Crossing Pet’s Energies Helps Them Heal and Heel!

Eden Energy Medicine                                  April 8, 2016


Crossing Pet’s Energies Help them Heal or Heel

              by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)

                By now you have learned to Hook-up, Zip-up and calm you companion. Let’s learn how to cross your pet. Why might you want to do this you ask? If your pet seems to have pain on 1 side of the body and not the other, or they tend to be distracted easily, or you just can’t seem to get them to “heel” on your left side as you walk; or they don’t seem very coordinated or need help getting up and down steps or in and out of the car. If any of these sound familiar, cross the energies and double their energy immediately.  Did you ever wonder why a baby learns so much more quickly after he/she begins to crawl? The answer is simple: because their energies begin to cross over.  The right side of the brain controls the left side of the body and vice versa; and the motion of crawling creates a cross over pattern intended to stay with us throughout life. Why? If energy is not crossing, than energy is flowing vertically, a condition in EEM known as homolateral —resulting in access to only 50% of your energetic flow.  By crossing energies, 100% of the body’s energy is regained.crossing pet, dog laying on its side

As a result of trauma, illness, stress or an accident, the body goes into a homolateral condition to protect us until we are calm and healed; but if we stay that way too long, we end up in this vertical position. Animals are no different. But, even if you start to cross the energies, they won’t hold until you convince Triple Warmer, the Commander of all our Energies, that being crossed is safe. Thus the phase in method as set forth below. When working with a pet it is best to do this when they are tired, relaxed and laying down.

  1. Begin by bring the front leg and the back leg of the right side together so they are touching at the pads. Do this 10 times on the right side, then 10 times with the paws on the left side
  2. Now bring the right front paw to the left back paw and touch pads. Touch 1 time. Next, pick up the left front paw and touch the right back pad. Continue rotating between diagonals 10 times
  3. Do step 1 again, then do step 2 again, then step 1 again and finally do step 2 24 times

Your furry friend is now crossed. Do this daily for about 2 weeks and you will see a huge difference in behavior. Expect Dog to now be more willing to Heel as you walk and to heal his/her body. Bonus: pull with pressure from the right shoulder to the left him and vice versa. Do this on the back and the belly… Expect to hear many barks or purrs.

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Thump Pet’s Thymus if Ill, or Rub K- 27s”.

Posted in Crossing Energies, Exercises.