minute Routine instead….Really, by the time you have completed the thumps, hook up, zip up etc. you will feel much better.

stress is dessert spelled backwards

The second defense against the unwanted eating is to hold the main Neurovascular points on your forehead (which control emotions) by placing a palm against the forehead with the fingers pointing toward an ear and the wrist pointing toward the other ear and just hold for several minutes until you feel the stressor dissipate. Another approach suggested in Donna Eden’s book Energy Medicine for Women , is the Eat in Peace Exercise, taking less than 1 minute:


Step 1. Raise both hands above the head, make fists on an inhale, and bring fists in a controlled manner all the way to ground as you exhale. Open hands at ground

Step 2. While bent over, place backs of hands together, and on an inhale slowly slide hands up center of body. When reaching face, take another inhale as hands are moved above head.

Step 3.  On exhale, with palms facing outward above head, circle arms down to sides of legs.

This exercise releases tension, calms the nervous system, & zips the calmness into the central meridian (which forms a bubble around your core).

No go check out the food—I bet you don’t feel like grazing…

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Eating for Comfort Puts on the Pounds—EEM to Rescue”.  Send questions to Karen at SemmEnergyCenter@gmail.com . Prior articles may be found at her blog or through Island Sun. Learn more at www.semmelmanenergy.com.  EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.