Disconnected, Dizzy, Feeling Ungrounded? BE an Elephant

Eden Energy Medicine                                  November 6, 2015

Disconnected, Dizzy, Feeling Ungrounded? BE an Elephant

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM-AP, JD, AAML(03-12)


Be an Elephant? Thinking she has really lost it??? An elephant is a huge animal that is very solid and grounded to the earth, right? And grounding is imperative to our survival as humans, correct? If we aren’t pulling the electromagnetic energy from the Earth through the only Acupoint on the bottom of our foot (Kidney meridian Elephants running and stompingbeginning point), our entire body will go haywire since each single cell of our body needs to be polarized, recognizing its north and south pole. If it doesn’t get fed its electromagnetic fix, be prepared for more and more dis-ease to develop, popping up everywhere. This is so essential to our well-being…. Yes you have read about it before, how to be grounded. Let’s just review some of the tools you already know: spoon the bottom of your feet with a stainless steel spoon; open the gaits of your feet; walk barefoot in the sand or the grass; hug a tree; pinch and stretch the body of the feet etc.

Today you will learn 2 more. While with Donna in San Diego last month, she demonstrated how effective and fun these 2 tools can be. The first: stomp your feet as if you are a big huge elephant. Pick up each foot and bring it to the Earth with as much intention and force as you can muster. Continue for several minutes until you take a nice deep breath. Wouldn’t this be a great fun tool to use with kids or grand-kids to help them ground.   Living in high rise buildings, wearing insulated shoes made of synthetic materials, holding cell phones to our ear or carrying them in pockets, being absorbed by the computer or video games for hours at a time, using the microwave to literally zap all the energy from our food (making it a pile of glob) and zapping our own energy when we are near it, flying in airplanes—the list goes on and on. We are interfering with being grounded ALL the time.

The second tool from Donna, who sees this shift energetically and  immediately begins connecting to Earth energy. Place both hands on sides of body at the pelvis; with firm pressure begin squeezing your hands as you slide the hands down the legs. If you feel the need for more, do it again but this time move your hands so they are squeezing another section of the leg (side, front, back, inside) Then hug yourself for a great job!

Have fun with your energy!

Next week’s topic is “Insomnia?- Close Your 3rd Eye!”

Posted in Dizzy - Faint, EMF's, Emotions, Grounding.