Change Eating Patterns by Blow-out; Zip-up; & Hook-up

Can’t stop munching potato chips? Are they carefully tucked away in a tin in the cupboard so you WON’T be tempted, but you sneak in and eat them anyway (and sometimes 4 & 5 times in a row)?  Food cravings satisfy emotional needs by calming stress and reducing anxiety.  But the cravings kick into high gear when we’re stressed or anxious.  By eating carbohydrates, we boost the levels of the hormone serotonin, which has a calming effect; thus eating more! So, how to stop this incessant habit loop?

We know Triple Warmer controls our energy habits, so we need to shift the internal energetic fields to create a new internal atmosphere that supports new ways of thinking and feeling. This tool enables, with your deep intention, the shifting of deeply embedded energetic habit fields

Set your intention before you begin- “I feel empowered to say no to potato chips”

  1. While standing, place arms in front of you while bending elbows slightly. Make fists with inside of wrists facing w fists expelling energy
  2. Take a deep breath while swinging arms behind you and over the head.
  3. Reach up as high as possible while turning fisted hands facing each other. Throw your arms down the front of body as you bend over, releasing the breath and fists while emitting a sound that feels right for you. Repeat 3 times. On last repeat, bend slowly and with controlled intention release.
  4. Stand up and breathe deeply while stating your intention (Step 1 above)
  5. Zip-up this affirmation by placing both hands at pubic bone, inhale while stating the affirmation AND moving hands slowly up the front of body to the lower lip. Repeat 3 times.(This acts much like hypnosis by tracing the central meridian)

6.Hook-up by placing middle finger of 1 hand in navel and middle finger other hand between     eyebrows while pulling both fingers in and upward for 15 seconds on deep inhale AND stating you affirmation.

Welcome to your newly created energetic habit field. Now take out the tin of chips and give them to your???????

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Hugging Increases Your Love Hormone”.  EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.




Posted in Eating, Exercises, Stress, Uncategorized, Weight.