Objective: Learn Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) simple techniques to enhance your vitality.
General Questions which benefit many readers: Email Karen at ksemmelmanenergy@gmail.com
Did you ever wonder why a baby learns so much more quickly after he/she begins to crawl? The answer is simple: because their energies begin to cross over. Since the right side of your brain controls the left side of your body and vice versa, the motion of crawling creates a cross over pattern intended to stay with us throughout our lives. Why? If energy is not crossing, than energy is flowing vertically, a condition in EEM known as homolateral —resulting in access to only 50% of your energetic flow. By crossing energies, you regain 100% of your energy!
As humans evolved the majority of time was spent outside in nature, enabling electromagnetic forces from the earth to enter our bodies through a point on the bottom of our foot known as Kidney 1 point, the beginning of our Kidney meridian; thus resulting in energy flowing across our bodies. As cultures evolved, close proximity to nature diminished reflected in our environment today— shoes with synthetic soles blocking the K 1 point; living in high rise buildings surrounded by electromagnetic frequencies; holding cell-phones; using computers and microwaves and being isolated from nature all of which caused our energy to flow vertically. For example, experiencing pain on one side and not the other is usually an indication of homolateral patterning.
The exercise of CROSS CRAWL (part of the 5 Minute Routine) restores crossing the body’s energy and only takes 1 minute a day. Learn the exercise quickly as follows:
1. Assume Homolateral. We assume a homolateral energy pattern since each of you can’t be checked.
Step One: Stand and begin marching in place, lifting the right arm with the right leg and then the left arm with the left leg while breathing deeply. Do 12 times
Step Two: While standing, swing the right arm to touch the left leg simultaneously and then swing your left arm to touch the right leg simultaneously while breathing deeply. Do 12 times
Step Three: Do Step One again followed by Step Two again. Repeat this pattern a total of three times.
Step Four: After the 3 sets of homolateral followed by cross-over patterning do an additional 24 to 36 Cross over patterns (The Step Two protocol).
If you do the cross over patterning each day for 1 minute, your energy should stay crossed and you will feel much better!
2. Adaptation if you can’t stand and march. You may adapt this exercise to sitting or lying. If sitting, just touch the same sides of your body with your hand and leg, lifting your leg off the floor is possible, then followed by crossing your right arm to left leg etc. If lying down, the same applies.
Have Fun with your energy. Send me your questions. Next week’s Topic will be CHRONIC HEADACHES.
Caveat: EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.