Align Family Energies by Laying on Floor & Swishing Your Legs

Eden Energy Medicine                                  February 5, 2016

Align Family Energies by Laying on Floor & Swishing Your Legs

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEMCLP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                Need to create some cohesiveness, togetherness and lightness within your family or among your friends? Want to get those teens to feel more receptive to your suggestions? Try this fun exercise that aligns all the family energies together in the same room. After all, it is just fun to do an exercise that enhances energetic balance and at the same time gets everyone giggling a little bit. Not only does it create harmony with others; it calms the entire bodscissoring legs, young girl on bellyy and your nervous system; it brings balance between the right and left sides of the body (assisting in getting you out of a homolateral condition where your energies are running straight up and down the body rather than crossing over from the right side to the left side); and it promotes crossing of the energies between the right and left hemispheres of the brain. Lastly, it improves your ability to focus, take in new information and to retain what you just read!  Whew, pretty impressive exercise isn’t it?baby sleeping w crossed legs

The Scissors exercise Donna created has the following steps:

  1. Lay on your belly on the floor or if you want, you can do it on a bed or padded surface. Place your elbows on the floor in front of you while resting the face in your hands.
  2. Bend your knees so your feet and lower legs are now in the air. Move your knees a comfortable distance from one another, adjusting the distance after you begin the motion
  3. Let the feet fall toward the middle of your body so the feet are moving toward the other foot and then crossing over the other leg. Then open the legs and let them fall apart and out to the sides. The motion reminds one of opening and closing scissors while cutting
  4. Bring the legs back to the middle again so they cross and then fall open.
  5. Alternate each open and close so that one time the left ankle is on top and the next crossing the right ankle is on top.
  6. Repeat at least 6 times, but continue until you find yourself or others, smiling and giggling.

To end the exercise, try getting up and giving and receiving big hugs to create the love hormone of oxytocin!!!1


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Figure 8’s on Pregnant Woman’s Belly Harmonize

Energy with Baby”.

Eyes Dull and Hazy?—Hold Heart Source Point

Eden Energy Medicine                                  October 16, 2015

Eyes Dull and Hazy?—Hold Heart Source Point

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                Last week we learned about Source Acupoints, which are reservoirs of energy on each meridian and thus influence the associated organ. Today let’s focus on some imbalances that might warrant saying hello to our Heart 7 Source point. These are just a smattering, but they make the point. Blood pressure, excessive perspiration, overheating, rashes or gives, hot flashes, erratic pulse, vertigo, fainting spells, palpitations, angina—all reflective of excessive energy. You might experience the following for deficient heart energy: pale or ashen complexion, ringing in ears, insomnia, heartburn, exhaustion, lightheadedness, congestive heart failure, lack of spontaneity, fear of falling, loss of passion or fear of rejection. These are just a few issues that might warrant Heart 7’s use.eyes dull from unhappiness

                The Yellow Emperor’s Classic on Chinese Medicine states this about the heart: “The heart is the sovereign of all organs and represents the consciousness of one’s being. It is responsible for intelligence, wisdom and spiritual transformation.” Chinese Medicine also suggests that heart spirit (Shen) is reflected in the eyes and if they sparkle and shine, then the Shen is strong; but if the eyes are dull or hazy, the Shen is weak and in need of attention. This organ is pretty impressive, aye? So, if we have such issues, it is nice to have a tool to assist the balancing of heart energy. Heart 7 Source point is the tool!

Like all Acupoints, Heart 7 is in a “divot” or hollow. To locate, look at the palm of the hand and bend the wrist toward you. Notice as you flex the wrist back and forth, small hollows at the wrist are apparent. Since the heart meridian begins at the arm pit and ends on the little finger, the Heart 7 Source point is located on the wrist in direct line with the little finger. Hold this point for 1 or 2 minutes during one of the episodes noted above and watch the energy shift. Hold until you feel nice pulses under your fingers, with the middle finger being the preference. Try holding both sides at the same time if very flexible. One of my clients loves to hold this point whenever she goes to concerts, to keep her anxiety under control…. Or use to relieve feelings of anxiety, nervousness, agitation or restlessness. There are so many possibilities. As you bring the Shen back into balance, observe the sparkle return to your eyes! Play with it, it truly works.

Have fun with your energy!

Next week’s topic is “Hemorrhoids or Varicose Veins?—Hold Spleen Source Point”

Weave Your Energy Systems for Balance

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM, JD, AAML(03-12)

From previous Columns, you have learned that EEM recognizes 9 energetic systems. The exercise addressed today reinforces The Celtic Weave energy system. Our bodies’ energies spin, spiral, crisscross (remember that the right hemisphere of the brain controls the left side of the body and the left hemisphere controls the right side) and weave our subtle energies into invisible interconnected threads that literally weave all other energy systems together to function as a whole integrated unit.

Perhaps you have heard reference to Tibetan Rings (from The East) or noticed that in our own culture, the caduceus depicts 2 serpents on a staff intertwined 7 times to symbolize medicine. The caduceus is generally displayed in your doctor’s office. Crossing 7 times is associated with another of our systems – the 7 basic Chakras. This recognition in many cultures of the crossing of energy, including the double helix of our DNA, reflects the fundamental knowledge that these crisscrossing energies permeate our body to serve as the connective tissue of our energy system. Thus, The Celtic Weave system weaves your subtle force fields together creating harmony with all systems. During the article on the Cross Crawl exercise, you learned more about the benefit of keeping the energies crossed.

The Celtic Weave exercise, part of the 5 Minute Routine, will enable you to strengthen your auric field (the field that has 7 layers and surrounds the body, acting as an antenna to filter information); weaves all systems together and enhances your inner strength to create a network of communication between systems.

Use this exercise if you feel vulnerable to others’ energies; or feel too extended or as if you invisible; or feel disoriented from the environment itself (too many electro-magnetic frequencies); or find it difficult to communicate. The exercise works since it “fluffs” your energies, enabling protection.

Step 1: Stand straight with hands on the thighs. Imagine energy being pulled through the feet to meet the hands as you breathe in through the nose and out through the mouth throughout the exercise.

Step 2: Rub the hands together vigorously, shake them off, and place your palms close together as you feel the energy between them. Rub and shake the hands again, taking the palms and bringing them close to the ears. Take a deep breath. Visualize bringing in fresh energy to your head.

Step 3: While inhaling, bring your elbows together. Exhale, cross your arms and swing them out to the side. Visualize that you are clearing stale energy from your field. I like to make a “whoosh” sound.

Step 4: Cross and swing them out again. Bend forward, repeat at the waist, at the knees and again at the ankles. Stay bent forward.

Step 5: Bring the hands behind you with palms parallel to the floor, cup the hands and scoop the energy from the earth all the way to your head as you stand. Then sprinkle the energy over you.

You will now feel invigorated, more balanced and your energetic systems all integrated!

Have fun with your energy! Send me your questions. Next week’s topic is “The 5 Minute Routine-Your Recipe for Health”

* If you have a question for Karen, email her at Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.

Experiment with Feeling Your Own Energy!

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM, JD, AAML(03-12)

Having received many emails from readers, questions from clients and questions from attendees at workshops wanting to know how to feel their own energy, it appears it is time to suggest how to engage your energies so you begin to feel this wonderful life force that surrounds and is integrated within you. In our Western culture, we are not taught or even encouraged to feel any part of our very sophisticated and complex energy anatomy. Yet it is what keeps all of our systems humming and if we begin to access it, we will feel such balance and relief. Just this week, I received 3 emails and 2 telephone calls from students and clients reporting their amazement at relief from back pain being experienced for months; or finding that pain that has existed for years is diminishing or being able to walk again without knees buckling under them. All of these people are just like you and I, and are learning to pay attention to the energies of the body, understanding that if there is dis-ease somewhere, it is this remarkably complex body’s way of saying—“Hey—I need some attention here at this location where I am sending impulses to you”.

So, by beginning to be aware of your own body’s subtle energy fields, you will begin a new journey toward optimizing your health. Try this simple exercise to begin to detect your energy (It is helpful to close your eyes so you may “tune in” easier) (for more detail see Donna’s book page 42):

Step 1. Rub your hands vigorously together for at least 10 seconds until heat begins to build.

Step 2. Pull your hands away from one another very slowly a distance of 6 to 8 inches and hold.

