EEM First Aid— Release Neck & Shoulder Tension

by Karen L. Semmelman, Certified EEM, JD, AAML(03-12)

Playing with Facebook all day? Watching your favorite sports teams lose? Worrying about that presentation tomorrow? Feeling your posture is like a turtle? Ummm- EEM to the rescue. This exercise is easy and although not directly using EEM techniques, works like a charm to release that tension held between the shoulder blades, top of shoulder and neck area.

1. Stand with your arms hanging down the sides of your body. Make tight fists engaging all the muscles in your arms and shoulders.

2. Lift your shoulders as high as possible while continuing to engage the muscles. While the shoulders are held high, roll the head to the right and hold for 2 breaths. Roll the head to the left and hold for 2 breaths.

3. Repeat until you feel the muscles begin to relax.

4. Repeat several times each day as you feel the tension starting to seep back.

The benefit of this exercise is to soften knots in the muscles; to break up calcium deposits ( that may be the little crackling/ snapping sound you hear); and expands the space between the cells to enable energy to move more easily. As you continue these new patterns, you are resetting the body’s response to tension and it will begin to respond more quickly each time you do the Repatterning.

Oh—a bonus—tap around the tight muscles with a bristled hairbrush—each prong helps break up congested energy. Enjoy the relief!

Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is EEM First Aid—Be Headache Free in 1 Minute”. Send questions to Karen at . Prior articles may be found at her blog or through Island Sun. Learn more at EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.

Posted in EEM First Aid.