Eden Energy Medicine January 6, 2017
Create Immune Resilience with Thymus as the HUB
by Karen L. Semmelman, EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)
At the beginning of the New Year, it seemed appropriate to focus on our immune system, especially after the holidays, when we can “get back to normal”, but many of us are dragging. It is a great time to begin thumping the thymus to boost immune health. Did you know that the tiny Thymus Gland, although part of the endocrine systems, is a major player in our immune system function, health and interconnectedness to other systems? The thymus serves a vital role in the training and development of T-lymphocytes or T cells, an extremely important type of white blood cell. Located behind your sternum and between your lungs, the Thymus gland produces the hormone Thymosin, which stimulates the development of disease-fighting T cells.
The immune system protects the body from foreign substances, cells, tissues, (such as viruses, bacteria, parasites) by producing an immune response to surround, attack, attach and eliminate pathogens or to prevent their growth. Thymus, spleen and lymph nodes are key players. Thymus is crucial since it provides the environment where T cells are developed and trained to locate different antigens. The T cells obtain a specific molecule in the thymus allowing them to find the antigens, bond to and kill them, and then remove them from the body.
Now to the good part—using Energy Medicine to Thump Thymus. Here are some of the benefits of thumping: boosts the immune system, calms the nervous system, boosts immune function, boosts T Cell production; calms Triple Warmer; boosts Spleen energy (which is directly involved in immune function); and it helps thymus from shrinking (yes as we get older the gland shrinks). To thump, tap on the thymus for about 15 seconds. Remember the guerillas in Tarzan? They would use both fists to thump the sternum—to boost their strength! Try it. Thumping when you are sick, feel like you are getting a cold or the flue, need a boost, are recovering from surgery or about to enter surgery—all of these times are relevant to boost the production of the T cells of the body to go after potential invaders to the system that compromise health. If too ill to thump on the body directly, thump above the body to receive benefit since matter follows energy. If possible thump with vigor.
Over the next few weeks, there will be discussion of thumping the thymus while connecting to other locations or systems, including the spleen, the electrical system, the “gut” via the navel and the hippocampus (part of the limbic system). By making these connections, the entire body is building resiliency to dis-ease and boosting the immune function. These connections will be reviewed enabling you to understand and use all of them quickly and efficiently to optimize your health! Credit for creating the concept of these connections goes to Melanie Smith, an EEM practitioner, who just taught a course on Immunology and energy medicine!
Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Create Immune Resilience with Thymus Hub to Electrics”