Step 3. Try moving your hands toward one another again, very slowly and then move them apart. Many will experience in either step 1 or 2 a sense of something that is very palpable and seems to have a magnetic pull or draw. This is your energy and the forces that encompass us. If you feel the energy, make a ball with it and gently give it to someone you love—what a gift! Even look them in the eye as you deliver this gift and find much joy and pleasure.

Don’t despair if you didn’t feel anything. Here is another approach. Rub your hands together but cup them while sensing the edges of the energy. Now do the following.

Step 1. After rubbing the hands together, place the left hand in front of the chest about 4 inches from the body and begin to make slow counter clockwise (pretend you have a clock on the chest facing outward) circles over your heart chakra.

Step 2. Pay attention to the subtle feelings in your hands or fingers or palms as you move into the field of your heart chakra. Do this for 2 or 3 minutes.

Step 3. Change hands and use the right hand in a clockwise motion over the heart chakra area. Pay attention to the movement and changes in the subtle energies.

These sensations are subtle shifts. Sometimes you may feel as if your hands are riding a wave; or that the energy seems dense or others seem very light and airy. But, it doesn’t matter for now as to the quality of the energy, only that you begin to experience it! Of interest is that we all experience energy differently. For example, Donna Eden sees energy; I personally feel other’s energy in my own body as I work with them; others may smell it or taste it… there is no right or wrong, it is just your own gift of perception.

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is Spring—the Time for Body Clearing & Making Space—Expel the Venom Exercise”. Send questions to Karen at . Prior articles may be found at her blog or through Island Sun. Learn more at

EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.

Experiment with Feeling Your Own Energy!

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM, JD, AAML(03-12)

Having received many emails from readers, questions from clients and questions from attendees at workshops wanting to know how to feel their own energy, it appears it is time to suggest how to engage your energies so you begin to feel this wonderful life force that surrounds and is integrated within you. In our Western culture, we are not taught or even encouraged to feel any part of our very sophisticated and complex energy anatomy. Yet it is what keeps all of our systems humming and if we begin to access it, we will feel such balance and relief. Just this week, I received 3 emails and 2 telephone calls from students and clients reporting their amazement at relief from back pain being experienced for months; or finding that pain that has existed for years is diminishing or being able to walk again without knees buckling under them. All of these people are just like you and I, and are learning to pay attention to the energies of the body, understanding that if there is dis-ease somewhere, it is this remarkably complex body’s way of saying—“Hey—I need some attention here at this location where I am sending impulses to you”.

So, by beginning to be aware of your own body’s energy fields, you will begin a new journey toward optimizing your health. Try this simple exercise to begin to detect your energy (It is helpful to close your eyes so you may “tune in” easier (for more detail see Donna’s book page 42):

Step 1. Rub your hands vigorously together for at least 10 seconds until heat begins to build.

Step 2. Pull your hands away from one another very slowly a distance of 6 to 8 inches and hold.

Step 3. Try moving your hands toward one another again, very slowly and then move them apart. Many will experience in either step 1 or 2 a sense of something that is very palpable and seems to have a magnetic pull or draw. This is your energy and the forces that encompass us. If you feel the energy, make a ball with it and gently give it to someone you love—what a gift! Even look them in the eye as you deliver this gift and find much joy and pleasure.

Don’t despair if you didn’t feel anything. Here is another approach. Rub your hands together but cup them while sensing the edges of the energy. Now do the following.

Step 1. After rubbing the hands together, place the left hand in front of the chest about 4 inches from the body and begin to make slow counter clockwise (pretend you have a clock on the chest facing outward) circles over your heart chakra.

Step 2. Pay attention to the subtle feelings in your hands or fingers or palms as you move into the field of your heart chakra. Do this for 2 or 3 minutes.

Step 3. Change hands and use the right hand in a clockwise motion over the heart chakra area. Pay attention to the movement and changes in the subtle energies.

These sensations are subtle shifts. Sometimes you may feel as if your hands are riding a wave; or that the energy seems dense or others seem very light and airy. But, it doesn’t matter for now as to the quality of the energy, only that you begin to experience it!

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is Experiment with Feeling Your Own Energy!” Send questions to Karen at . Prior articles may be found at her blog or through Island Sun. Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions