Eden Energy Medicine February 5, 2016
Align Family Energies by Laying on Floor & Swishing Your Legs
by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEMCLP, JD, AAML(03-12)
Need to create some cohesiveness, togetherness and lightness within your family or among your friends? Want to get those teens to feel more receptive to your suggestions? Try this fun exercise that aligns all the family energies together in the same room. After all, it is just fun to do an exercise that enhances energetic balance and at the same time gets everyone giggling a little bit. Not only does it create harmony with others; it calms the entire body and your nervous system; it brings balance between the right and left sides of the body (assisting in getting you out of a homolateral condition where your energies are running straight up and down the body rather than crossing over from the right side to the left side); and it promotes crossing of the energies between the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Lastly, it improves your ability to focus, take in new information and to retain what you just read! Whew, pretty impressive exercise isn’t it?
The Scissors exercise Donna created has the following steps:
- Lay on your belly on the floor or if you want, you can do it on a bed or padded surface. Place your elbows on the floor in front of you while resting the face in your hands.
- Bend your knees so your feet and lower legs are now in the air. Move your knees a comfortable distance from one another, adjusting the distance after you begin the motion
- Let the feet fall toward the middle of your body so the feet are moving toward the other foot and then crossing over the other leg. Then open the legs and let them fall apart and out to the sides. The motion reminds one of opening and closing scissors while cutting
- Bring the legs back to the middle again so they cross and then fall open.
- Alternate each open and close so that one time the left ankle is on top and the next crossing the right ankle is on top.
- Repeat at least 6 times, but continue until you find yourself or others, smiling and giggling.
To end the exercise, try getting up and giving and receiving big hugs to create the love hormone of oxytocin!!!1
Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Figure 8’s on Pregnant Woman’s Belly Harmonize
Energy with Baby”.