Over the last 2 weeks, we learned there are 4 sensory types each of uses as a default while under stress: 1: tonal; 2: visual; 3: kinesthetic; 4: digital. See the Energies of Love book for in-depth exploration. When one is in the midst of an argument, the default mode will prevail and any attempt to convince the person to perceive the situation in another mode will fail. So, that means if we learn our own sensory type, and that of those close to us, we will begin to communicate in an effective and loving way. This is the energy of love. By interacting with each other’s’ energies, loving energy is shared.
In today’s column the visual sensory mode will be explored (when in balance are engaging, persuasive, visionaries and have the gift of seeing the large perspective). Here is the vignette. Susie and Carl have been together for 30 years and continually get “stuck” in resolving an argument, both feeling defeated and frustrated for the inability to reach the other. As Susie is getting her coffee, Carl is unloading the dishwasher and places the white bowls on a shelf where Susie likes to keep the blue bowls. Susie says “Carl?” so that Carl will stop and look at Susie. Susie calmly tells Carl that he is putting the white bowls in the wrong spot, which he should know after 18 years living in the house. Carl gets agitated by Susie’s tone, and starts to leave the room. Susie follows Carl, takes his arm and asks him to please look at her since she doesn’t get why he is upset and starts to explain that he should know better, ready to go on and on about how his perspective is wrong…… Sound familiar? This is the visual—always seeking that others meet her gaze (and she will like the pictures perfectly straight on the walls; notice the colors of the tablecloth and flowers—seeking to have everything visually coordinated) gets nit-picky and blames Carl; plus she gets angry easily. Susie, under default (seeing Carl was doing it wrong with bowl location), will continue to see only that Carl is wrong. .. Solution? Stop, come to center and ask “Do you mean…?”; with each holding own forehead and back of the head. Try the exercise in the column “Hand to Heart with Partner Creates Bond” (3 weeks ago). There are many more solutions in the book….. Understanding our loved ones energies (plus our own), changes all our lives..
Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Energies of Love-Feelings are Fact”. Send questions to Karen at ksemmelmanenergy@gmail.com . Learn more at www.semmelmanenergy.com. EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.