Eden Energy Medicine September 4, 2015
Digestive Problems? Learn how to Overcome Stomach Upset
by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEMCLP, JD, AAML(03-12)
Enjoying that chocolate cake for desert or the spicy marinara sauce; but know it will talk back shortly after the meal? How often do we eat something we know will cause digestion gurgles, but the pleasure of the food outweighs the unpleasant consequences? Sound familiar? Or perhaps you eat a food that seems appealing and even healthy, but your body doesn’t agree with the assessment. Whatever the reason, stomach upset after eating is uncomfortable, unpleasant and can quickly dampen an enjoyable evening or afternoon.
There are numerous tools that will alleviate the upset, including the following. Each one takes about 30 seconds and if the upset is not gone, continue to the next exercise.
- Press, buzz up and down the inside of the thighs, pushing in hard with your fingers. I like to make fists with both hands, placing my thumbs and index fingers beside each other and then place both fists between my inner thighs (while sitting) at the base of my pelvis; use the upper leg muscles to push against the fists as you move the fists down the thighs to the knees. It takes about 7 squeezes to get to the knees. The points being influenced are small intestine Neurolymphatic points, which release trapped toxins.
- Stretch the abdominal area with your hands, working from the center outward OR bend backwards to achieve an abdominal stretch
- Do the ileocecal and Houston valve exercise (see prior articles or check my website or Energy Medicine book)
- Press, buzz or circle the outside of the upper thighs, beginning at the hip area and work down toward the knees (Large Intestine Neurolymphatic points
- Press, buzz or circle under the front rib cage, beginning midline and moving along under the edges of the ribs to the side of the body (more Small Intestine Neurolymphatic points)
Now, after doing all of these, you can go to Big Arts for the performance, to the beach for sunset or just luxuriate in knowing you have the knowledge to heal yourself!
Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Exhaustion? Back Pain? Press Adrenals Points for Relief!” Send questions to Karen at ksemmelmanenergy@gmail.com . Prior articles may be found on her website or through Island Sun. Learn more at www.semmelmanenergy.com. EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions