EEM First Aid—Digestive Rumbles Resolved –Part II

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM, JD, AAML(03-12)

Last week you learned 3 techniques to resolve digestion troubles. This week you splurged on the brie cheese appetizer, a rich gourmet white sauce over grouper and a flaming desert. Now what? EEM to the rescue with 3 more tools:

1. Using your knuckles with firm deep pressure, rub the large intestine Neurolymphatic reflex points on the outside of your upper thighs for 1 or 2 minutes. Make nice deep circles as you move up and down on both sides at the same time.

2. Place the right hand over the stomach organ itself, directly under the bottom of the left rib cage. With the other hand place the thumb and baby finger on the stomach points (see last week column for location) and the index and middle finger at the inside edge of the eyebrows, close to the bridge of the nose. Hold for several minutes until you feel a shift. You are now connecting the energy of the stomach itself to the stomach meridian and bladder (which governs the nervous system).

3. Rub the Ileocecal valve, which is situated between the small and large intestine on the right side of the body and governed by the kidney meridian. If you place the top knuckle (where it attaches to the palm) of the little finger of your right hand on your right hip bone with your palm flat and the rest of the fingers touching one another, you will be over this valve. Rub it with firm pressure while pulling up 7 inches on an inhalation. To maximize the pressure you may place your left hand on top of the fingers and press in. Repeat 4 times. End by pushing the fingers downward 1 time!

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is EEM First Aid—Ileocecal Valve Explained”. Send questions to Karen at . Prior articles may be found at her blog or through Island Sun. Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.

Posted in EEM First Aid.