Energies of Love-Feelings are Facts!

Over the last several weeks, we learned there are 4 sensory types, one of which we each use as a default while under stress: 1: tonal; 2: visual; 3: kinesthetic; 4: digital. See the Energies of Love book for in-depth exploration. When one is in the midst of an argument, the default mode will prevail and any attempt to convince the person to perceive the situation in another mode will fail. So, that means if we learn our own sensory type, and that of those close to us, we will begin to communicate in an effective and loving way.  This is the energy of love. By interacting with each other’s’ energies, loving energy is shared.

Let’s look at the kinesthetic sensory type—the person who wears feeling on his/her sleeve; the person who always senses how others feel and what others need, believing that feelings are the only reality of interaction. When in balance, he/she is compassionate, believes in others; is generous and never judges but accepts others for who they are. Here is the vignette.  Sara and John have been married for many years, having 3 children, 2 in college and Jimmy at home.  Coming home from school, Jimmy is distraught that kids are bullyinhugging peopleg him. Sara feels Jimmy’s suffering, while at the same time feeling John’s agitation when he hears these stories. Of course Sara herself is deeply upset by the principal’s failure to act. When John comes home from work, Sara starts to gently and solicitously tell John about her concerns. She moves right into his arms, holding him to comfort him as she explains the events. John gets upset with Sara, telling her there are more than feelings involved. Sara is deeply hurt, starts crying uncontrollably and huddles in the corner, not understanding how John can be upset since feelings are all that matter, not logic; especially since she totally accepts John with unconditional love.  Sara is in default mode as a kinesthetic and it is unlikely she will ever confront but always seek compassion.   Solution? Sara needs to ask John to help her by listening and understanding her concerns after coming home to herself with Zip-up, Hook-up and Connecting Heaven & Earth ( part of the 5 Minute Routine). Try the exercise in the column “Hand to Heart with Partner Creates Bond” (4 weeks ago) There are many more solutions in the book….. Understanding our loved ones energies (plus our own), changes all our lives..


Have fun with your energy! Next week’s topic is “Energies of Love-I am Always Right”.  Send questions to Karen at ksemmelmanenergy@gmail.com . Learn more at www.semmelmanenergy.com.  EEM does not diagnose or cure illness, but working with subtle energies of the body has been shown to help many conditions.




Posted in Relationships.